The Death Knell

Chapter 5771 Timely Rain Sect Star

"Why are you asking him? Why not ask the omniscient and omnipotent Patrick?"

Just when this nightmare was about to end with Superman's death and start a new round of nightmares, an interesting voice sounded outside the crowd.

The words spoken by the voice were not particularly serious, but the voice was extremely loud. Even if the monsters around him were praising nightmares, their combined volume was not as good as this person's.

The kryptonite weapons raised by everyone stopped in the air, not because they hesitated, but because they could no longer wield them.

It was as if there were invisible big hands grabbing their hands. Even if they tried their best to eat their dreams, they still couldn't move even the tips of their fingers.

In Superman's expectant gaze, a figure slowly rose into the sky. The black and yellow armor had already explained his identity.

However, compared with Superman who wants to have a peaceful dialogue with unknown creatures, Deathstroke's attitude towards monsters is as cold-blooded as ever. In his view, nightmares can be regarded as another kind of aliens, and any alien who wants to hurt people will end up being It will just be dead.

The black sun suddenly rose, and there were no more ruins of cities between heaven and earth. Instead, there was only darkness. Something was rubbing in the darkness, and terrifying pressure came from all directions.

"You little Karami, you talk nonsense all day long. Look, you have lost your confidence because of Superman." Su Ming raised a hand and gently grasped it with the palm of his hand, and all the nightmares rose into the sky at the same time. , was hung in mid-air as if hanging: "I will tell you a number, darkness will always be there. This is right. Do you admit it?"

The nightmares have no choice but to admit it. The death knell has locked them with the concept of darkness and erased their vocal organs with the concept of quantum. Now that they are all mute, it is naturally impossible for them to make any objections.

All they can do is hang in mid-air, swaying in the wind like bacon or corn under the eaves.

Seeing the hundreds of nightmares hanging in the air, Su Ming smiled. He turned his head and sucked the head of the cat on his shoulder, and said:

"It seems that you have no objections, that means I am right and you are wrong. Since you are out to fool around, you must admit your mistakes. If you are beaten, you must stand upright and risk your life to compensate for your mistakes. Isn't this too much?"

"." The nightmares had nothing to say and couldn't speak out. Their bodies really couldn't move at all.

"Very good, I agree with your consciousness. Then, die." Su Ming raised his other hand and patted his chest lightly with both hands. All the nightmares suddenly converged towards a 'point' in mid-air. .

In just the blink of an eye, all the nightmares were compressed into a ball the size of a chocolate bean. If it hadn't been for the thick black smoke and pungent stench, it might have actually been mixed with Malice. Go in the bag.

They're all just trash, and there's nothing much to say. They stuff the little ball into the cat's mouth with his backhand. The nightmare still needs to be solved by dreams. This can be regarded as a kind of thing where the person who untie the bell must tie the bell, right?

After annihilating the Sleepless Knights in one move, Superman's nightmares were naturally no longer possible. Clark, who was still covered in green and lying on the ground like a dead body, suddenly woke up in the next second.

He found that he was not on some ruined street, but in the conference room of the Hall of Justice. The white light on the round table was very dazzling.

Maybe it's because I just saw the thick ink-like darkness of the death knell, and now there is a strong contrast.

"Awake? Haha." Su Ming patted Superman on the shoulder, handed him a piece of chocolate frog, and asked him to eat it to calm down: "You are really a talent. If you argue with the nightmare itself, isn't it equivalent to arguing with your own subconscious? Do you think the devil born in the world will fight?"

"Thank you, Slade."

Superman still looked unsuspecting. He looked at his hands and found that there were no burns from contact with kryptonite. Then he opened the chocolate packaging box with a smile, picked up the frog-shaped candy and put it in his mouth:

"I don't know what they are, and I don't think they are right. I believe in hope. No matter how unsatisfactory life is, we should face it with a smile."

If an ordinary person sees a moving, frog-like brown thing, they probably won't stuff it directly into their mouths. Only Superman, even though he suffered a loss in his dream just now, still chooses to continue to trust others.

Su Ming was moved by this kind of spirit.

"Ahem, don't be so positive and optimistic. If you laugh at everything, then I will only suspect that you are infected by the laughter virus." Deathstroke turned over and sat on the big round table and told Superman a joke: "Both of us The concepts are actually different, but now is not the time to talk about doctrine, the Justice League itself is a place where we seek common ground while reserving differences, right?"

"You're right, even though you still haven't joined the Zhenglian." Superman also told a joke. He looked at the people around the round table. Except for Diana who was still awake and awake, the Martian Manhunters were all the same as he had just been. Same, lying on the table and falling asleep.

Not all members of Zhenglian are here. Aquaman is not here, Barry is not here, Batman is not here, and that so-and-so is not here either.

But everyone else, including a mere steel skeleton who had just returned to flesh and blood not long ago and just caught up with this wave, fell.

"You're in luck, Superman."

The cat, which had gotten a little bigger, jumped on the table. It played hopscotch on top of the huge 'transcendence' symbol in the center of the round table, and said while playing:

"Originally, my opinion was to go to Gotham to find Batman first. But Deathstroke said that Batman didn't need help and insisted on coming to you first. When we arrived, it was just right. How do you feel now? What's wrong with you? If so, just tell me quickly."

Cats are like this. They like to entertain themselves. Even if no one is playing with them, they can play with their tails for a long time.

Getting back to the subject, it's not that nightmares can kill Superman in dreams and affect Superman's body in reality through the damage in dreams. They don't have that ability yet.

But the influence of dreams on people has always been subtle and subtle.

For example, if a person dreams that he has eaten a delicious dish, then after waking up, he will most likely find a way to find the dish and taste it in reality.

This is just one of the most superficial ways of influence. Seeing comes first, followed by greed. How do people see things they have never seen before? The answer is in dreams.

The way nightmares affect people is simpler and does not require people's active participation or waking up. That is to make people trapped in nightmares unable to distinguish between reality and nightmares, thus driving them crazy.

A madman trapped in a nightmare, his body is 'sleepwalking' in reality, and he can still kill people and cause destruction.

Moreover, in the nightmare, what he saw would not be his friends and relatives whose flesh and blood were scattered, but enemies and monsters, and he might even laugh out loud while killing them.

If Superman died once in a dream and was eaten by the people he helped, Cat couldn't even imagine the psychological shadow this would cause.

Fortunately, what Deathstroke said was right, and he was right again.

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