The Death Knell

Chapter 5857 Distraction

Watching Deathstroke handing out gifts to everyone, Diana still felt a little proud. Although she had always advocated that women should be independent, she was also very happy to see her teammates' recognition and trust in her boyfriend.

Although she didn't quite understand, today was not a holiday, and defeating Insomnia seemed like a natural victory to Deathstroke. There was nothing to celebrate, so why did she give everyone small gifts today?

Could it be that the celebration ceremony for defeating the old man God was a little late?

But this isn't the first time she's confused about Deathstroke's behavior. Maybe it's like what Slade said in a joke before, secrets make men more men. She actually thinks it's good for men to do this. There are some things she really doesn't need to know. of.

A little tired, she leaned against the wall of the corridor. After seeing the death knell, she felt a lot more at ease. At the same time, fatigue inevitably came over her.

"This piece of shark skin is for you, my dear." There were not many people present, and the gifts were quickly distributed. Su Ming came to her with a huge roll of shark skin, and happened to see her closing her eyes. Eye-catching gesture: "Is there trouble in Paradise Island? Are those dead old ladies from the Amazon Council looking for trouble for you again?"

The political system on Paradise Island is a bit like Sparta in the past. Although the apparent leader is the queen, who is basically a dictator, the existence of the Presbyterian Church is also an important factor that restricts individual rights.

Those old women don't do business. They sit on the island all day long and watch the sky. They are very good at finding faults and finding faults when something happens. If Xiao Dai hadn't helped them plead for mercy last time, Su Ming would have killed those old guys who were in the way. Cut.

It's not that we have to cancel the Elders Council to change the social structure of Amazon, but we can replace some obedient people as elders.

"It has nothing to do with them, Slade." Xiao Dai accepted the shark skin, touched the smooth texture with his hands, and wiped away the dried blood: "Since you warned them last time, they have You don’t dare to oppose me anymore, I feel tired just because I saw Zeus transformed from a nightmare before.”

Yes, the Titans imprisoned in the underground seal of Paradise Island also had nightmares. The person they feared most was obviously the person who defeated them back then, the God King Zeus.

If we talk about combat power alone, Diana is more than enough to defeat some sleepless knights who have entered reality, but for her, Zeus is also a nightmare.

Her irresponsible father, who finally died at the hands of her boyfriend, appeared in front of her again and knew many things that had happened. He kept saying heart-wrenching words, which really made people feel very uneasy.

"I see, this is really just a small problem for you."

Su Ming, who probably guessed what was going on, nodded and motioned to Xiao Shan to greet everyone to the rest area and not block the canro door. There was not even a place to sit here. Then he pulled Diana and put it in the corridor. Walked past the rest area of ​​the water dispenser:

"Xiao Dai, you have always been brave and fearless. I think the nightmare appearing in the form of Zeus will not affect you for too long. This short-term emotion will pass soon. If you feel tired, just sit here. on the sofa and drink more hot water.”

"Okay, that might help."

Wonder Woman didn't know anything about drinking hot water. She took this cold joke as a simple concern, so she sat on the sofa and rested obediently, still holding the roll of shark skin in her hand, but she seemed to suddenly I remembered something and asked again:

"If you gather the clues, will you bring a few people to help you when you go to deal with CAAT?"

People nearby also cast concerned glances.

"It's hard to say, because this clue most likely points to the 'secret'." Su Ming sat down next to her and looked at the superheroes around him: "There are higher levels there, and some people can't get in. The quality can’t hold up.”

As we all know, what determines the power level of a universe is often how many concepts it contains.

The story of time and space is complete, and it can almost be regarded as a qualified dimension. If there is more light and darkness, it will be more advanced. If there is life and death, it will be even more advanced.

The more comprehensive the concept, the higher the level, because this is inevitable. To put it bluntly, a concept is also a rule, a certain action pattern that energy and matter need to follow.

It is also because of this that the more concepts a universe contains, the more energy it has inside, and the level will naturally be pushed up.

If ordinary people enter an environment filled with various conceptual powers and lack the protection of concepts they have mastered, they will not be able to survive even for a second.

"Are you talking about Batman? His physical fitness is indeed only at the limit of human beings." Diana smoothed her hair. The skin on her forehead seemed a little tight under the pull, and her eyes looked a little bigger: "Then What do you think about me? Can I act with you?"

"No, Xiao Dai, you just said the opposite. Perhaps only Batman in the Justice League can enter that level."

Su Ming immediately shook his head. He held the woman's shoulders and tapped his temple with the other hand holding a cigarette:

"I can think of ways to help solve the physical resistance problem, but whether a person's understanding of the universe can change his perspective, whether his mind can digest so much information, and whether he has enough willpower, these are No outsiders can help.”

"Then you go and do things, what can the rest of us do?" Wonder Woman did not refute, because Batman is indeed a smart person recognized by everyone, and he also has the strongest willpower, even better than Green Lantern: "Me too Want to help.”

"Do what you've been doing every day and continue to be your superheroes."

Su Ming patted her arm and spoke to her with a smile. In fact, he was also saying to everyone around him:

"Anyway, for most people, they don't know the existence of CAAT, and their lives are no different from the past. This means that a lot of bad things still need to be dealt with by the Justice League. By the way, where is Leopard Girl? I thought She will follow you every step of the way."

"She had a nightmare about the day she picked up the dagger of the Hunting Goddess, so she is a little unhappy now and went to the canteen to buy wine."

Not realizing that her boyfriend was changing the subject, Diana smiled and talked about Leopard Girl. Her old enemy finally showed signs of change, which was a good thing. She was very happy to tell everyone about Leopard Girl's changes.

Maybe it's getting better? At least she hasn't killed anyone casually during this time.

"Does the Justice League cafeteria still sell alcohol? I never noticed before."

Su Ming smiled and touched his chin. Probably only Neptune has the problem of alcoholism, but he is a veritable drinker. Drinking a box of vodka can only moisten his throat, so there is no need to worry about getting into trouble. :

"Forget it, it's unnecessary for me to ask this, haha, everyone, come here, don't stand silently, I will tell you a story about me and the sharks, aren't you curious about where these trophies came from?"

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