The Death Knell

Chapter 5827 Nonsense

Nowadays, Gwen's behavior is basically based on Deathstroke's guiding ideology. After all, this is the DC universe, and she doesn't know much about the general environment, so she doesn't dare to do whatever she wants.

The little girl was very jumpy and acted crazy when she was at Marvel. That was because she had a comprehensive understanding of all aspects of Marvel, just like her own garden.

There might be some weeds and flowers that she didn't recognize, but she could be sure that nothing too dangerous would be targeting her, so she could naturally relax a little and gain popularity.

That won't work anymore when it comes to DC. Although she is a little annoyed by that bitch Deadpool, she has to say that the bitch is right about one thing - DC is really too dark.

There is no use in being a funny character here. The world's general environment is there. If you act too unique, you will easily be rejected by the world. It is better to listen to the arrangements of the death knell. You will definitely not suffer any loss anyway.

After receiving instructions from Deathstroke, the main thing for the Sleepless Knights is to differentiate.

He observed the Sleepless Knights in Harley's nightmare and found out how they behaved. How should I say they were ignorant of the world? Or don’t have enough brains?

In short, nightmares seem to be seriously out of touch with reality. They are the kind of objects that are very easy to fool. They don't even need to show much force, they can be shaken by just talking.

Born in nightmares, they come from the subconscious of various creatures, but in the final analysis they are also 'crystals of thoughts', which makes them easily influenced by other thoughts.

Although their main attack method is to bring fear to people, when faced with people with super strong willpower and extremely firm beliefs, they will become wavering and start to doubt themselves.

In addition, some nightmares were born too early, probably from ancient times or the Middle Ages. They represent primitive fears, but compared to today's digital society, they have been trapped in the realm of nightmares and have too much experience. There are few, but it also looks particularly simple.

The Sleepless Knights are a new team organized by Insomnia, which means that their degree of organization is not high. Dreams are inherently relatively independent. Everyone has their own dreams. The same goes for nightmares and the nightmares born in them.

For example, some people may find it scary when they see slugs crawling around in their pupae, but some people may think about how many times the protein content of this thing is that of beef when they see the same scene.

It is difficult for different nightmares to understand each other. If they exist as individuals, they will inevitably be as alienated as humans.

Insomnia wants to plunge everyone into a nightmare. Maybe other nightmares in the Sleepless Knight camp also think so, but certainly not every nightmare thinks so. After all, if all creatures fall into a dream called 'lucidity', everyone They have all become creatures in dreams, so who are they trying to scare?

Emotional energy is a good thing, and everyone wants it, so why should we give it up to insomnia?

You must know that there are still many nightmares who are loyalists and follow the Sandman. Regardless of whether they are low-threat or have good tempers, as obedient people living in the Kingdom of Dreams, they will not starve to death.

In terms of seniority, insomnia is not one of the four nightmares; in terms of strategy, it is a madman without much sense; it was okay when everyone escaped from the Sandman together, but now they are free, according to the gradient theory, the others Higher desires will inevitably begin to emerge.

Some nightmares want to become stronger, so they want to visit other people's dreams, scare other creatures, and extract energy.

Some nightmares may want to lie down, find a place to hide after entering reality, and never be caught by the Sandman again.

To put it bluntly, Insomnia just wants to build a pirated dream kingdom called "Lucid Reality". The other Insomniac Knights are more like escaped prisoners who were dragged in than rebels who share the same ideals as it.

In this way, you can try to use words to shake them and turn them away from the insomnia plan.

Having a simple mind and having your own desires is equivalent to holding a sign above your head, indicating that you can use it.

"Very good, you have become very good-looking." After looking at Nightmare, whose whole body was covered in light pink, Gwen gave him a thumbs up with a smile: "But this is only the first step, the next step is to Change your centipede form, that one is already an outdated version."

"But I was born from a nightmare caused by a person who was afraid of centipedes. Centipedes can be said to be the core method for me to inflict fear."

The Sleepless Knight really thought that Gwen was one of his kind. He told the girl his concerns honestly, and was dragged by her unknowingly. The two of them squatted on the curb together, as if they were in a goods yard or The same goes for the illegal Mexican immigrants who work squatting near the Plaza bus station.

The fast food restaurant behind them was still burning, and the firelight dragged their shadows long in the night, falling gently on the road.

It's just that one figure is humanoid, and the other is a monster. Those dense hands and feet are still moving around, and the shadow looks a bit funny.

"You can't find a single person among a hundred people who is afraid of centipedes." Gwen said in an old-time tone, and patted Nightmare on the shoulder: "Do you know what people are afraid of nowadays?"

"What are you afraid of?" Nightmares are the product of negative emotions, and they are obsessed with scaring people.

Now that a compatriot is willing to share his new discovery, the Sleepless Knight certainly wants to listen.

"You know human writing, right? English?" After receiving a positive answer, Lady Gwen nodded. She took out her mobile phone from her trouser pocket, lit up the screen and pressed a few times to bring up the page of an online forum. Show it to Nightmare: "Then see for yourself what people are afraid of now."

After saying that, she hooked the Sleepless Knight's shoulder and put the phone close to him, probably under his eyes. It's not good, because the place where the head of this thing should be is a giant centipede, and the other end of the centipede is a giant centipede. She didn't know how this thing's eyesight came from a sarcoma that looked like a piranha.

But as long as you know that the other person has vision, you don't care how the hen lays eggs?

Nightmare looked down at the fluorescent screen, and through the different user avatars, realized that these were statements from different humans.

"The boss of the company ran away with his sister-in-law, but I still have six months of wages that haven't been paid. God, my bills are destined to be unpaid, and I may go bankrupt soon. This is all terrible!"

It saw this at first sight. Although it didn't understand what a bill was and what bankruptcy was, this person said it was terrible. It must be true, right? It seems that his fear can be seen between the lines!

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