The Death Knell

Chapter 5945 Memories and Now

"What has actually happened?"

At this moment, the son whom the death knell had just mentioned, a blond man with an American butt, was sitting on the side of the road at the outpost, looking up at the sky.

Originally, the colony found by SHIELD was considered a good livable planet. There were not many hostile native beasts on it, there were ready underground water resources, and the oxygen content in the air was similar to that of the Earth.

Everything was going well at first. The construction work of the outpost was progressing smoothly under the coordination of Hei Lu Dan and the guidance of Tony.

But starting a few days ago, Steve fell into a nightmare that he couldn't wake up from. Later, everyone fell into a nightmare. Although he did wake up later, no one explained what happened. It seems to have ended without beginning or end.

That wasn't all yet, just about an hour ago, he discovered something else.

That is when he raised his head and looked at the sky, he could see many bright lines of various colors appearing in the universe. They seemed to be twisting like insects and seemed to be swimming into the distance.

This was not his own hallucination, but something that everyone could see, so everyone in the Avengers went to a meeting to discuss where this change came from.

As for why he didn't go to the meeting? That's because Steve knows what he can do.

If he wanted to organize a commando team to deal with any enemy, or have a chance encounter with his opponent on the battlefield, then he would do his job.

But when a group of scientists go to a meeting to study astronomical phenomena, analyze a lot of things like the planet's magnetic field, why do they go there alone? Even the listeners couldn’t understand it.

So it’s better to take advantage of the meeting and go out to look at the stars with Bucky, who is also ‘ignorant’.

At least you can see the changes in the sky and make sure it doesn't get worse visually, right?

"I don't know, I don't think there's any need to worry." Bucky was much calmer. He sat next to Steve on the curb, but his sitting posture was much more relaxed, with his hands behind his back. He leaned back slightly: "There are many capable people on our planet. If there is any danger, someone will definitely discover it."

There have been situations in the past where someone discovered an inexplicable situation and called the police. If the police couldn't solve the problem, they reported it to the FBI or Homeland Security. Someone there would naturally contact a secret agency like S.H.I.E.L.D.

And some people, who know a little about the rules of how the world works, will directly go to a superhero or the Avengers to inform them of their findings.

Therefore, the construction work of this outpost is still continuing, and there is no intention to stop, which means that no one thinks that this is a crisis event now, it is just another scenery displayed by the universe.

"So is this harmless?" Steve was still a little worried. He always liked to worry about others.

"I'm not sure about that." Bucky shook his head with a smile. He shook his long shawl hair, raised his hand and hammered the captain's arm with his fist: "But as long as we brothers are together, there is nothing to be afraid of."

He also has a very clear understanding of himself, but he is more superstitious about Steve. This is normal. After all, Steve was the team leader during World War II, and many of the decisions he made were correct.

As for making mistakes, there are a few times, but who can avoid making mistakes? It can be remedied afterwards.

"Haha, you're right." Steve also raised his hand to fist bump with him, picked up the beer on the side and gave it to Bucky. Both of them looked up at the sky: "Speaking of which, when we were children, we never thought that people could go into space. Yeah, let alone building a house on an alien planet, there are really more and more of these incomprehensible things."

"There's no way, it's just like the era we live in. In fact, we still studied for a few years."

Bucky took the beer, opened the bottle cap and took a long sip. The color of the planet's atmosphere was different from that of the Earth. From the ground, the sky was dark blue, which made the lines that cut across the sky particularly obvious. :

"But if you plan to go to college now, don't count me out. An old dog like me can't learn any new tricks, haha."

"We are considered old people in age." Steve touched his face and raised his hands to show off his muscles: "But our appearance and body functions are still that of the prime of life."

"Ah, yes, yes." Bucky muttered without sincerity. He took another sip of wine. Neither of them were drunk anyway. He changed the topic: "Speaking of which, when are you planning to get married? ? And should you marry Paige? Or Sharon?"

He seems to be more concerned about his good brother than any cosmic natural disaster.

"I don't know. Didn't you see that I was avoiding them during this time?" The captain sighed, showing an embarrassed look: "They are all very good. Paige chose me, and Sharon helped me later and they were both important.”

"Well, I understand, brother." Bucky took Steve's hand and asked him to clink the bottle with him: "I can't help you with this kind of thing, you can only make your own decision, but don't worry, our The days are long, maybe you can consider it for hundreds of years?"

"Ha, ha, that's funny." Steve rolled his eyes at his buddy, took a sip of beer, and rubbed his hair: "Oh, it would be great if Godfather was still here, remember? He always has good ideas, He didn’t teach me about this kind of thing now.”

"Yeah." Bucky also suppressed his smile and nodded silently.

The two of them stopped talking and continued to stare at the 'lines' in the sky in a daze, as if they could see someone's face in heaven through the mysterious light.

The nightmare did not allow the two brothers to get rid of their past memories, but made some things become clearer.

"You two damn old men! Are you hiding here to relax? Come in and have a meeting! The SHIELD meeting is over. The bald black guy went to work with the agents. Next is our Avengers meeting."

There was a mean cry from behind. You didn't need to turn around to look. The only one who dared to call the duo this way was Tony. At this time, he poked his head out of the door of the building on the street with a look of disgust on his face. expression:

"By the way, have you figured out your position in the Avengers? Do I belong to the Avengers alone? How old are you to avoid joining the Avengers? If you don't want to do it anymore, retire as soon as possible, and I will pay to hire you to death. Attendant and Imitation Master will take your place, and you won’t be able to offer any valuable advice anyway, but those two like to chat anyway.”

Iron Man spoke very fast, and his sinister sarcasm left Steve speechless. He could only stand up obediently, drink the wine in the glass bottle, and stuff the bottle into the trash can not far away.

"Come on, come on, don't mess around. Mercenaries are really not suitable for the Avengers, especially Deadpool, absolutely not."

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