The Death Knell

Chapter 5860 Pry open the mouth

The happier people are, the easier it is to ignore the people around them. Interestingly, this state is named "selflessness".

I have to say that the universe of "Sharknado" is very interesting. When you enter it in person, you may not feel that the streets full of fishy smell, the sticky air humidity on your body, the lack of daily necessities and safety measures are abnormal. Armed sharks that can fall from the sky at any time like crazy people, etc.

These are the key factors that make it unsuitable for ordinary people to travel.

But when the things that happened in that universe were filmed and played as an adventure documentary, the adjutant edited out a lot of dark parts that were not suitable for superheroes to watch, leaving only the funny and funny ones, so everyone regarded it as It's really interesting to watch as a comedy movie.

Although Deathstroke didn't say it, superheroes seemed to habitually assume that he had saved this shark-ridden world. After all, this man often saved the world, didn't he?

Now that the problem has been solved, what happened in the past is naturally fun.

As everyone knows, Deathstroke is acting with Lucifer this time. He has no intention of 'saving' the Sharknado universe. Now the people there are still struggling in the bloody storm.

This is not darkness. After all, it has nothing to do with Su Ming. People in each universe have their own destiny that they must face. Besides, the shark only destroyed their bodies, but their souls will still follow the instructions. to cycle.

Except for those universes that were completely destroyed, I wonder where the souls will go after the human beings there are extinct. Will they enter a higher level? Or is it dissipated into energy? Or does it exist in another form?

It's a pity that Deathstroke is just a warrior. His research on souls is not very deep. Even when he needs strength the most, he has never thought about similar souls. He only respects the fate of strangers.

"By the way, how is Ron's condition now? When I left the hall before, his condition was not good."

Everyone watched the movie together and drank drinks. Su Ming kept chatting with everyone. After all, he didn't know how much time Batman would need. It would only take a little longer.

"He is a little calmer, but he has used some medicine." Eagle Girl was still holding the music box. For a person who often reincarnated, she had long been indifferent to life and death, so her mood was very stable when she spoke.

Ron's pain comes from the fact that his wife and children were burned to death before, but Eagle Girl has died in a worse way than this countless times before, so she doesn't think it is a big deal, but she is a little concerned about the use of drugs. .

After all, there is no obvious difference between powerful tranquilizers and drugs. Although the legalization of drugs is now popular in the United States, superheroes are basically opposed to this matter.

Speaking of which, Martian Manhunter is quite shrewd. If he finds someone else to continue his relationship, he will face pain again if his wife dies. But Hawkgirl is different. After her death, she can be reincarnated seamlessly, which is equivalent to having a wife. A wife who will never die, who will never have to face the pain of separation again.

Die, die casually, you can still survive.

But how to put it, this can only be regarded as Rujing, it is better to find a super self-healer as a wife, for example, ask Clay Face if he has any sisters at home.

"I know of an ancient Eastern technique that involves pricking people with needles, which can put people into a deep sleep without any side effects."

Su Ming recommended acupuncture to Eagle Girl, looking like she was thinking about Ron:

"It's been more than ten years since his ex-wife and child died and he still can't forget it. It's probably because he needs to be pierced. You should contact some nuns for him, that is, elderly women, who come here to pierce him every day."

Green Arrow: "Pfft!"

He made a snickering sound. To say that the people in the Justice League who know the most about Eastern things are him and Batman. Anyway, the more he listened, the more he felt that Deathstroke was not talking about acupuncture treatment, but some kind of treatment. torture.

Just as everyone was chatting in random directions, talking about sharks or topics that had nothing to do with aquatic products, the door of Canluo's dormitory not far away opened, and Batman walked out silently.

He did not come to receive the gift, nor did he make any other movements. He was just far away from the crowd, and his eyes behind the pointed-eared mask were cast on the death knell, as if the two could use this signal to transmit information to each other.

"Ah, let's chat first. I had a lot of wine with Lucifer before, and now I have to pee."

Deathstroke made an excuse and left the crowd with a smile, while the adjutant naturally took over his task of attracting everyone's attention and began to explain.

The image of the adjutant is very in line with human aesthetics, and the voice is also very nice. After all, she listened to tens of millions of people's voices on the Internet and selected the best one.

Therefore, as the commentator of the Animal World program, she is far superior to Deathstroke in terms of knowledge and broadcasting skills, so it is not difficult to attract everyone's attention.

However, in order not to draw extra attention from everyone, Deathstroke still walked towards the bathroom. After all, the Hall of Justice is a public facility. Even the half that is not open to the public is still shared by the superheroes.

Human life consists of eating, drinking, and defecating every day, so of course there are public bathrooms here.

After all, not every superhero can get their own room inside the Hall of Justice like the Big Seven. They don’t have a place to live here. They can at most come here to have a meal, have a meeting, and find a room to chat with friends. Meeting day.

When it's time to rest, or when the task at hand is over, it's time to go home.

Can Luo's dormitory is, to put it bluntly, a house arrest room. It is relatively close to the prison area, so most of the time, no superheroes come here because it is not convenient at all.

Walking along the corridor here, the voices of everyone behind me gradually became distant, leaving only the sound of my own footsteps still echoing.

The lights above are very bright, but there is a lack of popularity. There is a strange smell in the air. It feels like an absolutely clean empty laboratory with no dust inside.

The expressionless Deathstroke walked to the bathroom, opened the door and walked in. Batman was waiting for him in the shadows behind the door.

"The United Power's mouth was pried open?"

"It's not as tough as I thought."

Batman, who has no sense of humor at all, actually told a rare joke today, which shows that what he learned from his captive made him a little uneasy.

"As I expected, it has never been beaten in the past, so it doesn't know what pain is. Its resistance to physical pain is very low."

Su Ming had no intention of talking nonsense. He walked slowly to the sink, turned on the faucet, and watched the purified water that had been purified through multiple layers flow out from the faucet with bubbles:

"Tell me what, if you want to press a few toilet drain buttons to make noise and cover up our conversation, that's fine by me."

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