The Death Knell

Chapter 5789 Unexpected Information

"Adjutant, can you hear me?"

Just do it if it comes to mind. If insomnia really creeps into my cousin's dream, it will be a rat getting into the pot and trying to spoil the Nurgle soup - which will make Dad laugh.

"The communication line is stable, Sheriff, what instructions do you have?" The deputy's voice sounded distant and ethereal, but his words were as clear as ever: "I saw that Strangler was using your body to rummage through Harley's refrigerator. I need to activate it. A backup plan to stop it?"

The dark sentences came out of her mouth lightly. It turned out that when no one knew, she had secretly made a backup plan to counter the strangulation.

Su Ming once asked her to prepare some plans to deal with various extreme situations that she might encounter. For example, if she went out to play and the earth exploded, what should she do if she came back homeless?

However, most of the plans were annihilation plans and joke plans made by the adjutant based on the things and abilities he had at his disposal. It was the plan to deal with strangulation, which even Deathstroke had heard of for the first time.

But I didn't ask anymore. What I knew, I would know when I returned to reality. If the details of the specific plan were too dark, it would easily affect the unity between the adjutant and it.

"Ahem, don't worry about it. Apart from cakes and 'cat food', there's nothing important in Harley's refrigerator."

The Supreme Mage, who was smoking a cigarette, changed the topic. Anyway, cats prefer to eat meat most of the time. There were some human heads in the food that Harry got that just couldn't be processed. If you strangled them and ate them, you wouldn't have to throw them away in the trash:

"Look at 40K Earth, what is my good cousin Wade doing now? Is he in a nightmare?"

"He's sleeping, Sheriff, but I don't think it's a nightmare."

The adjutant released a small projection, which was sent into the dream through quantum transmission. In the picture, Deadpool was holding a wine bottle in his arms, lying naked on the sofa, and the room was full of garbage. , unfinished pizza and burritos, some sticky toilet paper wiped with something, etc.

He was sleeping soundly. In his dream, he seemed to realize that someone was looking at him. He even scratched his butt with his hand and showed a very lewd smile.

"He must have had a nightmare, otherwise he should be chanting sutras at this moment. Seeing how he smiled so obscenely, he might be dreaming about eating." Su Ming nodded, exhaled a puff of smoke and then said: "You Send an android down, wake him up and ask him if he had any strange dreams."


The adjutant who agreed immediately sent a bionic man down. You can see this cannon fodder unit trying to wake up Deadpool who is still sleeping.

First he pushed him a few times, but he didn't wake up, and then kicked him a few times, but he still didn't wake up. Until the adjutant controlled the android and said something in his ear:

"Your money is gone."

The naked Deadpool jumped up from the sofa in a swish. Everything else was fine, but it would be a disaster if the money was gone.

However, he soon discovered that he was still on Earth, in the basement of Afu's house. The TV not far away was still playing the live news channel without anyone in the room, and everything around him was very quiet.

"Let's knit! I'm sleeping soundly." He rubbed his face unhappily, pushed the android away, scratched his butt and walked to the toilet to drain the water: "Don't follow me, I want to shush you. If you steal If you watch it, my movie rating will be in question."

"No one wants to peek at you." The deputy's voice came out of the android's mouth. She turned her head wordlessly and said: "The chief asked me to ask you, have you ever met a guy in your dream who claimed to have insomnia? ? Or maybe he looks particularly smart, or more like the person in his dream than others?"

"Holy shit, isn't it?" Deadpool trembled, paused in the middle of his pursing, and turned his head as if he had trouble urinating: "Is he even going to start monitoring my dreams now? Dark, too dark.”

"Don't think so wildly. If the police chief spied on your dreams, why would you ask me to ask you questions now?" The deputy stopped him and asked him to turn around and finish urinating: "I'm asking you because I don't know. You Just answer this."

There is a smell of dust in the basement, but it is not obvious against the background of Deadpool's body odor. Sunlight shines into the room through the small window, giving it a peaceful look.

It’s just that it’s too quiet today, there’s not a single horn on the street, it’s like everyone is dying along with the city.

"Some strange strangers did appear, but at that time I was making out with eighteen blonde beauties in my dream. I didn't have time to receive them, so I introduced them to my amusement park. If you say they are real people, then now You should be crazy about it, right?"

The amusement park in my mind didn't often receive outsiders. I originally thought that the strangers who appeared in my dream were imaginary. Unexpectedly, my cousin asked specifically. Does this mean they are enemies?

But it doesn’t matter. No one will accompany them in. Then after experiencing a few projects in the amusement park, they will probably go crazy, so there is nothing to worry about.

"Do any of them look different, or look like the leader?" The adjutant needs a definite answer. She always likes certain things, which can make her logic changes smoother. .

"Well, that's not the case. Those people look a little deformed. I mean they look very distinctive. It's like they put ice cream in a microwave and melted it."

Having said this, Deadpool picked his nostrils and pulled out a long bloody nose. He shivered with pleasure before continuing:

"So does my cousin want to hire me? Although I have just been home for a while and I am a little tired from taking orders, but if he is willing to pay more, I will be happy to accompany my brother."

As he spoke, he already understood the ins and outs of the matter. The veterans in the live broadcast room told him what was going on, and he finally understood:

"I'm looking for a nightmare called Insomnia. I've never seen him before. He likes to wear purple robes and has a ruby ​​on his chest. He was in Damian's dream not long ago. Well, he was seen very clearly."

"I will inform the chief of this information, but he said that DC doesn't need you for the time being."

The adjutant sent him a handful of plastic pieces, and the android slowly got up from the ground and said:

"You may not know it when you are sleeping. People on the earth are either having nightmares or have been brainwashed protectively. I give you these things. You know how to use them. Go and save the people you care about first."

"I understand, I'll set off right now, but you have to give me the spatial coordinates."

Deadpool, who left the bathroom without washing his hands, became serious. He picked up the plastic pieces on the ground and carefully held them against his chest:

"Oh, I forgot to mention, the person I care about most is of course Xiao Chong. Without him, who will play games with me in the future? Who will change uniforms with me? I have to save him. He is sleeping in the universe. Is it lonely? I will teleport and lie in his arms, using my body temperature to warm his lonely little heart."

"I thought you would care more about Xia Kaila or Vanessa?" The deputy did not expect that the answer would be Spider-Man, which once again exceeded her expectations. As expected, Deadpool always surprises.

"Women will only affect the speed of my game leveling. Anyway, they don't have a close relationship with my cousin, and the enemies won't target them. They will definitely not die."

Putting on his uniform and teleportation belt, Wade patted his butt and prepared to go. He actually has his own set of logic, but it's just a little bit crazy:

"But Spider-Man is different. He is also very close to his cousin, so he must be the key target. Okay, leave the rescue of people at 40K to me, and just ask Slade to settle the bill for me later."

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