The Death Knell

Chapter 5863 The Mysterious Principle

"If you are not a hero and have not read the Three Kingdoms, how can you not understand loneliness if you are a hero?"

Just as Wade and the other four were talking around the table in the spaceship restaurant, a strange singing voice came from an unknown dark corner.

"Ah, here we go, this is just like the scary BGM that is played when the monsters in all horror movies appear. It's really Slade's style to use this as a joke."

Deadpool, who instantly turned into dead fish eyes, hammered his palm with his fist, then sighed and said to Peter beside him:

"But while singing "Cao Cao", Cao Cao arrived. This joke was so cold that even a handsome man like me with a great sense of humor couldn't stand it."

"Oh? Can't you stand it anymore? My stupid Oudou~!" The death knell in black and yellow heavy armor walked out of the darkness silently, with a narrow smile on his face: "Who told you just now? Are you talking about me behind my back? And you're talking about me like I'm some kind of evil spirit."

Seeing Deathstroke appear with such a sense of oppression, the evil-minded Jessica had a crooked smile on her face. She wanted to see the scene where the mean-mouthed Deadpool was dealt with.

"It's nothing, dear cousin, even if it is, was it Peter who said it?" Deadpool immediately betrayed the boy next to him and pushed him out: "He was the one who first talked about the lich topic in DND. "

"Huh?" Peter suddenly turned into a black question mark face, but soon turned around and started fighting with Deadpool. The two were like old street bullies, fighting quickly with small fists and side kicks.

Too lazy to pay attention to the two childish ghosts, Su Ming took off his helmet and sat down at the dining table in the restaurant. He also took out the shark teeth from his pocket and threw them to Jessica as a gift. As for Squirrel Girl, there is no need for anything from the shark, whatever. Just give her some nuts.

"I take it your cosmic voyage went quite smoothly?"

"Haha, it's okay. It's just that there are fewer types of wine on the spaceship. The common types are a bit boring." Jessica played with the shark teeth and raised her hand to brush her long black hair: "But I I don’t think you’re here to pay a return visit to a customer who purchased a spaceship, but you’re here to take Deadpool away for a mission, right?”

It’s not that Wilson Enterprise’s after-sales service is not good, but it’s simply not Deathstroke’s turn to do this kind of thing.

What kind of grand plan is the cosmic voyage? The smart treasure girl has roughly guessed that this is the direction of human development in the future. She will first move into the depths of the universe, then go to the parallel universe in the future, and then step on the death knell step by step. road.

So this man should be very busy now, so he wouldn't come to him to chat for no reason.

"You were only half right. I found that your reasoning ability has declined. Why do you always guess half like Daisy and Carol?" Su Ming wordlessly took out snacks and drinks from his pocket and put them on the table: " In fact, I really didn’t come to see Deadpool, but to come to Doreen.”

"Kakakaka" The squirrel girl who ate the peanuts quickly did not say anything. She just raised her eyebrows curiously and pointed to her nose with her finger.

I am too busy, my mouth is too busy, although I can chew something and talk at the same time, but today’s situation is special.

There are peanuts in the left cheek pouch and macadamia nuts in the right cheek pouch. If you talk at this time, the taste of the two nuts will be mixed, which will not be delicious.

It may not make any difference to people, and assorted chopped nuts are also good, but it is difficult for ordinary people to understand some of the squirrels' insistence on nuts.

"Yes, I'm looking for you." Looking at Squirrel Girl's bulging face, Su Ming shook her head in a funny way, because whenever she saw Doreen, she seemed to be eating: "To be precise, I need Your 'funny' power, and the magical properties of the 'squirrel dimension'."

Batman did a great job, and he also explained the specific concepts of the mystery to Deathstroke, concepts that can be understood from a human perspective.

As the name suggests, mystery refers to profundity and mystery. It usually refers to a secret that has a complicated origin and is not known to ordinary people.

The so-called power of mystery before should be officially called the power of mystery. They are special powers from the mysterious level. This is why there are several types of power of mystery.

In addition to this, mysteries can also be called mysteries and mysteries. Let’s not talk about the latter for now. It is a kind of ‘embodiment’.

The former comes from the mysterious side of explanation. For example, people originally didn’t know what God’s motive was for walking on earth, but God later said that He came to save mankind. This was the motive.

The secret reason after being revealed is the Ori, because although it has been known to others, people don't know whether it is true or not, they just blindly believe it.

Or to put it in a more understandable way, it is a statement that humans force themselves to believe in order to facilitate their understanding of something that they cannot understand originally.

This is also a mystery.

Although it is still unknown what role CAAT plays in the mystery and what its specific motivation is, Su Ming already has a plan after knowing the scope of the definition of Aoli.

Using some unreasonable means, and using the mysterious power in the small pyramid in your hand as an introduction, there is a high probability that you can enter the mysterious level and surpass the limit of the omnipotent universe.

It's just possible, but it's enough to give it a try. Although he always pursues safety, how can anything in this world be 100% certain?

You still have to take risks when you should take risks. Don't mercenaries always go to the most dangerous places?

"Funny? So the way to get to the secret is to use the Marvel Universe's special treatment for funny abilities? Is it the kind of unexplained power that allows Doreen to defeat Thanos with toilet paper as soon as the screen goes dark? It seems to be different from What about the power of plot continuity.”

Wade, who was tearing apart each other's cheeks with Spider-Man, made a funny sound, but he was analyzing it seriously, and the mean expression on his face was much lessened:

"Sure enough, it's not a project I'm good at. Damn it, Uncle Deadpool, I'm not the type of funny guy at all. I don't think I can make this kind of money because I'm just handsome. But Peter, I think you can Try it, it’s quite funny.”

Spider-Man is not really a funny character. Peter just likes to tell jokes and nonsense. Anyway, few of his opponents in the past could laugh.

But if you think about it carefully, they should laugh, because Spider-Man has a no-kill policy. When bad guys encounter him, they will be beaten up and hung at the door of the police station at most.

If you meet someone else, even if it's Captain America or Iron Man, you're almost dead. Although the Avengers don't like killing, they don't dislike killing at all.

So Deadpool always says that he is not much different from a superhero, he just wants money afterwards.

" # !¥ @! # !" Peter, whose mouth was pulled into a line by Deadpool, made a strange sound. No one could understand what he was saying, but judging from the boy's expression, he He doesn't seem to want to admit that he is a funny guy.

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