The Death Knell

Chapter 5727 Women’s Thoughts

Rogge has already asked his men to prepare vehicles, which are all dirty vehicles that cannot be traced, that is, stolen.

In addition, she even got the miniature tactical nuclear bomb. Although it is not the model Johnny used back then, it is said that this new type of nuclear bomb, which was born during the Night City War of Independence, has no radiation and is only stronger. The explosion is very useful.

Sometimes we need the radioactivity of nuclear bombs to kill people, and sometimes we don't. For example, the nuclear bomb fire extinguishing method invented by the former Soviet Union used nuclear bombs to extinguish forest fires. In this case, we don't want to leave any radioactive residue.

"This is one of the nuclear bombs left in Night City during the Revolutionary War. It should be in Colonel Hans's arsenal, not in the trunk of the car in front of the nightclub."

The lark looked up the code on the nuclear bomb with one glance and determined its origin.

"Oh, this is the City of Night. As long as it's business, someone will do it."

Rogge shrugged indifferently. She arranged her hair, turned around and asked her men to keep an eye on her nightclub, and then walked towards the car on the side of the road:

"Originally I just wanted to get a nuclear bomb to commemorate Johnny, but now it seems that it has a better purpose."

"Okay, then I'll use this one of yours tonight. I was prepared, but that one is too powerful and can easily hurt innocent people." Satisfied, Su Ming picked a car in the convoy and got into Luo's car. Ge's co-pilot stuck his head out of the car window and said: "Let's go, Lark, remember to help us hack all the surveillance cameras on the way."

"Don't worry, it's not my first day out here, but I'll take that car." She pointed to Xili's Sword in the Stone, which was obviously the best of the three cars.

Jack and V drove their own car, which was an ordinary family car. It was old and shabby, so V regarded it as a treasure; Roger's car was a modified SUV, which might have been imported from outside the city. Some local gang got it from their hands. Not only does it have a very high suspension, but it is also a bulletproof vehicle.

Waving his hand, Deathstroke retracted from the window and nodded to signal Rogge to set off.

The next main players are himself and Xili, and the others are just cheerleaders at best.

The car started to move, and Roger was responsible for leading the way. She was from Night City for a long time and was very familiar with the road. She knew how to avoid areas frequently patrolled by Arasaka agents or the police.

We need to do this quickly today, the faster, the safer it will be.

However, she didn't seem to have the habit of listening to music while driving. Perhaps her career as a nightclub owner made her listen to too much music, so the car was very quiet.

After a long time, while waiting for the traffic light at the third intersection, she spoke:

"Your hacker seems to be no ordinary person. She can actually find out the origin of the nuclear bomb. She must have hacked into New America's national defense database, right?"

"For her, this is just a small trick. If she uses her full strength, it won't be too difficult to hack the entire Night City." Su Ming is very confident in Lark. Among other things, it is to tear down the black wall. , the ability to drag everyone to death makes the lark destined to be very special.

Nowadays, as long as you are a human being, you have a chip in your brain and can connect to the Internet. Just think about the consequences of wandering AI getting into your brain.

"Oh, I probably know who she is, so you are actually an agent of the new United States?" Rogge turned to look at Deathstroke, showing that he had seen through everything, and her old face actually had a girlish look to it. Playful.

"I told you, if I am really a Secret Service agent, the president dares to let me go out alone with a doomsday weapon?" Su Ming rolled his eyes. He knew that Rogge would have random thoughts. This woman's intelligence ability is very good. Strong, what happened in the war seven years ago cannot be hidden from Rogge at all: "You'd better not delve into this matter, it will not be good for you."

"Okay, I don't care who you are, we are a cooperative relationship. As long as Johnny can be rescued, I will not break my promise." Seeing that her temptation failed, Rogge didn't have any special emotions. She just stepped on the accelerator. Got a little deeper.

The three cars were driving like this among the bustling high-rise buildings in Night City. At this time, it started to rain lightly. The raindrops fell on the car window glass, and soon turned into transparent flowers, and then merged into a trickle. A trickle.

"It's raining." The street scene became blurred in the rain, but the light of the neon lights seemed more tempting. Su Ming changed the topic: "This city is really beautiful, a miracle on the West Coast."

"The Ye Group is still a capitalist, even though that person actually had good intentions when he built Night City." Rogge held a cigarette in her mouth without lighting it. She just said this: "And it's really Johnny He doesn’t praise the city, he just spews obscenities and writes them into his lyrics.”

"Haha, he is actually more like an anarchist, without proletarian beliefs and sense of mission." Su Ming shrugged and explained: "He wanted to destroy and shatter the old world, but he never considered that he wanted to He is only filled with rage to create a new world."

"Yes, you're right, this is Johnny, a real psychotic lunatic, but even so, he is also a charming psychopath, and I like him like that."

After lighting up his cigarette, Rogge exhaled and the car started moving again. It might be time to get off work now, and there are a lot of cars on the road. Of course, working overtime is the mainstream way of life in Night City. Nowadays, these people who are off work are actually getting off work. It's the 'morning shift'.

For example, if you go to work at four in the morning, you can leave the morning shift at seven in the afternoon, which is considered a good thing.

"Ah, I understand, you are hinting at me." Su Ming laughed out loud. He pointed at the woman driving next to him, bent down and looked at her face: "You want me to fulfill part of my promise first, Right?"

"Yes, that's what I think." Having seen through his thoughts, Rogge blushed rarely and explained: "If Johnny is rescued, he will definitely call me an ugly monster when he sees me like this. Damn old woman, she might even make up a song to make fun of me, but I don’t want that.”

"Okay, although it is against the rules of Taoism, I admire your way of doing things, so I will make an exception and fulfill part of my promise for you first, so that you can become a young girl." Su Ming put his hand on the woman's shoulder, but he didn't wait. Rogge thought more and asked again: "How old do you want to look like again?"

"Eighteen years old. Men always like eighteen year olds." The female boss said the answer without thinking. She did know Johnny very well.

In fact, if that incident hadn't happened, she estimated that Johnny would have dumped Otto soon and then found a younger new girlfriend. That guy was such a scumbag.

"Okay, eighteen, it's done." Su Ming took away his hand. This was actually not a difficult task. The quantum concept could directly repair Rogge's cell state without reversing the flow of time.

"Why have you changed so much?"

She was about to ask why it was so fast, but at the same time she reached out and opened the rearview mirror. When she saw that she had really turned back to the age of eighteen in the mirror, she almost drove the car onto the sidewalk and swept through the crowd:

"How did you do that? Oh my god, no injections, no surgery, you just put your arm around my shoulder so you're actually the God of the Bible?"

She was so excited. After all, what woman doesn't want to stay young forever?

"Drive well, it's not good to kill people casually." Deathstroke held the steering wheel at the critical moment, so that the tragedy of the vehicle hitting the crowd did not happen. He answered truthfully: "You don't need to think too much, and you don't need to study what I am. Technology, I’m not God anyway, but God was fucked to death by me not long ago.”

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