The Death Knell

Chapter 5875 Box Warehouse

There were two boxes in front of him. Su Ming squatted in front of them, holding his chin and thinking.

The two wooden boxes are exactly the same size. If you knock them a few times, you will hear the sound of wood. When you lift them up and look at the bottom, they are also intact wooden boards.

"So, do you know the answer this time, but are you looking for the mystery instead?" Deathstroke was talking to his symbiote, and his voice did not even echo in the empty warehouse.

This borderless warehouse is equivalent to a world, right? So what do these piles of boxes represent?


The symbiote continued to interact with the host. It extended many tentacles, looked for boxes on other piles, and asked if it was still looking for a panel with four grooves?

"It could be four, it could be three, it could even be seven." Su Ming asked him to rummage around first and study the boxes himself: "The number is of little significance. Let's find something to try first. We will discuss the reasoning later. "

While he was talking, he opened the two boxes in front of him. Sure enough, there were still boxes inside. After taking out one of the boxes again, he now had four boxes.

If you keep opening the box like this, it will probably never be finished, which means that the puzzle you want will most likely not be in the box.

Let’s not talk about how many boxes there are in this space. Even in the form of endless matryoshka dolls, it doesn’t support opening them one by one.

The symbiote tried to open some box lids, but when it saw that there were still boxes inside, it did not take them out. It paid more attention to the emergency lights around it. After all, this thing was most likely used to get out of here. key.


It complains that the world of divine travel is too capable of survival. If someone with a bad mind comes in, is it possible that he won't be able to get out?

"People with weak brains can form a team and find smart people to lead them. People are still social animals after all." The boxes in front of Su Ming have now become eight, and he is trying to stack them up: "But ordinary people It is still not recommended to enter the 'secret' level, it is still a bit too advanced for most people."

Yes, although the surrounding environment seemed unremarkable, it was even a place that I had seen before, and even felt familiar.

But the Divine Realm only shows such a "reflection". It is not as simple as what humans can see with the naked eye. It is even possible that these boxes are symbols of the multiverse.

This is just speculation, there are no clues or evidence, but it is indeed possible, isn't it?

And the energy level around you is really high. Even the air you breathe here is full of energy. It's like being in the sun. You can feel another mysterious power passing through the alveoli and soaking into your blood, just like Snowflakes blend into the water.

This is not a metaphor, but I can really see a similar picture in my mind. In addition to having a headache, Deathstroke has now begun to have some strange hallucinations.

But it was not a hallucination in the negative sense. When this scene appeared in his mind, it did not affect his vision or judgment. Instead, it seemed that he had extra eyes and saw scenery that humans should not see.

Now in his mind, there was a scene of heavy snow falling on the lake, and every snowflake slowly melting.

I can feel the coldness, but it actually relieves the headache a little. This is probably because I have adapted, or some new reaction mechanism has been formed in my body to cope with the current situation.


The symbiote that retracted its tentacles rolled back a few more light boxes and handed them all to the host. At the same time, it said that it had no idea for the time being and could only find these.

But the light box is there, but the panel that can plug in the light box is still missing, and there is nothing here that looks like the previous machine.

The warehouse-like space was still eerily quiet, with no noise at all. Only the host's almost non-existent breathing could occasionally be heard.

There is darkness in all directions, and the concept of darkness that I have mastered always reflects that there is nothing in it. However, when I really look in that direction with my naked eyes, I will find that some boxes emerge from the darkness.

It's as if they were already there.

"Well, actually we still have clues in hand now."

Su Ming played with the light box in his hand, turned around and sat down on a box, crossed his legs and lit a new cigarette. He didn't know if he was used to it, but as soon as the nicotine caught up, an idea came to his mind:

"First, let's list the useful things in our hands, and then work backwards to figure out the mystery."

The strange triangle containing mysterious power, the paint given by TOAA, the painting skills instilled by Azathoth, and the dismantled emergency exit light box, these are the cards in my hand now.

No matter where the mystery lies, there is a high probability that these things will come into play. This is Su Ming's experience in playing puzzle games.

In his previous life, his computer was so broken that it couldn't even run large games, and there weren't many things he could play.

But he has played a lot of games that involve finding props and clues in a lot of junk, and clicking and interacting with scenes to solve puzzles, such as the "Secret of the Ghost Manor" series and the "Dark Fable" series. Quite fun.

Sometimes, you can find some props for solving puzzles by just messing around in the scene. Next, you need to find where in the scene these props can be used.

For example, if you get a pair of scissors, you need to find ropes or ribbons in the scene. These are objects that can be interacted with using scissors.

If you pick up a ball of yarn, you have to look for a cat or a sweater sign in the scene, objects that can create a connection.

That's probably what it means. Anyway, it's definitely easier to find the riddle with the answer than with bare hands.

Looking at the current situation, Su Ming concluded that the first level just passed was more difficult, and theoretically the difficulty of the second level should be reduced.

In essence, everything around you can be seen as a real and interactive existence, or it can be seen as an illusion that does not exist at all. Everything you do here is actually just a process of deepening into the world of gods.

When you first enter and when you are about to leave here, you should face the greatest difficulty. It is like using a toothpick to pierce the grapes. You need to use more force when piercing the peel twice.

Therefore, this second level is most likely still a visual game. Shenxingjie seems to be trying to make itself aware of how to see the world in another way at a higher level.

Thinking of this, Su Ming left the box and put back the extra boxes he had taken out one by one. Finally, the eight boxes turned into one, and he took it and put it back to its original position.

"Hey." The symbiote knew that the host had already thought of a way to solve this problem.

The current 'height' is not high enough. I can only see piles of goods. I feel like I am in this mountain and don't know the real face. That's pretty much what it means.

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