The Death Knell

Chapter 5909 Crazy Party

By the way, Faris considers himself to be a human being. Could it be that he is also affected by the butterfly effect?

Because Deathstroke pursued a policy of human supremacy, launched a cosmic voyage, and cultivated a group of people with the same ideas, when the timeline progressed to the ninth firmament, many naturalized alien races also began to call themselves humans?

So this creature that looks like a large uterus didn't actually lie? Does it really have a human identity for itself?

But now there is no way to go in the opposite direction to the Ninth Firmament, so there is no way to see with my own eyes what is going on.

"If there are enough materials, enough time, and enough energy, I may be able to rebuild the space-time shuttle." The creature that is considered an alien but claims to be a human said so, its hand is still on its own belly, probably He scratched his position a few times: "But if I am alone, it will take at least thirty years."

He has thought about it now. Anyway, the goal he set before setting off has been achieved, and no matter what he does next, he will make money.

Since Deathstroke wants to visit the Ninth Sky, if conditions permit, it can also help fulfill this wish.

And if this man can travel to the Ninth Firmament, he may have more good ideas.

"I can't help with this kind of construction project. Even if I'm a god, I can't understand the technology 150 million years in the future." Su Ming waved his hand, indicating that Nepenthes didn't need to say more, and he took out another A new bottle of wine came and he took a sip: "Now everything is blocking me. I can't buy you thirty years. The situation in the outside world doesn't allow you to wait for thirty years."

"Yes, although the flow rate of time is different between different levels, the flow rate at the top is often slower. We do not have the authority and ability to operate the timeline here."

Faris's body bent slightly, which should be a nod, and he knew this was the truth.

"Just wait for me here. I'll do the main mission first, meet the last of the seven fairies, and then see if I can enter the world of creation and leave everything to others to deal with."

Deathstroke once again comforted the creature in front of him. This thing didn't seem to have much fighting ability, but since he had spent so much effort to deliver the message, it was impossible for him to send him to the battlefield to die.

As for the rest, let’s wait and see.

"You're back? Hehe! Hahaha! Do you miss me? Ah, no, should I imitate Catwoman and ask you whether you should eat first, take a bath first, or eat me first? Ah? Hahahaha Ha ha ha ha!"

Next to a silently flowing underground river, there is a small prison. There are only three rooms in this prison, and all the things inside can be considered luxurious, but it is still one of the safest prisons on earth.

Because this is located at the bottom of Gotham’s Batcave on Earth 0, and is the ‘dark prison’ Batman prepared for his beloved figures.

The person who laughed at this time was the bat's favorite. When he spoke, his green hair swayed crazily like a waterweed, because their owner was laughing so hard that he couldn't stand up straight.

Not long ago, the Joker fell into a nightmare that he couldn't wake up from. After Batman died in the dream, he went to work at Wayne Group and became a miserable office worker, as ordinary as a corpse that can be seen everywhere in the city. corpse.

It's too ordinary, the world without Batman is too boring, and because he has lost the motivation to live, the Joker cannot wake up spontaneously from that dream.

Fortunately, it was a dream. In reality, Batman quickly rescued him and woke him up. Although because the other party was in a hurry and had to do other things, he was taken to the Batcave and locked up here again. It was a familiar cell, but the clown was still happy.

Because Batman is not dead, he will not become mediocre, and the games will continue in the future. Is there such good news in this world?

So after seeing his bat go and come back, he immediately told the joke he had just thought of, trying to make Batman laugh too and celebrate the fact that he and Catwoman would never get married.

However, the ruthless Dark Knight didn't smile. He didn't even have an expression. He just walked quietly from the darkness and stood outside the metal fence of the cell, staring at the Joker.

Even through the mask with pointed ears, the Joker is the person who is most familiar with Batman. He finds that Batman is a little distracted now. He looks at him like a primary school student visiting the zoo. His eyes are staring at the animals in the cage, but his thoughts are I have already gone to the video game console at home.

This was not what he wanted, so he stretched out his hand and waved his pale claws in front of Batman:

"Hey, bat, don't get carried away. Don't you like my joke? Or do you have a better one?"

After saying that, he sobbed very sadly. He took out a small embroidered handkerchief from his purple suit pocket and began to blow his nose vigorously. His movements were very exaggerated and made people laugh.

"I don't want to talk nonsense with you, Joker, but I have a question to ask you." Batman quietly watched the performance of his old enemy in the cage, and the corners of his mouth turned downward: "Answer me, this concerns all of us. people."

"Hey, what can you say is so serious? Hahaha! Come on, tell me and let me hear it. I like to see others suffer, and in the suffering, I realize that I can't change anything. In the end, I can only Rebel against this funny world and truly laugh happily after getting rid of the so-called moral constraints."

The clown immediately threw away the handkerchief. As long as Batman paid attention to him, he would be happy. Not only did he jump up in the cage, but he also performed a tap dance. He looked very funny, but what he said was very crazy.

Batman didn't say any nonsense, he just used the simplest language to tell his old enemy about CAAT.

He realized that no matter what plan he thought of, it seemed that he could not surpass Deathstroke's plan, and that it all fell within the scope of conventional human thinking.

Therefore, he needs a real madman to help him think about it, and maybe he will have a crazy idea. It would be better if the idea is somewhat feasible.

The Joker listened to Batman telling stories through the fence. One moment he walked to the bed and sat, and the next moment he turned his head against the wall. Only the laughter never stopped, and the smile on his white face became more and more intense. The bigger.

It wasn't until three minutes later that Batman stopped narrating that he grabbed his green hair with unsatisfied intentions. After doing a set of scratching movements like "Thai hair washing", he pulled his face and roared:

"You still forgot, hee hee, Batman, you actually forgot to use people's hearts! Ah, how funny, haha! You actually came to ask me?! Ooooooooo, I have an idea, but I just won't say it, haha, Come on, come on and hit me, hit me here, hard! Hehehehe! Hahahahaha!"

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