The Death Knell

Chapter 5843 Another way of thinking

"That's a good summary, Dr. Doom." Gu Yi put down the tea bowl in his hand, and she nodded with a smile: "I never thought that the theories mentioned in Buddhist scriptures could be summarized and refined like this. As expected of you."

The passage that Dr. Destruction just said was a bit long, but it was clear and well-organized. It gave the impression that it was a thesis outline written on a term in Buddhism. The language was very concise and indeed easy to understand.

People are limited by what they see and know, and they will not be able to see the future clearly. This is probably the case.

"Excuse me, Master Gu Yi."

There was no joy or any emotion in Victor's voice, it was just a mechanical electronic sound with some reverb effects.

"Why do you feel that in the end, the topic of the meeting went astray?" Su Ming flicked the cigarette ashes and rubbed his nose: "It was obviously a meeting to study how to deal with CAAT, but it turned into a meeting to criticize me? It seems like I really can’t get along with Buddhism.”

To put it bluntly, how can there be any mercenaries in this world who believe in Buddhism? Do you want to cut off your own flesh and feed it to the mission target? Or do you want to use Buddhism to influence your goals and persuade them to give up their lives and fulfill their mission?

Anyway, in the martial arts novels I read in my previous life, the monks' rhetoric was often not very good. In the final analysis, you still have to see the truth behind your fists.

"I just mentioned asking you to learn with an open mind, so you just jumped to the conclusion." Monaco smoked happily, sat next to Deathstroke with his legs crossed, and poked the latter's waist with his elbow: "What's your point? The mental retardation is a bit serious, haha!"

"Damn, you're still laughing? Hand over your beard wax!" Deathstroke started to pick out Monaco's pocket with his backhand: "If you still want to use the super alien technology of the unknown and our Kama Taj for massage in the future Chair, then tell me something I like to hear."

"Ah, are you using mine again?" Monaco covered his pocket with a look of reluctance: "Now the raw materials are getting harder and harder to find, and the cloned magic toad you promised me is still missing."

One of the main ingredients in beard wax is a kind of magic toad oil. However, with the development of mankind, there are fewer and fewer mysterious places on the earth, and many magical creatures have lost the soil for survival.

"Let Casillas do it for you later." Deathstroke took out a small jar from the mustache mage's pocket and put it away with satisfaction. With this jar, he could go to Howard's to exchange for something fun later.

Howard's technological level is just that, but as an inventor, he often comes up with some interesting things.

The technical content is not necessarily very high, but it is an application direction that ordinary people cannot think of. This is the imagination of the inventor.

"Haha, stop joking, this is serious business." Master Gu Yi smiled and shook his head, tapping his tea bowl with his fingernails: "Slade, we have no intention of asking you to delve into Buddhist scriptures. It’s about hearing what your barriers are and finding ways to overcome them.”

"I probably understand what you mean is that my past experiences have limited my current cognitive abilities." Su Ming put away his smile and sighed. He touched his beard and was silent for a few seconds: "But If I give up my past experience, I’m likely to fall into some kind of trap.”

"Dum doesn't know about this." Doctor Doom put down his arm and took out a small object from his belt: "This is a model of Substance Zero. It may inspire you. Give it a try."

"Brainstorming will definitely be useful. Masters, can I ask a question?"

Wanda, who was sitting cross-legged on the futon on the ground, raised her hand and expressed that she had some ideas. After receiving Gu Yi's approval, the little witch quickly said:

"I thought about some things about CAAT, but soon I realized that it might be a very abstract collection of concepts, so I changed the direction of my thinking to the environment in which it exists, so my question is, does it come from the mystery? , so does matter exist among all the 'mysteries' that are higher than the level of the omnipotent universe?"

Obviously, Dr. Doom, who had previously given Substance Zero, thought of going together with her. Although magicians have different special skills, they are also good at different magics. For example, Wanda is good at chaos magic, and Doctor Doom is good at blood. Magic, Monaco is good at dark spells related to sacrifices, etc.

But in some aspects, the mages' ideas are surprisingly consistent.

"Oh? Interesting idea." Monaco leaned his cane next to the fire pit, took out his pipe from his arms, and slowly filled it with tobacco: "If CAAT comes from a material level, then we In fact, as long as we find the substances that it may be contaminated with, won't we find the way to its home?"

It's not that idiots can't become wizards, it just means that no one who can make a name for himself in the magic world is stupid.

The mage with a mustache also thought that this was actually another tracking method in disguise, but it was a bit troublesome and difficult to operate.

For example, if you want to find a murderer in the city, you have checked all the video surveillance and found nothing.

But he left a shoe print at the scene of the crime. There was a special kind of mud inside the shoe print. It is possible for professional trace appraisal personnel to analyze the specificity of the mud to find where the murderer had been, or where the murderer had been. What is the environment in which he lives?

Of course, these are just possibilities, and everything today is based on assumptions.

Because from the beginning, no one was sure whether there was matter in the mystery of CAAT's life, nor was it sure whether it would carry matter, or whether it would interact with matter, let alone rely on matter to compare the unknown. One level after another.

But this is a solution after all, and it sounds somewhat feasible.

"That's it, Master." Wanda smiled and nodded. She touched her long red hair and seemed a little happy: "Although this project is similar to finding a needle in a haystack, at least we can take action and have a little initiative. sex."

"It's okay. Anyway, even if you find the substance the other party is carrying, you have to do comparison work. That's what Death Knell does. It has nothing to do with me." Monaco lit up the pipe happily and took a puff with a very gentlemanly gesture: "Anyway If I want to go to a higher level, with my physical condition, I can’t go there, right?”

He still has some idea of ​​his own level. What makes a spell caster stronger is never his physical ability. At least in terms of hand-to-hand combat, he may not be able to compete evenly with Captain America.

"Well, I feel like I can rule out a wrong answer first."

Su Ming finally spoke. He shook the Substance Zero model in his hand and stood up from the fire bed:

"Substance Zero comes from the First Firmament, and it is too specific. There is a high probability that it is not what we are looking for, but I know where to search. Now, who of you wants to go shopping with me?"

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