The Death Knell

Chapter 5898 Thinking about plans

"Okay, I won't insist on throwing the blame away."

Holding the lightsaber in his hand, Su Ming's brain was thinking about countermeasures. At the same time, he used his free hand to touch the strangled bean sprouts:

"Anti-everything is quite strong. It's probably a little bit inferior to First Firmament and TOAA, but I'm not weak either. Let me show you what human wisdom is today."

To say what the opponent cannot counterattack, the only thing left is the idea that the opponent cannot counterattack. After all, thought is free, and its countermeasures ability is more targeted at various behaviors.

Thinking of this, the speechless Su Ming tilted his mouth without waiting for Zhuo Sha to answer:

"No wonder it popped up in the world of divine travel. Tsk, it's just because it's all about 'behaviour'."


Strangler knew that the host had thought of a way to deal with the enemy, but in its opinion, the success rate seemed a bit low, and the plan was a bit weird from all aspects.

The silent conversation with the symbiote had not lasted for a while, but the dust on the ground below had already fallen, and the symbiote gradually revealed its true appearance.

It looks like a Western dragon made of black mist, but it is only over two meters tall. It looks more alien than the giant dragon in the traditional image.

There are no common dragon-like claws, instead there are insect-like stinging limbs, some of which look like crab's pointed feet, and some of which look like spider's legs. There were dozens of claws like this, and they were wiggling on the body intermittently, but Su Ming knew that these were just manifestations that he could recognize.

Anti-everything, like other high-level concept embodiments, its form changes with the imagination and cognitive limits of the viewer, so it is a shadow in everyone's heart.

This dragon is like the deepest dream under the night, both invisible and visible. Its existence is to challenge people's perception of reality.

The "darkness" represented by Anti-Everything is different from Su Ming's "darkness". It is more like a "loss", a fear that cannot be expressed in words.

Even though it has been bathed in the sunshine of the Divine Realm, the outline of the Black Mist Dragon is looming, just like the outline of the object in the vast fog, making people feel both real and illusory.

The scenery around it was gradually obscured by the black mist, as if it had been swallowed up, leaving only vague shadows. This was its counterattack against the death knell summoning the black sun.

The position of the dragon's eyes are two bottomless red holes, shining with dazzling light, but without the movement of life, like two dyed black holes, staring at everything, but without any emotion, it seems Didn't see anything.

But the big mouth full of fangs and the mouth gushing red light form a wonderful arc. When people see it, they feel that this dragon is smiling evilly, just like a Halloween pumpkin. lamp.

Every wisp of mist and flowing clouds on the small body made the streets around it begin to blur, and even blocked the sunlight in the Divine World.

Coupled with that annoying smile, it seems to be saying that his appearance is not to destroy, not to destroy, but to make you realize that in addition to everything in front of you, there is also an existence that is anti-everything.

The scales on Antizo's body shone with a ghostly light, but this was not the reflection of light, but the devouring of darkness, especially its wings, which looked like sticky bubble gum stretched into a nearly transparent film.

It has already begun to absorb the energy existing in the world of divine movement. This is a familiar and unfamiliar devouring method.

At the same time, it represents the concept of ‘non-existent concept’, the collection of all objections, and the rights given to it by TOBA.

The Black Mist Dragon is that messenger. At least for it, existence and non-existence are just a matter of thought, just like its form in the dark, vague and uncertain.

By the way, there was also its sound. If it had really made a sound, it should have been the echo in the fog, those messy, intermittent ghostly calls that made Su Ming feel uncomfortable.

Well, it realized that the death knell didn't like its sound very much, so it started to call more vigorously, and it was jumping up and down on the ground and calling, that's how bad it was.

Whether it is a dragon or an ancient conceptual entity, it can fly, and it can even fly directly into the realm of gods to launch sneak attacks.

But now it just won't fly, hey, it's just playing. The more Deathstroke hopes it will fall into a trap, the more it will do the opposite.

"It's still looking at me and smiling. It feels so cheap."

The opponent did not take the initiative to attack, but seduced Deathstroke to take the initiative. This shows that this thing still has some brains, but it is too annoying.

Deadpool is usually cheap enough. Su Ming thought he already had some resistance, but he didn't expect that it would be even more cheap. The more you want it to do something, the more it will oppose it.

Generally speaking, when facing an enemy, shouldn't one be bitter and resentful, with a frown on his face? It doesn't want to, it has to show this smiling face.

Other dragon-like creatures, or embodiments of dragon-shaped concepts, are often huge in size. Alas, it also goes in the opposite direction, making its own embodiment very small, so that no one can tell that it is The dragon is coming.

In Deathstroke's understanding, ancient evil gods are often very stable, or calm, but it's the opposite. It wants to be lively and active.

Shit, so shitty.

But if you think you can take advantage of this, you're wrong.

For example, if you know that the embodiments of many high-level concepts are very strong, will opposing everything make you weak and use this to oppose you?

The answer is no, it is not stupid, it will only become stronger, stronger than you imagine. Isn't this another objection?


The symbiote also saw the anti-everything bouncing below, as well as the enemy jumping a few times, and then looked up at Deathstroke. The smiling Black Mist Dragon had a winking look on its face. It was obviously planning to compete with Deathstroke for patience.

If whoever breaks through the defense first and loses his temper, then he will suffer a loss.

When fighting reaches this level, conventional punches to the flesh are rarely seen. Instead, it is a collision between ideas and concepts, and invisible confrontation is more critical.

"This is the world of divine movement. We have studied it before. This can also be the world of whole life." Su Ming slowly landed, of course, still maintaining a straight line distance from the enemy: "So, counterattacks are possible here. Stronger."

As he spoke, he landed, and the dragon in the open space in the distance also stopped jumping around and tilted his head to look at the death knell, with the same malicious smile on his face.

How to deal with this new form of turtle? Especially when the turtle's bite is quite painful.


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