The Death Knell

Chapter 5835 Grass Team

"Haha, it seems to have completely entered the character, this idiot."

Harley was very happy to adjust her dream, mainly adjusting the position of the sun in the sky so that the hot midday sunlight could shine on her insomniac crotch:

"With such a thing, you Sandman can actually let it escape from the Kingdom of Dreams? Is Daniel a living person?"

This is just for the cats. Anyway, Harley carried out the plan given by Deathstroke, and everything was foolproof.

The Sleep Riders know they are playing a role, but Insomnia is different. It is brainwashed and hypnotized.

After following other nightmares into Harley's nightmare, this unlucky guy was jointly arranged by Little Bee and A Thousand Cats' Dream, and he became an actor in the play without causing any trouble.

Its memory has been replaced, its way of thinking has been reset, and even its body has been changed by the concept of darkness. At this time, it looks exactly like Christopher, a sturdy construction worker with blond hair.

Not to mention, the appearance is not bad, but he looks a bit like Neptune, and his stupidity is also a bit similar.

"You shouldn't ask me, I'm just a cat trying to fish." Dream of Thousand Cats didn't take the blame. It spread its paws and said, "Insomnia escaped from Daniel's box. That box What does being in the basement of the castle have to do with me, a cat who lives in the forest of dreams?”

"Ah, you are so cute after all, haha! Moaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!" Seeing the cat pretending to be innocent, Harry moved his index finger, picked up the cat, and sucked it fiercely.

The cat is soft, fragrant, and cool. It feels like sucking a cloud or a piece of satin blown by the wind.

"Okay, little jelly bean, let Ah Hui take a breather. He seems to be a little allergic to your cosmetics." Deathstroke spoke. He sat on the director's chair nearby, holding a microphone in his hand: "Group leader, group leader Where are the extras I want? It’s time to prepare for the scene where the dung truck explodes in front of Insomniac’s house, so hurry up and arrange it for the actors.”

"Hey! I'll make arrangements right away!" The busy Gwen behind him immediately disappeared in a ray of light, and was off to work.

She organized a troupe called the 'Knights of Sleep', so naturally she was the leader of the group. Those nightmares didn't think they could live in Harley's nightmare for nothing, right? Doesn’t this mean that you have to perform in exchange for the right to live?

This crew is like a grassroots team. Harley is in charge of set management, Cat is in charge of filming and special effects, and Deathstroke is the director. Naturally, Gwen can only do odd jobs.

But the girl enjoyed it. She liked to watch Deathstroke tormenting his enemies. Although insomnia was not strictly qualified to be Deathstroke's enemy, it could only be said to be a little adjustment in life.

Could a bedbug be humanity's enemy? Really, no one would be so depraved as to regard a bug as his nemesis, not even among mental patients.

But if bedbugs are running around in human homes, don’t blame humans for dealing with them. It’s that simple.

"After filming this first episode, the crew will be left to you, my dear." Su Ming leaned on the director's chair, playing with the speaker in his hand, and said to Harley: "Don't pay too much attention, these nightmares will All kinds of funny plots will automatically evolve, you just need to make sure they don’t go too far.”

"Well, I just want to play with them in my dream, haha." Harley showed a malicious smile and rolled her eyes: "What kind of role should I play when I appear on the stage? What about? A beauty pageant winner like Miss Colorado? Or a doctor at the town hospital?"

"Whatever you want, you can be God in your dreams." Su Ming touched her face and said with a smile: "I just received news from Xiao Fu. He calculated that CAAT gave another multiverse to It has disappeared, but no one has caught even a trace of it, so I have to continue my journey of finding inspiration."

"So what have you thought of now?" Harley nodded. She can be very sensible, provided that she is satisfied: "If you really can't figure out what it is, just use some means and get some people first. I'm going to die, what if there are survivors who can bring back some news?"

Her idea is very Gotham-like, just like when everyone doesn't know what kind of monster is eating people in the sewers, they will choose some unlucky ones to go and investigate on the spot, and then see if any lucky ones can escape alive.

If not, send another group of people down; if there is, get the information and make plans.

She knows that Deathstroke has a lot of consumables in his hands. Even if the androids may not be of use, there should be superheroes who can be sacrificed, right? Deceive a few unlucky people, and wait until the next time CAAT destroys which multiverse, find a way to secretly throw the Suicide Squad over and let them toss themselves.

"That's an idea, meow." A Thousand Cats' Dream took the opportunity to get rid of the mad woman's arms. It jumped onto the shoulder on the other side of the death knell and breathed a sigh of relief and said, "But Lucifer has fought against that existence. He None of them gave any valuable information, so sending ordinary people to die would be a waste of effort. Unless"

"Unless what?" Harley and Su Ming asked together, all three eyes looking at the cat.

"Unless you throw Batman over there, because there are some things that Lucifer can't do, but Batman can. I don't know why, but he can do it."

The cat gave his answer, and it also paid attention to Batman. Even though he was a human, his dreams were not managed by the cat.

But the Thousand Cats Dream is not blind. It has long seen Batman's uniqueness. Otherwise, why did Daniel contact Batman through a dream when the Laughing Bat invaded, instead of other people in the alliance?

Sandman knows everything.

"No, Batman can't go." Harley shook her head immediately, and the smile on her face disappeared: "Gotham can lose anyone, including me, but it can't be without Batman."

On the one hand, the bat is her old friend, and she is not at the end of her rope yet, so there is no need to risk losing her friend.

Secondly, Gotham has many memories of Harley, her youth, and she doesn’t want to see the city that lost Batman die completely, because it was the bat that made it possible.

"Yes, Mimia, Batman is the anchor in the cesspit of Gotham. If you throw away this stick, the shit will spurt out. Even if it doesn't hurt anyone, it's still disgusting enough."

He fabricated a dung truck using the concepts of darkness and quantum, and handed it to the group leader who had just returned to send it to the stage. Deathstroke, with an expectant smile on his face, also supported Harley's statement. He touched the cat's hair and said gently:

"Besides, there is still a little ghost from the United Forces being investigated over there at Canluo. Only Batman can use the starfish Robin most efficiently. That is still an important clue."

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