The Death Knell

Chapter 5741 Return of Carriage

The paint of the car has been changed, but the interior has not changed. It is still the same car. The plan is to return to Night City first, then get some fire brigade clothes, sneak into the ruins after the explosion, and then find someone else. The way to the underground.

As for where to find fire brigade clothes, that's all Rogge's business. As long as you have money in Night City, you can buy human organs at will. What kind of clothes can't be bought?

It's just that things need to be kept cleaner and kept confidential.

After getting in the car, Rogge wanted to talk to Deathstroke about the food, but how could Su Ming know that? He had always been a hands-off shopper, and Gin was handling all business matters. I don’t know how much potatoes cost per kilogram.

There is nothing to talk about now. I can only tell Rogge to ask her to avoid the limelight after tonight. If she decides to do this business in the future, someone will come to discuss the details of cooperation with her.

Ciri was a little speechless while eating squid. She didn't know why Deathstroke's famous 'free trade' had come to this world again. It seemed that wherever he went, swords opened the way, and then caravans moved in, as if It's a routine.

But there aren’t any high-value resources in this world, right? Oil? It's a backward energy source in 40K. Fossil fuel is worthless now. Those civilian spaceships sold by the Wilson Group are all equipped with antimatter engines.

Could it be that he took a fancy to the manpower here? Or is it cyberpsychosis, a specialty here?

After thinking about it for a long time, Xili still couldn't guess it. She simply gave up and continued to deal with the squid in her hand, focusing on one without using her brain.

Things went very smoothly. Rogge had a wide reputation on the road and it was easy to handle small things.

Everyone got off the car in an uninhabited alley in the city, and someone brought firefighter uniforms obtained through secret channels, as well as a fire truck so that they could drive to the scene of the incident.

That's not all, Rogge also prepared a makeup artist to disguise everyone except Deathstroke, showing the power of Eastern magic.

There are many Japanese immigrants in Night City. When it comes to makeup, there are really talented people among them. Su Ming thinks it is said that the Japanese are good at makeup and the Chinese are good at photoshop. This is true.

"Lark, are you ready?"

After boarding the fire truck, amid the wailing sirens, Su Ming asked the hacker who provided off-site assistance through the chat channel.

"Get ready. I'm back at your house. I'll fill the bathtub with ice and use it as a cooling medium soon." The sound of her exhaling came from the lark, and she explained her request at the same time: " After you find the mikoshi, use a data cable to connect it to Johnny's brain chip, and I will use his communication function to hack into the server so that the mikoshi can connect to the Internet and attract Ultra."

"A very good plan." Su Ming nodded in approval. Although he didn't know much about hackers, Lark explained the process in a way that even a novice could understand.

"But this plan is only ideal." A whistling sound came from Lark's side. She should be changing clothes. Before entering the ice water cooling tank, the hacker would put on a load-bearing suit similar to that of a Gundam pilot: " Are you sure Ultra is attracted to Johnny? What if she doesn't know about it at all?"

"No, why do you think I took a taxi this afternoon?"

Su Ming leaned against the inner wall of the carriage calmly and reached out to touch the firefighting oxygen tank on his back:

"I told Mandela that I am going to blow up Arasaka Tower today. It is an AI with a split personality. It has a personality similar to that of a wandering AI. Ultra is also a big figure in the wandering AI. She is the ghost domain. The Queen, she will definitely see the AI ​​information records of activities in Night City."

"So you had a plan?" Lark was even more impressed. As an agent, she admired such a resourceful person.

"So to speak, so don't worry. Johnny Silverhand is Ultra's favorite. Even if she becomes a wandering AI, this won't change much. Our Mr. Bait still stinks."

Deathstroke smiled and answered the hacker's question. He also glared at Ciri and told her to eat quickly and not to keep her ears open while listening to people talking.

Fishing bait is different from human food. The smellier or sour the fish is, the more fish like it. In other words, it can be said that the bait has a "strange aroma".


Rogge couldn't help but laugh when she heard that Johnny was called a smelly fish bait. She also got a bunch of squid as a future product sample just now, but she ate it quickly and was already wiping her mouth gracefully.

"Laugh, what's so funny?!" Johnny was not very happy. He crossed his arms and looked out the window, as if he was looking at a strange yet familiar city: "Don't let me find a chance, I will use you to fish in the future. When the time comes, I will also call you Stinky Sanba."

"I saved your life, Johnny, and you actually scolded me? CNM!" Roger, who was driving, had a free hand, raised his fist and hit his ex-boyfriend in the passenger seat, and even pulled Johnny's arm. hair.

But from the perspective of Su Ming, who was holding an oxygen tank in the back row, the two were just flirting. The two people who hadn't seen each other for more than fifty years could still get along so naturally. This was probably love, right?

The closer we get to the Central Administrative District, the less smooth the traffic becomes. There are police checkpoints at many intersections, and the roads in the rain are gleaming with red and blue lights.

Some people want to flee out of the city, thinking that a new corporate war has broken out; others want to enter nearby neighborhoods, because chaos means opportunities, and they want to take advantage of the opportunity to make something.

When there are so many people, the road becomes congested. In addition, Night City's NCPD has to check passing vehicles, which causes a car to crawl on the road at the speed of a tortoise.

But the good news is that they don’t check the fire trucks, but they will help clear the way. After all, the Night City Police Department is funded by the company, and the fire brigade is also funded by the company. Everyone is their own people.

Therefore, we did not waste too much time along the way. When we arrived at the ruins of Arasaka Tower, the fire here was still not extinguished. The lethality of this portable tactical nuclear bomb mainly comes from shock waves and explosions. There are flammable materials in any building. High-temperature environments will keep them smoldering and may turn into open flames at any time.

This fire truck blended in with the dozens of fire trucks around it and suddenly became inconspicuous.

The four picked up their equipment, put on gas masks that could hide their faces, and jogged into the fire scene.

At this time, Su Ming saw the police who were originally investigating near the fire scene leaving in a hurry. It seemed that the death of Saburo Arasaka had been discovered. So who woke up first at the crime scene, Yorinobu Arasaka or Takemura? Where is Goro?

If I had known earlier, I would have played a guessing game with everyone.

But that's all I thought about it. The time was about the same as I expected. The task now is to find the way to the underground. I don't know if the elevator is still alive.

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