The Death Knell

Chapter 5781 Going the opposite direction

"Damn, everyone is sleeping, or singing about darkness like idiots, blah blah blah"

At this time, in a small building in New York, Harley was holding several cats and was so sad that she almost shed tears.

Because not only the tenants in her small building were trapped in a nightmare, but even her cats were not spared. The dozens of cats in the room on the top floor may have fallen into a collective nightmare at this time. They may have been killed by the dog. Chase and bite? In short, even if they are dreaming, their limbs are still twitching.

And this made Harley feel a kind of loneliness, as if everyone in the whole world was asleep and only she was awake.

What's the difference between this and everyone being crazy and only you being normal?

"At that time, the normal self is the most abnormal person. This is the story of "I Am Legend"."

Harley put down the cats in her arms, pushed their heads closer to the rice bowl with her hands, and then poured some freeze-dried human flesh bought from Gotham into the bowl. A by-product of the Freeze Cannon.

Back then, he froze half of the city with one shot, and some unlucky ones were frozen into ice sculptures. Although Batman thawed the city afterwards, the dead could not be resurrected.

They were originally supposed to be sent to the morgue for burial after autopsy, but that was Gotham, so people were naturally eyeing this lucrative link.

Because they died of rapid cooling, the internal organs can still be picked off and sold for money. As for the useless flesh and blood, just package them and give them to the sausage makers.

The amount of meat in this batch is relatively large. People who make sausages usually mix the meat of dead people with normal beef. It is impossible to use people to fill the sausages, otherwise the smell will be too strong.

So until today, the batch of frozen meat stockpiled by the Gotham Meat Factory has not been used up. Harley asked an acquaintance to get some from the inventory there, just in time to feed the cats.

Feeding cats human flesh is cheap and can cultivate their wild nature. If cats are not wild, they will be unattractive.

Batman definitely knows this.

"I've thought about it, Adjutant, I'm going to play in my dreams." Harley prepared cat food for the cats at home, then stood up and walked down the stairs to return to her room, even if she was dreaming , it’s better to lie on your own bed.

"Are you sure?" The deputy's speechless voice came out. She was obviously a little helpless by the crazy woman: "Others are trapped in nightmares and trying desperately to escape. The police chief is also busy saving him everywhere. Those friends, it turned out that you were fine but you were asking for trouble?"

As a strictly logical creature, it was difficult for the adjutant to understand Harley's brain circuitry. She felt that Dr. Quinzel was like an alien, different from most humans.

"Don't worry, I already know. Didn't you tell me, officer?"

Harley waved her hands indifferently. She came to her bed and quickly took off her clothes. After a few seconds, she got into the bed naked, pulled up her black and red quilt, and said quickly:

"A nightmare called Insomnia has organized an army. It plans to make some big noise, and my dear little bee is observing it, trying to learn some profound truths from it. I know what I will encounter when I enter the nightmare. What, but don’t forget that I am a psychiatrist, and the best one, hehe, the fear faced by others is just a form of game to me.”

"You'd better think about it carefully. The Sheriff won't even go to Nightmare's home field to play, and he also has a Thousand Cats Dream with him as insurance."

The adjutant, who was nicknamed Guan Guan, was even more speechless. Harley liked to give others nicknames.

"I'm very sure, dear, hee hee!" Harley reached out to pick off the metal piece on the back of her head. She happily untied her twin tails and let her long red and blue hair hang on the pillow: "Fear comes from the unknown. And now I know it’s a nightmare, so what else do I have to be afraid of? By the way, remember to send a bionic man over to look at the door of the apartment building for me after I fall asleep, thank you~"

After saying that, she closed her eyes, frowning and trying very hard to fall asleep.

But sleeping is something like that. Sometimes the more you want to sleep, the less able you are to fall asleep. Her mind is now filled with the joyful aftertaste of experiencing various haunted houses in the amusement park dimension with Hermione and her lieutenant these past few days. Even if Lying down, the corners of his mouth were raised.

"I understand, you deliberately took off your clothes and then let yourself fall into a dream, just to wait for the police chief to rescue you. When he sees you like this, he will definitely not be able to bear it." The deputy finally figured out a logic that she could understand. This is called fishing for Kaizi.

Some women will deliberately put themselves in danger and notify their boyfriend in advance to rescue her, so as to test their spouse and at the same time enhance their relationship and experience another kind of fun.

The human body releases adrenaline in times of crisis, and this hormone also brings greater passion.

"Go, go! Don't bother me. I'm an independent woman in the new era, and I won't do anything to please men."

Harry, who was so sleepy from the noise, opened his eyes speechlessly, took the perfume from the bedside, sprayed it on himself a few times, picked up the mirror, and pursed his lips in front of it a few times to make sure that his mouth looked delicate. Desire:

"I'm going to sleep. You can either possess a body and teleport here to join me, or you can stay quiet."

Lie down slowly and let the curvature of your hair spread out on the pillow look better.

"My current body does not have the ability to reproduce, so I'd better forget it. Such futile behavior is meaningless." The adjutant rejected Harley's invitation. Playing together in the past few days has made their relationship develop a lot, and they have become Jimei.

"Oh, I don't need to tell you this. You just learned to play, but you didn't learn why you play." Harley rolled her eyes. She tucked her arms back under the quilt and lay down again: "Let's talk about it next time. , I’m going to play the Sleeping Beauty cosplay game, go ahead and do whatever you’re supposed to do, bye~”

As she spoke, she felt something tugging at her eyelids. This was the onset of sleepiness. It was so sudden.

Is this the power of nightmares? They can make people fall asleep without using the Sands of Time. Why do they want to be villains if they have this ability? Go to the hospital and open a specialist clinic to treat insomnia, and you will make a fortune long ago.

As soon as her eyes closed and opened, Harley found herself in the office of Arkham Asylum. The place was still the same as when she worked. Outside the door, the cries and howls of ghosts and wolves could be heard clearly, coming from all kinds of mentally ill people waiting for treatment.

When she first started working, she was still a little scared, but now times have changed, and those people outside are all old acquaintances. Returning to Arkham is as comfortable as returning to her parents' home.

"Hehe! Is this the beginning?" Harley left the desk, walked to the side and took off the white coat cover from the hanger, and then took a mop that was somewhat similar to a long-handled two-handed hammer as a weapon: "Great, the new game is completely realistic, hehehehe"

After saying that, she shouldered her weapon and walked out of the office, eager to see what kind of work the nightmare could do for her.

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