The Death Knell

Chapter 5890 Trends from all parties

The plan to deal with CAAT is actually divided into two parts.

Part of it is the 'proactive attack' in which Deathstroke himself is responsible, and Batman may also be involved, and the other part is the 'local defense' in which everyone is responsible, but not everyone is aware of it.

The former's cousin didn't take Deadpool to play, and he couldn't figure it out himself, so as soon as the bitch's brain changed, he went to participate in the second part, which was the home defense plan.

It's just that unlike Gu Yi and Wanda's always vigilant defense method, he wants to be more proactive, which is the so-called active defense.

So he found Lucifer. After all, he was the only demon king who had fought with CAAT in the air not long ago.

As for the former Satan's compliments to himself and his cousin, Deadpool shamelessly accepted them, saying they were cunning, despicable, and shameless. In the eyes of the devil, these are the shining points of humanity.

To put it bluntly, the worse the person is, the more the demons will love him. Just like Constantine, countless demons love him so much that they can't help but want to drag his soul to hell to monopolize him.

"Believe it, why don't you believe it?" Deadpool sat at the bar very familiarly. He was not worried about affecting other people's appetites. After all, the two people here are God and Satan: "So I think you are very lucky, then Can you take me to try my luck again?"

He is not worried at all. In this day and age, the boss is the one who owes money.

If he died, Lucifer's account would be gone, and he wouldn't watch him crash and die.

"What do you think?" Satan put down the wine glass in his hand. The red wine in it rippled. He turned his head and looked at Elaine aside. At this time, God was frantically salvaging the mutton in the copper pot with chopsticks and eating it. Mouth full of oil.

"Take him for a ride, just don't attract the enemy." The girl seems to understand why the old man likes to be a shepherd. This mutton-boiled meat is so delicious. No, it should be said that Deathstroke's hot pot base tastes good. : "I think Deathstroke should have expected this a long time ago. He knows what kind of person his cousin is."

It would be okay if Deadpool didn't know some things, but if he knew, he would definitely go there to gain popularity.

In a big event of this level, if you don't show your face for a long time, doesn't that mean you've become a loser?

"Death Knell can really summon people, you little rascal." Lucifer smiled fondly. One of his favorite humans now is Death Knell, only slightly worse than Constantine and Alberta. He stood He stood up, stretched his wings behind him, and said to Deadpool: "Okay, I will accompany you, this smelly guy, for another trip, but I can only try my luck."

"Well, come on, uncle." Elaine casually waved a piece of white light towards Lucifer, and then continued to eat meat: "I wish you all the best."

God's blessing can make luck better, but it is still a bit mysterious. If you don’t believe in God, it’s actually of no use. What people emphasize is that believers will have eternal life.

"Blessings are useless, save them, it's better to discount them." The white holy light flew in front of Deadpool's eyes, and he raised his hand to scatter it. He had no respect for any gods and only cared about them. He urged the devil: "Hurry up and leave. If we finish early, I can still go to Gotham's nightclub for a while."

"What fun is there in Gotham's store? I have a lot of fun here." When Lucifer turned around, he pinched Deadpool's butt and winked at him: "Actually, as long as you take a good bath, I think you’re not bad either.”

"Pfft~~~" Deadpool didn't answer, but he let out a long fart in response, which made the Demon King immediately shake his head and move away for a distance.

Batman, who was thought to be acting in secret, was currently bathed in bright light. This was the Hall of Justice located in the Heavenly Blood Layer, also known as the headquarters of the Incarnation of Justice.

After all, the threat of CAAT is not against Earth 0, but every parallel world in Multiverse 1 is facing danger, so no matter how much he pursues mysticism, there are some things that he still has to communicate with superheroes from other worlds. .

After learning some information, the black president Superman decided to gather everyone for a meeting, so Batman from Earth 0, as a witness and consultant, had to attend.

There are too many members of the Incarnation of Justice, which leads to the fact that there are no seats or tables in the conference room of the Hall of Justice. Everyone is standing for the meeting. Those who need to speak go to the high platform to speak. If anyone below has something to say, please raise your hand to the stage. can express their opinions.

How should I put it? It gives people the feeling of the ancient Roman Senate, but it is more free. After all, there is no class division among superheroes. Although their super powers and combat effectiveness are strong and weak, everyone is equal.

The so-called first-tier heroes are all classified by dark-minded people like Deathstroke, such as the Big Three, the Big Seven, the second-tier superhero team Titans, etc. There is no such official division within Zhenglian.

Speaking of which, it hasn't been long since the last meeting. The last topic of the Incarnation of Justice was the discussion about the entry of Diversity 1 into the 40K universe.

Now it's happening again.

But as superheroes, everyone is used to it. Although most earths do not have as frequent crises as Earth 0, in terms of busyness, everyone is actually about the same.

Just because there are no big things happening, it doesn't mean that there are no small things in life, such as robbers robbing a bank or a plane crash. These things all require the help of superheroes.

As vigilantes and people who uphold justice, they have a lot of life in their sights, so they can't take any time off.

The black president Superman has just told everyone some information about CAAT. Everyone also knows that there is now a Deathstroke who has launched an operation to try to block the enemy from his own multiverse.

But since they have shouldered the main tasks, the superheroes naturally have to consciously take on the remaining work.

Strengthen the defense of each universe and establish an information linkage and sharing mechanism. If anyone has a better way, they can always propose it, etc.

Anyway, the meeting was almost over at this time, and only the final speech was left. As the elected chairman of the incarnation of justice, the black Superman stood on the high platform and seriously encouraged everyone, that is, he gave a mobilization speech.

Why is he the president of the Incarnation of Justice, not Clark from Earth 0? It's because this black president Superman is better at talking and has extraordinary talents in politics.

If we really want to talk about combat effectiveness, compared to Superboy, Black Super can't even lift shoes, let alone compared to Superboy-Prime.

Batman has been trying to find a dark corner to shrink into, but the structure of the conference room in the Hall of Justice is a large dome building in a science fiction style. The entire ceiling is a huge lighting device, and there is no reassuring darkness at all.

So he could only stand under the light. Looking at the downward curled corners of his mouth, it showed that he was very unhappy.

Maybe until today, he finally understood why Deathstroke disliked the Justice League always having meetings.

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