The Death Knell

Chapter 5845 Finding a needle in a haystack

Su Ming had only been to this place named Nightclub Universe twice because it was so depraved, and the air was filled with the smell of alcohol, drugs and male and female bodily fluids.

Nightclubs one after another, lights dazzling everywhere, deafening fast-paced music, these are not things he likes.

If he had time, he would rather sit in a dark room and meditate alone than come to a place like this to waste his life. However, his cousin might like such an atmosphere.

But it was okay today. There was no need to go indoors. Lucifer put the fragments of land he brought back on the square here and changed it into a ruin-style nightclub setting. So this scene should be said to be a square dance?

Su Ming is still a little resistant to square dancing. After all, he has seen it too much in his previous life. The only difference is that the men and women dancing here are younger and more beautiful, and they are dressed more hotly.

"I have never been here before." Elaine turned her head around and looked at the crowd around her with interest: "I didn't expect uncle's world to be so lively."

Yes, because it is too chaotic, everyone is having an endless carnival. People living in this world have been sheltered because of the power of Lucifer. They will not be hungry or tired, and their physical fitness is the limit of human beings. , you also don’t have to work or spend money, just enjoy yourself every day.

Such a world is undoubtedly deformed, or another form of hell, but in terms of high emotional intelligence, it is lively.

"I always feel that this kind of environment is not suitable for a minor like you." Su Ming took the girl's arm and helped her climb onto the plot in the center of the square: "You shouldn't be old enough to drink, right?"

If she is a law-abiding citizen, the legal drinking age in the United States is actually twenty years old. However, as long as young people do not drink in public on the street, there will be no police officers to take care of it.

"I am God." Elaine rolled her eyes. She turned to look at Lucifer: "Drive away everyone around, brighten the lights, and change the music to something more soothing."

Because it is a nightclub universe, this World Cup is always in eternal night. Without Lucifer's nod, there would be no day here.

Speaking of which, Lucifer is really good to human beings. People living here not only don't have to salute and say hello to him, the king, but they can also touch his butt. There is really no pretense at all.

He lagged behind Deathstroke and God for a short distance, mainly because when passing through the crowd, he kept kissing the men, women, and children around him, which wasted some time.

"It's easy. I'll let them go to other stores to play." After wiping the bodily fluids on his mouth, Lucifer smiled and waved. People present seemed to be inspired by some invisible force, lining up to dance. They all left.

Soon, only three people were left in the originally messy square, and the various colored lights that originally dazzled people's eyes also turned into white light, illuminating the ruins brightly.

Lucifer can disobey God, but he still dotes on his niece.

"It's much cleaner now, phew~" Su Ming let out a long breath and rubbed his swollen temples: "I really don't know what's the point of jumping around in the dark with others. If you have too much energy, go to the construction site. Go up and move bricks."

"Haha, you are really humorous." Lucifer floated up onto the land, landed next to Deathstroke and said with a smile: "Isn't it human nature to be indolent? Even if you have extra energy and physical strength, you would rather use it for fun than work."

"The dark side of human nature is more than what you said, Lucy." Su Ming began to examine the edges of the land and the roofs that seemed to have been cut by sharp tools: "Do you think if you love humans, humans will love you? ?”

"Tsk, good question, haha." Lucifer smiled. Of course he knew the answer: "It's just because people's hearts are separated from each other, so that's interesting, isn't it?"

People are like this. Sometimes when you meet someone who loves you very much, you don't feel anything anymore. You either experience the pleasure of sensuality, or you use the other person to obtain material things, but you just don't know how to love.

It's interesting that Lucifer has been in the human world for so many years, and most people are willing to go to bed and play with him, but he can feel that there are not many people who really fall in love with him, just a few.

His special ability allows him to present the appearance he likes most in the eyes of different people. He is stunningly beautiful to everyone. That is the special charm from a high-level existence.

However, humans want to possess him more than to dedicate him.

"Stop talking about that, my dear uncle." Elaine found a bench to sit on the roadside not far away. It was one of the few pieces of furniture that looked clean in the ruins of the town: "You too Help Deathstroke look for it and finish the job early, and we may be able to save more people in other worlds."

There was no one in the ruins, but there were some traces of life. God exerted his authority a little, but found that the land did not belong to her.

That's right, the plot Lucifer moved from the Marvel Universe, Elaine, the DC God, is still a little short-handed.

"It's quite suitable for you to talk now for publicity." Lucifer also joined in the search for things, but he never paid attention to his work. He picked up half a brick from the ground, played with it in his hand, and chatted about idle things. : "When the old man was here in the past, he always said that he loved the world, but in fact he didn't care about the life and death of human beings at all."

It can't be said that he doesn't love him, but as Death Knell has analyzed before, the old guy loves the world with the same kind of love for his own property. If this is true, Death Knell will become a model of loving the world.

The dark mercenary regards ordinary people as tools and currency, and only takes care of those he recognizes.

"That's just because I'm different from him. Uncle, don't worry. I do want to become a god, but I don't want to be a shepherd. Human beings are human beings to me, and I am also a member of the human race."

The girl knew what her uncle was talking about, and she didn't hide her thoughts. After all, she had never done anything bad, so she said whatever she thought.

With a random finger pointing beside her, flowers bloomed on the bench she was sitting on. She liked her state of being surrounded by flowers. At least this kind of chair was much warmer than the stone throne in the City of Silver in the past. Got:

"But having said that, Slade, what exactly are you looking for? Do you have a rough idea? Isn't it the smell of CAAT? That's not easy."

"That's the problem, my dear God, I don't know what I'm looking for yet." Su Ming patted the trees nearby, smiled and shook his head: "Didn't I tell you just now, this all comes from According to the speculations of my magician friends, my current actions can only be described as attempts."

"Then I suggest you use 'darkness' to find it." Lucifer threw away the brick, took out a handkerchief to wipe his hands, and polished his beautiful nails to shine: "When I fought with CAAT, it gave me It feels like a black mist or cloud, or something darker. Let’s try the concept of the same attribute.”

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