The Death Knell

Chapter 5764 The dream of escape

"Speaking of insomnia, I'm quite discerning. In the 40K super universe, after I killed the 'Nightmare' who was in charge of dreams, all dreams became a no-man's land. If I have to say it, maybe Santa Claus and the ancient Some of the gods have a little bit to do with Meng, but they don't have much authority."

After entering Natasha's dream, carrying the cat's death knell floated above the knee-deep snow. While looking at the snow-covered buildings around her, she chatted with Xiaohua:

"The last time I brought you here, I just wanted you to take over the dream. After all, you are also a Sandman and your own cat. Instead of waiting for someone you don't know to become the master of the dream, I might as well give you an advantage. As a result, you ended up being the master of the dream after returning home. Lie down and forget about this, right?"

After saying that, he tapped the cat's head with his finger. Although the mask obscured his expression, you could hear it from his tone, which was the kind of energy that hates the iron.

The dream scene at this time looked like Moscow, with the Red Square not far away, but the huge palace behind the wall had been covered in snow, making it look a bit more dilapidated.

The golden dome was vaguely visible, but there was no sun in this dream, and the sky was a strange blood-red color.

It was very cold, the chill in this dream was bone-piercing, the north wind was wrapped in snowflakes, and it was like a knife scraping people's faces. It was not a magic weapon, but the feeling of a file.

Even wearing Sandman's gas mask, you can still hear the sound of snowflakes hitting the eyepiece.

"Oh, I forgot about meow." A Thousand Cats' Dream turned over, exposing her soft belly for Deathstroke to touch: "Besides, even if I remember to do it, there won't be enough time for me to completely take over all the dreams, and I will only use conventional means. If so, I may not be able to overcome insomnia. You don’t want to see me restart the multiverse, do you?”

Not only did it say that, it also held Deathstroke's hand with its two little paws and placed it on its belly with a coquettish expression on its face.

Now that it was delivered to the door, Su Ming was not polite. After rubbing it for a while, he took off the mask, put his face up and sucked hard.

A Thousand Cats' Dream smells nothing, only the cool breeze enters the nasal cavity.

"Okay, I won't be angry with you, I'm just talking. I can destroy just a nightmare, but it may appear in anyone's dream now, so things are a bit complicated."

Su Ming didn't bother to wear the Sandman Crown anymore. It smelled like irritation. Anyway, with the presence of a cat scarf, the effect was about the same.

By the way, Sandman doesn't wash this gas mask every time he wears it. From Morpheus to Daniel, I'm afraid this thing hasn't been disinfected since the existence of the Endless Family.

"That's true. Nowadays, insomnia has become an advantage. All creatures trapped in nightmares may be its containers, meow." Thousand Cats Dream closed its eyes, its beard curled up, but its small mouth turned down. Skimmed: "Fortunately, you persuaded Daniel. If he were to arrest someone, he would probably be beaten by a meat bun."

It's not that the Sandman responsible for human dreams is the weakest. Morpheus is still quite strong. The key is that Daniel is not good enough. After all, this successor has only been a Sandman for a few years.

For humans, a few years is not a short time, but for the Wuwu family, a few years is just a blink of an eye.

"Oh, you have learned how to say goodbye, not bad." Su Ming smiled and touched the cat's head. He turned to look at a place at the foot of the red wall. There was movement behind the wall: "Let's go, I saw the place in my house. There are no traces of the little girl, let’s go over and see what she was dreaming about.”

Everyone's nightmare is different, but Su Ming can probably guess a little bit about Black Widow's nightmare.

If dreams are the manifestation of what people most long for, then nightmares are undoubtedly the things that subconsciously fear most. The method of insomnia, the cat said, is very similar to the prank before the death knell.

So when people are enjoying a beautiful dream, they are suddenly thrown into a nightmare, and beautiful things quickly turn into scary things?

The emotional fluctuations generated during this process are probably the energy that Insomnia seeks. In this way, he tortures every creature and turns them into silent batteries.

So when Su Ming carried the cat and climbed over the wall, he soon saw a battle royale-style scene.

Outside the wall is a quiet street, snow-capped, peaceful and majestic. Inside the wall was a Colosseum, with broken limbs and corpses everywhere, and the snow was dyed red in large swaths of blood.

The dead were all young girls. After a little identification, they knew they were Natasha's sisters.

"Sure enough." Su Ming shook his head. He activated the concept of darkness and searched for Natasha's shadow in all the buildings in the Kremlin: "After so many years, her nightmare is still the same one that did not happen back then. graduation exam"

As mentioned before, the Red House's graduation exam is similar to cultivating talents. If you want to become a black widow, you must kill all other students in the same period.

Even if they are good sisters and good friends at ordinary times, if they want to survive, they can only kill others.

Back then, Su Ming had intervened, allowing Natasha and the others to avoid that ending in the red house, and also rescued many Mao girls. They are now members of the "Spider Web" used by Deathstroke to control the earth's intelligence.

But Leviathan's red house is not the only one. Natasha may have learned about the so-called graduation exam from some source. She subconsciously rejected this, so today's scene became a nightmare.

Precisely because she didn't know the specific details, the palace complex within the red wall was automatically chosen as the stage for the nightmare, because it also represented the seat of supreme power of the Soviet Union.

"The smell of nightmare." The kitten sucked on its neck and exhaled a breath of hot breath, which quickly dissipated in the ice and snow: "But it doesn't feel like insomnia, the smell is a bit fishy."

"What do you mean it's fishy?" Su Ming had already sensed Natasha's position. He jumped off the high wall and walked towards a building.

"I suspect that there is a nightmare here, but that nightmare came out of the nightmare realm." Thousand Cats' Dream flipped its little paws, and its body also turned around, and was hanging on Deathstroke's shoulders again: "The nightmare realm is a laissez-faire realm. Where they eat and kill each other, and in that box under the castle, each nightmare lives in a single room.”

Its meaning is obvious, that is, there is a nightmare full of murderous aura here. Its origin will only be in the nightmare dimension, not in the box. The nightmares in the box cannot kill the same kind while in captivity.

"I understand, but what you said is a bit like a tongue twister. Haha, won't you bite your tongue?" Su Ming found it funny. The cat said the word nightmare several times in a short period of time, and it worked hard for its mouth.

"Meow, I've bitten meow, it hurts so much." Thousand Cats Dream stuck out her tongue and showed Deathstroke the tooth marks on the pink patty.

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