The Death Knell

Chapter 5751 The manifestation of the wall

In cyberspace, time was basically consistent with the outside world. About five minutes later, Ultra, who had disappeared before, reappeared.

But this time she was not a red figure, but a blue figure. As soon as she came in, she trotted towards Johnny and pounced:

"YES! I'm alive! Johnny! Look!"

"Okay! Baby! That's great!"

Johnny stretched out his hand to catch his running girlfriend. Johnny was already crazy with joy. He smiled and hugged his girlfriend and started spinning around, like a Korean romance movie.

No, Korean TV series don't seem to be of such a large scale. They are all digital personalities. What are you planning to do by taking off Johnny's belt?

"Ahem!" Seeing that the two of them seemed to be unable to help but want to do something, Su Ming still coughed and signaled them to pay attention to the current environment: "You two, calm down, wait until you finish the work, and then go out and enjoy yourself, okay?"

The Ultra at this time is no longer that Ultra.

She is a brand new personality. The memories belonging to Ott Cunningham in the original AI were extracted by the adjutant, some of them were deleted, and some were added to ensure that she would not rebel.

This personality was then loaded into the prepared new body, and the AI ​​Ultra was destroyed by the adjutant, just like completely emptying the recycle bin.

But from another perspective, she is still Ultra, at least in Johnny's eyes, she has everything a real Ultra should have.

"Ah, you're right. I'm too happy. I'm sorry." Otto let go of his boyfriend and bowed slightly towards the death knell: "I'm ready to show you the inside and outside of the black wall. Thank you for being resurrected. I."

"You're welcome, but I'm afraid I have to tell you some bad news." Su Ming nodded and looked at the couple: "Because the technology of artificial humans is not very mature now, so the three of you are currently infertile. It may take some time for me to solve the problem. If you want to have children, you may have to wait a few years."

"Hey, is that all? This is a good thing. No matter how you play, you won't get pregnant. It's too late for me to be so damn happy!"

Johnny smiled crookedly. He hugged his girlfriend's waist, and the latter leaned against his arms like a little bird. But after saying a few dirty words, he became serious:

"And we have never thought about bringing our descendants into such a miserable world. Living in Night City? Being screws for the capitalists? It would be better not to be born in the first place."

Reproduction is originally a biological instinct, but sometimes this instinct is restrained by reason. For example, snakes will not lay eggs in years when food is scarce.

As intelligent creatures, humans naturally have this idea. In an environment where passing on DNA is not urgent, they will often pursue better material conditions first and then consider reproduction.

"I have no plans to have children, I am still a baby myself." The lark on the side joined the conversation. She stood up from the sofa and stretched: "The algorithm is done, it will maintain our access to the black Brainwaves and connection stability behind the wall. So isn’t this woman now running through AI?”

"No, hello." Otto, who was hugging Johnny, stretched out a hand and smiled to shake hands with the lark: "I am very awake now, and I am definitely human."

It's right to feel this way, it shows that the adjutant's craftsmanship is good, and all the personality marks that Ultra has swallowed have been deleted at this time.

She should feel very relaxed now, bringing about what might be called a clear mind.

"Okay, I believe you for the time being, but I will keep an eye on you in the future." Lark tentatively stretched out his hand, and it was immediately separated from Ultra's hand: "If you still plan to destroy all mankind, I will first Kill you."

Although she was once a US government hacker, Song Zhaomei was not a lunatic. She did not want to drag everyone to death together or go to the Stone Age.

She still has a lot of youth left, so she wants to live in a place full of entertainment and experience the feeling of freedom and health.

"Tsk." Otto is also a person with a temper. She tilted her mouth noncommittally, and then pushed Johnny away: "Stop talking nonsense, Deathstroke wants to visit the Black Wall. You may be a good player in the wall, but in the wall Are you more familiar with the outside world or me? Let’s show our hands and see?”

Outside the wall is the territory of wandering AIs, and Ultra still has memories of them. When it comes to being a tour guide, she is very confident.

"Okay, haha." The lark glanced at Johnny, accepted his girlfriend's challenge, and said to him at the same time: "I'll send you back to reality first. You are not Deathstroke, and you are not suitable to go outside the black wall, where we are all I can’t protect you.”

Deathstroke came in physically, and the black wall as an anti-virus program would definitely not be able to harm flesh and blood creatures, so he would be safe even if he passed through the black wall.

"No problem, I'll go out and wait for you." Johnny spread his hands, hugged Ott and kissed him again, and said to his girlfriend: "Come back early, and then we'll have a drink."

Judging by the way he winked, you knew he wasn't really drinking, but was hinting at some other activity, probably an invitation to some small game between men and women.

"Don't be in a hurry to drink. Haha, when I go out, we will go find the dogs of Arasaka Company first and give them a surprise." Ultra touched Johnny's face, and then popped him out of the cyberspace, as if It's as simple as popping a floppy disk out of your computer.

Both she and Lark can eject Johnny from the system. Ordinary people have no ability to fight against the Internet. In cyberspace, hackers can do whatever they want.

But this time her activity arrangements were normal, and her expression of hatred was good. She should hate Arasaka Company so much. It felt right.

"Without talking nonsense, shall we start?" Lark asked Deathstroke very simply. Now it was time to get down to business, and her tone became much more serious: "You know I can make holes in black walls, so I am the one who is being used today. For the program we wrote in the past, even though the hole is small, we still have to try to prevent an AI outside the wall from discovering it."

"Well, I will be careful. Even if I am seen, I can still kill any stray AI." Su Ming pinched the cigarette butt and put it away, patting his pocket: "Let's start the trip I have been looking forward to for a long time."

Without seeing what the two hackers agreed to, a wall of the current cyberspace stretched infinitely into the distance, as if it had reached the horizon in an instant.

And this was just the beginning. The wall began to be peeled away layer by layer like an onion, revealing layers of similar walls, and an invisible end of the road emerged under the three people's feet, leading straight to the place in the distance. Glowing highlights on the wall.

This is the path to the Black Wall, which does not exist in the physical world but is the embodiment of an algorithm.

Su Ming thought for a moment and stepped on it.

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