The Death Knell

Chapter 5942 Reunion of old friends

Their figures looked a little distorted in the dim light, as if they were travelers coming from another time and space. The soft little steps of the mice looked particularly brave in the dust.

At the end of the corridor, the bright spot should be where the enemy was. Su Ming followed each person and the mouse step by step, adjusting his state with his eyes closed.

TOBA is strong, but it is definitely not as strong as the latest and largest nesting doll CAAT.

But you want to say it is weak. As the opposite of TOAA, how weak can its existence be?

So if the mouse doesn't help directly, how can I lure it to attack and accurately hit the black mouse?

The opponent will undoubtedly use conceptual attacks. Such attacks are often very directional, and it may not be that effective to block the mouse in front of you.

As for what the mouse and Deadpool said along the way, Su Ming also heard it, and he probably had a guess about the identity of the mouse.

But for him, the mouse is still a tool man, and he cannot place all his hopes on others. He also needs to prepare some backup plans to better deal with TOBA.

So first recall TOBA’s abilities and record?

First of all, that guy's power attribute is undoubtedly the same dark side as his own. He has no positive emotions and cannot mobilize positive power.

Su Ming at least has the life force in his hand that he can use, and the power of origin is relatively positive. These abilities should be able to restrain that guy to some extent.

The quantum concept is also good. It can form new things in a relatively "scientific" way, which is also a kind of creation.

TOBA is the opposite of TOAA, the evil twin, and the clone of darkness. It cannot perform any form of 'creation' and can only destroy. Therefore, it can be inferred that the 'abyss' we are currently in was not actually created by it.

So, if we could find the 'landlord' of this place, would it be effective?

Well, when you are in battle, you should be careful to avoid all green things, because TOBA's main interference method in the material world and the real world is achieved through an energy wave called 'Ultimate Gamma' .

Everyone knows that gamma rays are also a key to mutating the Hulk. It can also be regarded as TOBA gently blowing on Bruce Banner from the air, using it as some kind of container or backup tool.

The ultimate gamma is a higher level of gamma ray, which generally exists at the level of the omnipotent universe.

Recalling when he entered the abyss, what Su Ming saw was a vortex with green light, while Wade saw a mouse hole similar to Jerry's.

This shows that he is indeed darker than his cousin, and has also been irradiated by the ultimate gamma. Because when you see the light, the light must also see you.

Finally, there is a key point, that is, TOBA once said something in the comics: 'I howl through many mouths. I break with a lot of hands. They are themselves, but they are also me. I have all the power you have given me, and my weapon is hatred. ’

Analyzing from this sentence, when dealing with TOBA, you cannot hate it. You need to hypnotize yourself in advance to prevent this hatred from being used by the enemy.

TOAA uses "love", TOBA uses "hate", as I have said before.

So Su Ming is walking with his eyes closed now, which is actually what he is doing. He needs to keep himself in an absolutely calm state, block all emotions, and become a killing weapon that simply performs tasks.

This is actually not difficult for a mercenary, because this profession is actually similar to that of an assassin. Every time he kills someone, it is not because of any personal enmity with the target, but just business.

So in other words, Su Ming is awakening his normal mind and looking at TOBA from the perspective of mission goals.

Well, it seems like that’s all there is to pay attention to, right? I haven't forgotten anything else, probably.

Speaking of which, the employee corridor is too quiet. The auditory hallucinations have not appeared for a while, but now I feel a little lonely.

"Hee hee hee!"

Some places are really evil. Su Ming felt that the surroundings were too quiet for a second and he could only hear the interview show between Mouse and Deadpool. But the next second, he heard the laughter that caused PTSD attacks.

Not only did the sound appear, but the dusty road ahead also began to twist and fold. Some stairs went up to the sky, while others stood upright. It felt like entering Kama Taj's signature spell. One - the mirror space 'borrowed' from Dormammu.

It's just that the eyes are filled with rich green light, which is constantly swaying like ocean waves.

Along with the laughter and the change of the road ahead, Deadpool and Mouse also stopped, but the latter was obviously calmer and explained:

"This is the lounge halfway through the employee passage. It seems that this place is occupied by TOBA's men. I'll leave it to you to deal with it."

After saying that, Mouse took several steps back and hid behind Deathstroke. Anyway, he was a staunch non-killer and would not engage in armed conflicts with others.

"In addition to being anti-everything, do TOBA's men have anyone else?" Deadpool also retreated behind the mouse. He also hid behind his cousin and asked the mouse curiously: "I have never heard of it before, and there is this laughter. Why does it sound familiar to me?"

As soon as the two of them retreated, Deathstroke, who was originally walking at the end, became the vanguard. He opened his eyes speechlessly and looked forward quietly through the red goggles.

Not far in front of him, the laughter became clearer and clearer, and a figure seemed to float up from the ground, gradually becoming solid there.

A black fur coat, a metal hoop on his head, a mouth full of rotten teeth and exaggerated flaming red lips.

"The Laughing Bat? What a fool." Deadpool rubbed his eyes and turned to ask the mouse beside him: "This is from DC next door. How did he end up in the Marvel system?"

Not only the Justice League has allergic symptoms to the Laughing Bat, but everyone who has dealt with that madman has some symptoms.

That crazy Batman has a vitality comparable to that of Xiaoqiang, and he also has this super-layered super brain. Everything seems to be expected by him, it's almost like cheating.

I'm so annoyed. My cousin finally killed him. Could it be that TOBA has revived this thing again?

No, TOBA has no ability to create, nor can he be resurrected. He can only destroy and destroy.

"Marvel and DC often collaborate. Even I know this, so it's normal for the character next door to come over, right?"

After stubbing out the cigarette butt and blowing out another puff of smoke, the mouse shrugged his shoulders. He first said this, and after taking a look at the weirdo who appeared, he added:

"And this is not the person you think. It's just something else playing the role of the person you know. Be calm and don't yell."

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