The Death Knell

Chapter 5818 Found the body

"Okay, Batman, what are you going to do next?"

A Thousand Cats' Dream has no interest in human relics. Even if the basement is filled with large boxes, which are probably filled with clothes, pants, wigs and the like, it has no urge to jump in and flutter around.

Even he understands more things. Christopher is the one who goes to work at the construction site during the day, and his wife is the housewife. I have seen it before. She loves to be clean, and everything in the house is very neat. And how much does this attribute mean? It's a bit inconsistent with the male owner's attributes as a construction worker.

Doesn’t it mean that people who move bricks and mix cement on the construction site must not be hygienic? The main reason is that after working hard all day, do they still have the energy to do housework after returning home? Then how can he find time to pursue his hobby of killing people?

So, does anyone know who packed these boxes?

But specifically, men are responsible for killing, and women are responsible for destroying corpses and destroying traces? Or are they holding hands as if they were cooking in the kitchen, saying sweet words and showing off their affection while killing people and dismembering them together? Then I don’t know, at least it didn’t show up in this nightmare.

But when it comes to dreams, Dreams of a Thousand Cats still has a strong say.

First of all, this is the only house located in a clearing in the forest. This shows that in Christopher's subconscious, this home is very important. He even has no idea about the community where the home is located, the street where it is located, or his neighbors. I don't care about the impression at all.

Secondly, Christopher still has control over his nightmare. Other nightmares are restricted in the forest and cannot approach this open space. Even nightmares that are allowed to participate in the show cannot pretend to be this one. Anyone in the family can only play the role of cake, which should also mean something.

Finally, Christopher should have been in the bathroom on the second floor when the fire broke out, so in his subconscious dream, the details of the water pipes in that room were seen by Deathstroke.

The cat can only think of so much. It knows that these two humans must be able to think of more things, so it won't say much. Anyway, it depends on Batman's next move. He and Deathstroke are just bystanders now. .

Speaking of which, as the Sandman, he is a bystander 99% of the time.

"The matter has reached this point. The case has been solved. All we need to do is go to the garage and take a look." Su Ming smiled and shook his head. He stretched. Insomnia had not appeared yet, but he had gained some more by investigating this case. The inspiration for CAAT is also good.


Batman, who threw away his bloody suit, didn't speak. He replaced words with actions, turned and walked out of the basement.

Returning to the corridor on the first floor, you can see Christopher's family sitting at the dining table again, everyone with happy smiles, cutting the cake.

The blueberry pie was also served. The high temperature and flames in the oven caused the crust to crack, and a large amount of sweet purple slime flowed out.

However, when Bat passed the door of the restaurant, the expressions of everyone who saw this scene did not change at all. When they looked at the family after looking at the bloody clothes, their eyes were still so calm.

The Dream of a Thousand Cats means it doesn't matter. For cats, people don't distinguish between good and bad at all, and animals don't have any ethical concepts or moral bottom lines. The law of the jungle of the weak and the strong is the normal standard of life for them.

Humans kill each other, and as long as there are no cat owners among them, it has nothing to do with them.

As for Batman, in his eyes, all the people in Gotham are criminals, and there are only two differences between those who have become ill and those who have not yet become ill, so what will happen even if evidence of Christopher's crime is found? Aren't you still a criminal?

In reality, this person is still lying in Arkham Tower, which means that he has entered Batman's bowl, and naturally there will be no discrimination against him.

Deathstroke still had that sarcastic smile on his face, just like the expression he had on countless times in the past when he disliked the ineffectual little villains. The subtext was probably, 'You will be useless if I give you a chance.'

This guy didn't do a good enough job, so who's to blame? Even if his family members are dead, he should be more open-minded and consider it as payment for the lives of those he killed. Everything in the world has a hidden price from the beginning.

Having gained a lot of pleasure from killing people, it was probably time for him to pay the price.

Even though the basement door that had been kicked open could no longer be closed and could only be left open, the house could only smell the sweet smell of cakes and other food, which was quite warm.

The door from the garage to the main house, at the other end of the living room, was also locked tightly, and Batman showed off his big feet again.

The door clanged against the wall, and there was an echo. Then what appeared in front of him was a dark corridor.

It seemed that it had been covered twice, and an additional layer of bricks was laid in the short passage for confidentiality reasons. But as he passed through this passage, Bat entered the garage with the perspective of one person and one cat. , and at the same time, he also shared the coldness he could feel in his dream and the thick feeling of the air he breathed.

There is not much air circulation. All the windows in this garage have been painted from the inside, and the transoms above the rolling shutter doors are all nailed shut with wooden boards. There is no ditch or crane for car repairs in the center of the room, but a stainless steel sheet. long cold table.

This kind of table is not a professional forensic workbench, but rather looks like a discarded cabinet from the central kitchen. There is no shadowless lamp on top of it, and there is only a rechargeable camping light placed aside.

There were bloodstains all over the countertop, and there were dark patches on the ground nearby, as if they had been soaked into the cement beneath their feet.

Besides, there was a body on the stand, which was why Christopher didn't park the car in the garage when he got home, because the space was occupied.

This is a middle-aged woman who looks like a hill, about forty years old, obese, with heavy makeup, dark skin, and obvious pigment patches.

This kind of sunburn often appears on the bodies of outdoor workers, such as scavengers or cleaners, or on older ladies who cannot compete with young girls at night and can only stand on the street during the day.

Su Ming was more inclined to the latter, because her clothes were thrown on a simple scaffolding aside. Compared to her huge body, saying it was just a towel might be too big.

In addition, her personal belongings include a Kun bag, a pair of highly exaggerated high heels, and nothing else.

This eldest sister was naked and lying quietly on the metal table. There were dense white wounds on her chest, and the blood that had flowed out had solidified and dried up.

However, her eyes were closed, and it seemed that her death was not very painful, at least it was not a case of dying in silence.

Seeing this scene, Deathstroke didn't need to say anything. Batman immediately went up to examine the autopsy. First he reached out and touched the woman's neck. The thick fat changed shape between his fingers. Then he carefully inspected the wounds. , and then went to look through the lady's small bag.

He obviously made a discovery, but no matter how curious the cat was, Batman wouldn't explain it, that's just how he was.

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