The Death Knell

Chapter 5853 Mutual influence

Lucifer was too proud. He had experienced countless battles in the past, but he never cared about gaining anything from the defeated.

According to his theory, the losers' things are worthless, whether it is their ideas or their equipment.

If it really worked, they wouldn't lose, right?

So today the death knell opened the door to a new world for him. Sometimes he could take some trophies home. Although they were useless to him, he could give them away to others.

These two legs that are constantly spurting blood are quite funny and need to be taken back.

Deathstroke suggested giving Elaine a cool shark tooth necklace. You can also have this. High school girls, especially Elaine, a black-haired girl who wears goth style, like bones, animal teeth and the like. stuff.

Yes, Elaine's favorite thing is probably bats, because bats are animals related to vampires. Although the vampires claim to be the enemies of God, everyone knows in their hearts that the three-legged cat of the vampires claims to be the enemy of God. They are all putting gold on their faces.

Ordinary vampires would not be able to evaporate directly when exposed to the holy light, let alone face God himself.

"I should also bring something to Beelzebub, and Azarez also wants a gift. Well, there is also my ex-wife, Izanami. I hit her on the back of the head last time. Now that I think about it, it seems that Not that necessary behavior.”

Lucifer is still proud, but he also learned something from Deathstroke, which is caring for the people around him.

Although if you ask him, he will definitely not admit it, but knowing that you need to bring some souvenirs home when traveling is a big change.

Perhaps it was the fact that Deathstroke became the controller of the Origin that made him realize that the world does not revolve around him.

"Beelzebub? Isn't his prime minister of hell impatient?" Su Ming thought of the huge fat fly, and suddenly felt a buzzing sound lingering in his ears: "He actually also wants to be Satan's prime minister. , after all, before you fell to heaven, the hell dimension belonged to Beelzebub, and he was the devil."

According to gossip, Su Ming seemed to have heard Alberta mention it like this last time, but he didn't pay much attention to it. After all, he had nothing to do with Hell, except for the deal of providing Beelzebub with ingredients for the Faceless Man.

"Hey, the main reason why demons are demons is that we don't bother to hide our desires."

Lucifer shrugged indifferently, and then with a wave of his hand, he caught a shark passing by on the street outside and started pulling out its teeth alive:

"A devil who doesn't want to be Satan is not a good devil. Even the most inconspicuous evil devil in hell has the ambition to become Satan. So I already knew that Beelzebub wanted to rebel, but I didn't care at all. But I still remember how good he was back then.”

When Lucifer fell into heaven, he took a group of fallen angel brothers who defected from heaven and had nowhere to go. He accidentally entered the dimension of hell. When Beelzebub saw him, he knelt down, gave up hell and the throne, and proclaimed himself As the prime minister of the palace, he assisted Lucifer in becoming the king.

At that time, there was no such thing as Satan. Everyone was simple and simple, and those with big fists should be in high positions.

Besides, the flies might have tried to rebel before, but now that Elaine has taken over, with Lucifer's understanding of Beelzebub, the cunning King of Flies has probably given up that idea long ago.

The person sitting on the throne now is Maizi. Maizi is his representative of Lucifer, and his relationship with Elaine lies here.

The demons in hell will probably be very content in the past few hundred years until they figure out the situation or establish a strong enough relationship, so Lucifer also benefited from the previous incident.

Cruelty, insidiousness, cunning, and despicability, these are virtues for demons. His friends have so many virtues, and Lucifer is of course happy for them.

"Okay, but Beelzebub is a fly. He likes rotten things and excrement. Even if he eats people, he only eats carrion, just like someone who specializes in eating stinky tofu."

When Su Ming saw that Lucifer didn't know what to give to Beelzebub, he briefly explained his thoughts.

"It's a very constructive opinion. Well, he is indeed such a guy, so I'm going to give him some shark poop. What do you think?" Lucifer followed the good advice and immediately decided on the gift along the lines of death knell.

Needless to say, shark poop is usually hard to find, but now you can just dig it directly from the fish’s belly.

But as I said before, Lucifer was a bit mysophobic. It was impossible for him to dig feces into the belly of a fish. Therefore, after pulling out all the teeth of the huge white shark in his hand, he simply pressed it with his fingers. After it dies, the body is thrown into a small black hole space and preserved.

The carcass of this shark, along with the feces and sewage in the body's belly, were given to Beelzebub. It was so fishy, ​​and if it was fermented later, the Lord of the Flies would definitely like it.

"Okay, I think this gift is very good. As expected of you, I know Beelzebub very well."

Smiling Su Ming applauded Lucifer and praised his proud predecessor Satan:

"Go on, it's a rare trip. I don't know if Sharknado will be able to continue to exist after a while. If you want to take some gifts back to give to others, seize the opportunity."

Shark teeth are good. You can collect some yourself and give a few to Peter, a few to Jessica, and Little Black Spider and the others. Teenage heroes probably like this kind of cool stuff.

Well, Squirrel Girl likes nuts more, so Shark Tooth won’t be given to her. Is there anything similar to nuts in the sea? Water chestnuts and water chestnuts seem to be aquatic, so they can be considered nuts, right? But it seems to only grow in freshwater areas?

"I find that when I go out with you, I always feel that life becomes more interesting." Lucifer smiled and began to prepare the next gift. He walked out of the ruins of the shop and picked up a charred human corpse from the flowing blood river. He seemed to have been electrocuted, and he put away his body and soul: "I wish I had known you earlier, Slade."

When this soul was caught by him, it let out a piercing scream, but to the devil, it was like hearing fairy music. You can see that Lucifer closed his eyes intoxicatedly.

He couldn't bear to see humans suffering, but he didn't care so much about the remains abandoned by humans after death. It was really a bit contradictory.

"Ah, thank you very much, your former Majesty Satan." Su Ming laughed out loud. He was floating above the blood river, calmly looking at the huge tornado outside the city, and watching the sharks flying in the sky while firing laser cannons: " I didn’t want to know you when I was still weak, it would make my anus cold.”

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