The Death Knell

Chapter 5799 Nightmare’s Past

People who overdose on sleeping pills often die directly, but who said he was half in the hospital at that time?

Arkham Sanatorium has doctors, and the psychiatrist is also a medical school graduate.

So after a rescue operation, Christopher Lucas' life was saved, but he fell into eternal sleep, medically speaking, he became a vegetative state.

This was a medical accident. If it had been moved to another place, I'm afraid the person would have been thrown into the crematorium, but Arkham is a very humane place. Anyway, the financial source is basically allocated by the Wayne Group, so it can support one more person. It’s nothing.

So I found a small room in Arkham Tower and put the sleeping Christopher inside. It didn't require any complicated medical equipment, just let him fall asleep quietly.

Mainly because after he turned into a vegetative state, the police investigated his home and found that he was related to the recent serial murders. The death of his wife and daughter undoubtedly drove him crazy, and he killed people to vent his anger when he couldn't sleep.

This makes it even more impossible to dispose of it directly, so it should be placed in Arkham.

More than twenty years have passed since he fell asleep, during which this person never woke up. Compared with insomnia, perhaps the name "mad sleep" is more suitable for him.

What Gordon found was this report. Because part of the medical expenses were paid through social security, there were medical records. Then he went to the police station database to rummage through the boxes, which were the big, dusty cardboard boxes that stored old cases. .

"If you say that the enemy leader was born in this man's nightmare, I can understand it, because after he fell into a deep sleep, the police officers found some evidence proving that he was related to a previous serial murder case."

After listening to Batman say something profound, Gordon took a drag on his cigarette. The smoke he exhaled mixed with the rain and became riddled with holes:

"It seems that becoming a vegetative state did not improve his mental state. Instead, he became a stronger demon in his dream."

"Well, when he was admitted to the hospital, I had just debuted for two years. At that time, many mechanisms and technological methods were not perfect." Batman said this without expression, returned the file to the director, and briefly explained the situation at the time.

In fact, he still misses it a bit. When interviewed by reporters at that time, Gordon always emphasized that there were no bat monsters in Gotham and that everything was a fiction. He went out on patrol by himself and had to battle wits with the police.

At that time, people didn't know about Batman, they just knew that there was a weirdo in tights in town, which was quite interesting.

As for not finding out about Christopher Lucas right away, I still rely too much on computers and the Internet. Some antiques still exist on paper.

Batman is not afraid to admit his mistakes. He is a human being and he will make mistakes. As long as he realizes this, he can correct himself in the future.

This is the way to transcendence, to become a better version of yourself, or...a darker version of yourself?

"Yes, at that time, I had just been the police chief for a few years, and I was not responsible for his serial murder case."

Gordon lowered his head and looked through the file. There was also a photo inside, which was a photo of Christopher and his wife and daughter. The photo was a little faded and there were scorch marks on the edges:

"But then again, this is a man who is driven crazy by life. I don't know who was responsible for the bombing of his home. If we find the culprit, maybe we can solve the problem of insomnia?"




"He disappears again without saying goodbye, it happens every time, ugh!"

The night was getting darker, and the dark clouds in the sky better concealed the presence of the aircraft. Even the light blue flames ejected from the propeller under the tail fin were no longer obvious at night.

The rain hit the windshield of the aircraft, dizzying it into circles of light. Batman drove it expressionlessly, as if he owed money for this journey.

Soon, dozens of seconds later he was back in his loyal Arkham, his toy box, or action figure collection cabinet.

The patients here are still as quiet as the citizens outside, and even a large number of guards have fallen into nightmares, so the searchlights are not on today. Fortunately, the power grid on the wall still has power.

The black cloak unfolded like wings, and he glided directly to the prison door. He successfully opened the security room door through the back door left behind when he helped decorate the place.

You need to take a look at the specific situation before taking action. Here you can see the status of each ward.

Almost 70% of the patients were sleeping, while the remaining 30% were singing to the walls about the darkness. Their voices echoed in the hall, like chanting sutras, giving people a creepy feeling, as if the darkness had already It condensed into big hands, touching his back.

But Batman has been operating in the dark all year round, and he won't have any unnecessary thoughts about it, because darkness has always been like this.

There are no surveillance cameras in the room where Christopher Lucas is, because he is a vegetable and does not need surveillance.

He lives in Arkham Tower, which is the tower on the side of the sanatorium. The Arkham family bought the island one hundred and eighty years ago and built their family's manor fortress on the island. This is the predecessor of the sanatorium. .

This tower can be regarded as a historical relic. There are not many rooms in it, and there are no other residents except Christopher.

The tower has a total of eighteen floors. Only the room on the first floor is usually used to store some brooms, lawn mowers and the like. It can be said to be a huge utility room. The other floors were vacant, but the patient lived on the fourteenth floor.

Batman leaves the guardhouse and heads to the tower.

On the way, he needed to bypass the main building of the sanatorium, which was the main prison. He also listened carefully to make sure that no nightmares were hatched through certain people.

When he turned a corner, the tower appeared in front of him, and the Dark Knight discovered that it had mutated. Under the tower, close to the ground, many purple root-like structures grew, deeply inserted into the earth.

This seems to be caused by the power of nightmares to affect reality, and it looks extremely weird.

But he didn't express any opinion, and the speed of his feet didn't even slow down at all. He strode silently to the door of the high tower, stretched out his hand and pushed open the rusty door.

There was a "squeak", but the scene inside the tower was completely different from what he had imagined. The space inside the tower was wrong. It seemed extremely spacious. A corridor was hundreds of meters long, and the interior was clean and bright. The floor All figures can be reflected.


Batman bypassed the elevator and chose to take the stairs upstairs. He just said this lightly and did not comment on the other objects.

The sound of his footsteps echoed in the empty stairwell, but usually there was no sound of Batman's footsteps at all. The sound seemed to come from the darkness behind him, and seemed to be hinting at something.

But the bat did not look back. He continued to rise silently, his black cloak swaying endlessly.

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