The Death Knell

Chapter 5767 Dreamless Time

"By the way, it looks like the nightmare has not affected the quantum realm."

Seeing Kang with a miserable face in the projection screen, holding high-tech tools to dig wild vegetables, Su Ming touched his chin, but his focus was still on business.

The scenery in the quantum realm is really bizarre. Various lights and shadows are blinding the human eye. What is that Kun-like creature that flew past in the sky just now?

From a quantum-level microscopic perspective, it looks like a huge flying fish, but in reality it is a creature smaller than a microorganism. Different perspectives of observing the same thing will lead to different results.

Deathstroke mused as he gained some inspiration.

"We still don't understand the propagation mechanism of nightmares." The adjutant gave a very scientific answer. Obviously, there is not enough time to study the samples, and there will be no rigorous conclusions for the time being: "But more and more people are falling into dreams. Earth 40K And various accidents began to occur in several parallel worlds.”

As she said that, she casually released a lot of surveillance videos, among which the most tragic ones were from the scene of the car accident.

Many people suddenly fell asleep while driving, and then got into a car accident. Even if they didn't die afterwards, they still fell into a nightmare from which they couldn't wake up, and their expressions were extremely painful.

This is not bad. The captain of a passenger plane sometimes falls asleep suddenly, and as a result, he brings the entire plane with him into unlucky situations.

Relatively speaking, adventurers who drive spaceships around in space are in better condition, because even if they fall asleep while driving, there is nothing to hit nearby, not to mention the shipboard AI that can control them at any time. Take over control.

But aside from the serious bad news, the deputy also knows what kind of fun the Sheriff likes, so she prepares some comical scenes as well.

For example, a scene where someone suddenly falls asleep while running away, and then falls down from the toilet and turns into a "chocolate fountain"

Deathstroke, who was still very serious at first, soon turned into a funny bean-like expression after seeing the fun she had prepared. He also knew that it was not good to take other people's misery as fun, but he was the one who called himself. What about a person with a flexible moral bottom line?

When you want to laugh, you must laugh. The greater your ability, the more choices you have.

"Don't be happy, meow. Now the scope of the nightmare is rapidly expanding, and more and more people are affected. You should think of a solution first, meow! Your little plastic pieces may not be distributed in time."

The cat was sitting on the edge of the bed, looking sad, but as he said something, something was wrong:

"I have no idea you look at this fat black guy, poof! He suddenly fell asleep and fell, hee, and then sprayed feces onto the ceiling, ahem, what's so funny, meow?"

It couldn't control its expression anymore, and the cat's face turned into a funny shape. I have to say that although it was disgusting, it was really funny.

"No, Mimi, you are the Sandman." Su Ming picked up the kitten so that it could appreciate the various funny sleeping positions more closely, and at the same time touched its head: "There is something wrong with the dream. , turned into a nightmare, isn’t this something that you should deal with professionally? Why are you asking me, a human being, for a solution?”

This feeling is as wonderful as the chef asking the grocery store if soy sauce should be put in today's dish.

"I can't think of meow." The cat hurriedly rubbed the death knell with its tail. Its big eyes opened and looked at the man eagerly: "If you have a way to stop people from falling asleep, use it quickly. We don't even know how well we talk. How many people have fallen asleep."

If one less person falls into a nightmare, the power of insomnia will be reduced in the future. Now is not the time to talk nonsense, it is better to do things quickly.

The cat knows that Deathstroke must have a way.

"You're right. It's okay to watch it for fun and look back later. It's more important to try to prevent people from falling into nightmares first. Otherwise, the enemies will get stronger and stronger. I really don't know where the upper limit of Insomnia's ability is."

After accepting the cat's statement, Su Ming nodded towards the adjutant's projection on the side:

"Launch the backup 'Unity' plan, use the Anti-Life Equation in all worlds under my control, and turn all conscious creatures into dark puppets."

This is the way to prevent awake people from falling into dreams. Insomnia can drag people into nightmares, allowing people's subconscious to incubate various fearful illusions and provide it with power.

However, people who are infected by the Anti-Life Equation have no main consciousness and subconscious mind, as if they have become living corpses. There is only one sentence in their minds, and that is - darkness is always there!

Almost any medium, including sounds, images, tastes, and feelings, can be used to spread the Anti-Life Equation.

For people being controlled, if Deathstroke wants them to lie down, they won't stand; if Deathstroke wants them to be awake, they won't sleep.

Of course, this approach violates human rights and is somewhat dark. On the superhero side, they may not use such a plan, because some people will definitely choose to have nightmares freely, even if it is fatal.

Superheroes are all good people and they like to respect others, no matter how unworthy of respect those fools are.

But Deathstroke will not hesitate. His style has always been to use whatever method he has, as long as the result is good, who cares what others think?

The adjutant never questions the order he receives and always starts executing it decisively. All he needs is a signal, and then various monitoring equipment originally distributed in different worlds will use radio waves or light signals to send out that string of codes.

After just ten seconds, the adjutant said that the mission was completed. Because the plan was effective, the nightmare had stopped expanding and no one would dream again in a short time.

Yes, don’t talk about nightmares, don’t even think about ordinary dreams, let’s just stare and sing the praises of darkness.

"It's done." Su Ming pinched the cat's ears and sat down on the chair: "The next step is to get the person trapped in the nightmare out, then find Insomnia and kill it."

"Meow~ I knew you were the best!" The cat stepped on Deathstroke's shoulders with its two little paws a few times, and its eyes fell on the button-like plastic pieces.

The problem of the second step mentioned by Deathstroke has actually been solved. All you need to do is stick this thing on the back of the dreamer's head, and then use the 'plastic resonance' you just set to wake them up.

As for the work of sticking this small disc, you don't need Deathstroke or yourself to do it. Any child can do it. As long as you don't encounter a particularly powerful nightmare, there is actually not much danger.

"Insomnia will definitely not cause trouble in the dream of the unknown person. He will most likely target a superhero, either Batman or Superman." Su Ming gave his profile and pointed to his nose: "I I guess it probably had my idea, but it just couldn't get around my X-metal skull."

There are many people who fall into nightmares, but some people may be able to wake up on their own, and they will definitely resist after waking up.

Some of the people mentioned here refer specifically to Batman's group. His willpower and mind can definitely fight against Nightmare. Su Ming has never doubted his ability.

In this way, Insomnia must continue to maintain itself in the nightmares of those people to ensure that its plan can proceed smoothly and leave the nightmares of ordinary people to its younger brothers to harvest.

Once you see through this, it will be much easier to cause trouble for it.

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