The Death Knell

Chapter 5878 Seaside Town

The sunlight is also a patch of color hanging in the sky, and it looks a bit like the petals of a chrysanthemum, but it is glowing.

Because this is a small town at sunset, the color blocks that make up the sunlight look redder, and their light makes the town look somewhat red.

The creature sitting next to the table tilted her head. She seemed to be observing the death knell, but she quickly shook her head. Under the setting sun, this human figure with only a rough outline actually showed some beauty.

"You can't resist Him."

After saying this, the female customer drinking coffee stopped talking. She seemed to return from three dimensions to two dimensions, that is, she became a flat silhouette in the painting, the same situation as the gentleman on the beach before.

I don't know whether they actively escaped or were persecuted for speaking, but Su Ming was more inclined to the former because he didn't feel the other person's emotions, no fear or sadness, only calm.

But it may be that these high-level beings themselves have no emotions, or that in their eyes, they are not actually living creatures?

"I have a guess." Su Ming leaned on the chair, touching the abstract round table with his hand, looking at the flat woman opposite, looking at the mottled color blocks that made up her face: "Sometimes I read a book Sometimes, when I am happy, I will say something to the characters in the book, but soon I will realize that it is a fool's behavior, and then I will shut up, maybe this is the case."


Strangler said that this is indeed a possibility. These humanoid-like existences are likely to be the embodiment of some higher-level consciousness and a ‘sense of substitution’ in the story.

It's just that this is a painting, not a book. The moving figures in these paintings may be their own sense of substitution for the painting.

On another higher level, some creatures admired this painting and had thoughts such as 'I seem to be looking at the colorful sea' and 'I want to drink coffee in such a seaside town'.

With these ideas, the imagination puts a part of their spirit into the painting and really creates some images on this level that they can experience personally in the painting.

Therefore, when communicating with Deathstroke, they were in an activated state, but after speaking, their ontology on another level realized - 'Ah, I was so absorbed in looking at the painting that I actually thought I was the same as the person in the painting. Talking? This is so embarrassing! ’

So they wake up and escape from the sense of substitution.

Without the infusion of consciousness, the body becomes a flat silhouette, blending into the painting and becoming the background, and no longer has the function of communication.

This is probably the situation I am encountering now, right? At least this explanation makes sense, but I still know too little about the 'mystery', and all of this is just speculation.

It’s not that there was no gain.


The speechless symbiote Douyao shook his head. That painting was so weird, it could even be said to be ugly. What kind of weirdo would have a sense of empathy for the scenery it depicts?

It's like seeing a maggot swimming butterfly in a manure pit, feeling longing for it, thinking, "Ah, it would be great if I was the one swimming", and then thinking about it enviously?

At least normal people don't and shouldn't.

"This example may be a bit extreme, but it's hard to say that anyone will envy the life of a dung sea maggot. You have to know that human XP is always diverse."

Su Ming stretched out his hand and touched the black bean sprouts. In this world, the touch was no longer so smooth:

"But if we think about it from another angle, the paintings that we recognize as abstract to the point of ugliness, at a higher level of abstraction, might be masterpieces in the eyes of higher-level beings?"

For example, some aliens like to eat grass dumplings. Star-Lord liked to eat them before he knew what they were.


The symbiote said that it is indeed possible, but both itself and the host are species that were born and grew up in the three-dimensional material world. It may not be easy to understand higher-level life. At least for now, they only know that their condition is a bit like ghosts.

It's like there is a body here, and they can get in, whether it's reviving a dead body, or turning a dead thing into a living thing, it's essentially like possession.

"Yes, but no valuable information can be extracted from these figures. Their existence may even be an interference option. We still need to find an emergency escape exit."

Let’s take a point-and-click puzzle game as an example. In some scenes, there will be dialogues that can be clicked to pop up, and NPCs that can interact and talk. But these may be useless and are purely smoke bombs to block the line of sight.

This may also be the case in today's abstract oil painting-like world.


Hangsha asked the host, do you think we are still in the world of divine travel now? Or has it entered the world of creation?

"It's most likely that it's still in the world of gods. After all, the oil painting world is full of life." Su Ming left the coffee shop and returned to the street again. There were various abstract figures coming and going around him, but he no longer planned to interact with them. So many people are communicating ineffectively: "I'll go to the sea first and take a look."

The previous level was about flying into the sky, so there is a certain probability that this level will land on the ground. The ground is very solid, but the sea should be able to drill into it.

Let’s try it first. Puzzle games are a good opportunity to use the exhaustive method without any trouble.

While communicating with the symbiote in this way, he strolled to the beach. Looking at the orange sea that seemed to be pieced together with countless fragments again, Deathstroke took a breath, and then walked onto the trestle nearby.

I don’t know what the water temperature here is, but you still need to fully warm up before entering the water. First, do the broadcast exercises that have been calling for a while.

It just means a sense of ritual in life. Anyway, after being here for a while, his mood improved a lot, and then he dived into the sea with a leap.

A large number of square bubbles filled the field of vision in an instant, and clearer laughter came to my ears. But when the scenery in front of me returned to normal, the sound seemed to have gone away, and there was only silence underwater.

Under the sea surface is a sheet of white, just like the color of the canvas itself without paint. The bottom of the sea feels like cloth, but it is definitely not cloth.

"It feels a bit close to a puzzle." Su Ming walked a few steps on the seabed with satisfaction, looked around, and looked up at the sea surface, but when he looked above the seabed, he could only see darkness.

This is also reasonable. The technique of oil painting is similar to putting putty on the wall. It is a thick coating. You can see the brilliant colors from one side of the painting. But if the canvas covered with paint has vision, it will only see all the paint mixed in. Black after together.


The strangle pointed in a direction not far away, which should be the location of the lighthouse in the painting, but under the water, what appeared at this time was a geometric figure composed of pencil lines, which it found the most suspicious.

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