The Death Knell

Chapter 5709 The unknown V

"Mrs. Wells! Mrs. Wells, are you home? I'm Shirley! Open the door!"

After the girl and the man walked around in the corridor, they passed some drunkards and drug addicts sleeping in the corridor, and came to a door and frantically rang the doorbell while chanting her name into the intercom.

But it was obvious that no one was home. Su Ming could already feel it. There was the smell of stew behind the door, but there was no smell of living people.

No, it shouldn’t be said to be stewed meat, but should it be said to be stewed synthetic meat, that is, artificial soy protein chunks?

"It seems that V doesn't live here anymore, and Jack and his mother are not at home either." Su Ming held Xili's hand to prevent her from damaging the walkie-talkie. Everything here seemed to be of poor quality: "Actually, you could have called them before coming here."

"I don't have their numbers." Xili shrugged, and she didn't think there was anything wrong: "You know, in my original world, this kind of contact method did not exist at all. If I drink, I will think more about it. Don’t get up and ask others for their phone number.”

"Forget it, I originally wanted to play role-playing as an ordinary person without using the power of concepts, but now it's up to me." Su Ming rolled his eyes speechlessly, knowing that Xili's problem was not actually there. here.

Ciri is a time jumper, and she used to hide and hide from the Wild Hunt, which resulted in her needing to change worlds frequently.

As a result, she would inevitably have to say goodbye to her friends, which made her uncomfortable. So she chose not to have too much contact with people, so that she wouldn't have too many worries, and she would feel better when she left.

As for why she didn't tell the truth, she probably thought that there was no Wild Hunt anymore. It seemed a bit funny that she was so overly cautious, so she might as well find an excuse to cover it up.

Deathstroke doesn't mind if others lie to him, he can see through it anyway. Sometimes lies can maintain the dignity of others, and letting others maintain lies can be conducive to relationship harmony.

"Yeah!" Shirley blinked her big eyes, watching the black smoke coming out of Deathstroke's body and dissipating in the air: "But you look like Johnny Silverhand, with the black smoke coming out of your body, it does look a bit like The evil spirit is resurrected."

It's not that she hasn't seen ghosts before, they don't exist in the wizarding world, but in Marvel, there are undead creatures like ghosts. She has encountered them several times, because she is too curious, and as a demon hunter, she likes to find strange things. place to drill.

This is an occupational disease.

"I sensed that they are still in Watson District, but they are in Dr. Victor's prosthetic clinic in Little Chinatown." Su Ming found the location of the two people in an instant, turned around and pulled him Shirley went to take the elevator: "V is learning boxing, and Jack is chatting with his girlfriend, talking about zodiac signs."

It's a bit funny that Jack is such a strong man, but he talks about tarot cards and horoscopes and other girly things.

But in the dark perception, the corners of his mouth rose, showing that he was smiling happily.

"I don't understand what's so good about boxing." Xili covered her nose and stood back in the elevator reluctantly: "Fighting with bare hands is definitely not as good as slashing with a guy. The New Year's Sword Technique you taught me was easy to learn and powerful enough. Great swordsmanship.”

While doing chop after chop and chop after chop, he said auspicious words such as 'good luck', 'good health', 'all the best' and other auspicious words, which always made the victim suspicious and confused.

"That's the swordsmanship of a demon hunter from the Bear School." Su Ming said nonsensically and winked at the girl.

"Shit, Geralt told me that all the Bear School might have died a long time ago." Ciri didn't believe it at all. She stuck out her tongue with a look that had seen through everything: "Why are you so secretive? , isn’t it a good thing to say New Year greetings?”

"It's okay to say New Year's greetings occasionally. If you say too many New Year's greetings, your lumbar muscles will be strained. Let's go and get in the car." On the way back, both of them quickened their pace to avoid missing out again this time. As for flying over, Xili If she likes driving so much, let her play more.

Because a customer came to buy something to ward off evil spirits, Jack was driven to the hospital in the basement behind the fortune-telling shop by Misty, so as not to delay his business.

The big boy was quite happy, stroking the back of his head, humming a Spanish ditty, and walked down the stairs with a clanking step.

Dr. Victor's clinic is actually very large, but it only has one operating table and the equipment is a bit old. More space is used to store some exercise equipment, such as sandbag barbells.

He was a boxer before becoming a doctor. Even now that he has retired, boxing is still his hobby.

As soon as he entered the basement, Jack saw the doctor. At this time, Victor was drinking beer at the workbench and watching his TV show. Not surprisingly, it was also a video of a boxing match.

And his good girl, V, was farther away, competing with a sandbag.

"Why are you down here? Is Misty finally tired of you?" Victor saw the big guy from the corner of his eye and said this. He took another sip of wine happily and crossed his legs on the table.

His business here is average. Prosthetic doctors are actually quite expensive. Not everyone has the money to treat them. If many people are injured, they have to wait for friends or gang members to sell them to scavengers for recycling.

It costs money to save people, and you make money by selling people. Isn’t this account settled?

"Hey, doctor, it's okay, she's obsessed with me."

The strong man grabbed a stool, pushed his legs on the floor, and came to the doctor's side like a rowing boat. He reached for a can of beer and opened it to drink:

"Just now, a fool came to tell fortunes. He said something about Mercury going retrograde recently, about being in trouble with Tai Sui, who knows what it means. I almost laughed. Misty was afraid that I would do something bad, so she asked me to come down to play with you first."

"Okay, but I'm not talking about you. You and V are both still young and don't do your job every day. Why are you messing around with an old man like me? Don't you still want to be a legend in the Night City?"

The doctor's eyes were always on the TV, and he didn't seem to see Jack's expression at all.

"Yes, I want to make a lot of money, become a master, let my mother live a good life and live in a big house!" Jack patted his chest, but maybe he immediately thought of his account balance, so his back He bent down and his voice became softer: "One day, I will become a legend, and then the bar in the afterlife will also sell cocktails named after me."

"Haha, it's good to have ideals, but you'd better do your best and don't be rash."

The doctor took a sip of wine, lit another cigarette, smoked, and rubbed his face:

"Besides, do you think it's a good thing to be the name of the bar in the afterlife? That's a treatment that only the dead can enjoy. I think it's better for you to be alive. If you're poor, be poorer, otherwise that girl Misty will be sad."

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