The Death Knell

Chapter 5948 Different perspectives

Using the enemy's head as a necklace is actually not a very new idea. As a whole, the effect of the program can only be regarded as average.

But the stinky and shameless spirit of a bitch, the way she jumps out and squeezes when she sees a soft persimmon, is a whole job in itself.

"Okay, let's go out later and ask the adjutant to give you another five hundred points." Su Ming recognized his cousin's lively behavior, stretched himself, and turned to look at the black mouse beside him: "Then Brother Rat, Shall we continue on our way? The space in this employee lounge is too chaotic, and there is no concept of direction, so you still have to lead the way."

As mentioned before, the area in front of you looks like it has been cast by mirror space magic. If you go up the stairs here, you may appear hanging upside down from the stairs at the other end.

The same stairs and platforms can be seen everywhere, and there are no buildings that can be used as targets. Walking through a three-dimensional maze in a dark environment, and facing DEBUFFs such as random teleportation, Su Ming decisively chose to let the boss lead the way.

Anyway, even if you step on a 'landmine' and trigger some trap or monster in the maze, it won't be a big problem. The black mouse can't die here anyway.

"Hey, let's walk." The mouse didn't mean to refuse. He interrupted the whistling song, stretched his neck and continued to lead the way. He taught while walking: "Actually, space chaos is a very special kind of thing. For problems that are easy to solve, in painting, there is a method called labeling method, which is specially used to restrain spatial confusion."

He talked about how to write a number on each plane in the painting, and use the number to determine the distance and distance, thus forming a three-dimensional visual sense of space from different planes.

To put it simply, what he means is that a three-dimensional figure drawn on a piece of paper is not really three-dimensional. Even if it is an animation, it is still flat.

When you walk in a scene like this, you don't need to take those twists and turns. You just need to strengthen your will, look at the problem from a different angle, believe that you can do it, and then take the straight line closest to the exit.

Therefore, the path he led was a straight line. The originally chaotic stairs and rooms seemed to have turned into patterned floor tiles in front of him, and he stepped directly on them.

Not to mention forming an obstacle, after reducing the dimensionality of the three-dimensional space, the so-called employee lounge only has a straight line distance of more than ten meters.

Soon, the two people and one mouse left the area, re-entered the long corridor full of dust and garbage, and continued to move towards the unknown light ahead.

"How about it? Do you understand? Painting is actually a very important ability, and the sense of space is very important to the picture. Whether you are painting people or landscapes, you must have distance, but these concepts are not The artist should limit his own thinking and always stay awake."

After walking out, he was still talking about painting. Of course, he was mainly talking to Deathstroke. After all, in his opinion, Deadpool probably didn't have any talent in this area.

"Understood, I completely understand." Deadpool replied very confidently, holding his chest and staggering forward: "So what you mean is, no matter how good the first-person perspective film using VR technology is, the inside The teachers are also fake, right?”


Instead, the tilted mouse showed an expression like an old man on the subway looking at his cell phone. He didn't know whether Deadpool understood what he said, but he really didn't understand what this guy said.

"No, Brother Mouse, don't listen to my brother's nonsense." Su Ming shook his head, walked between Mouse and his cousin, and separated them: "You must be able to tell that he is mentally ill. I understand everything you said, but are you implying that TOBA’s existence is different from what I originally expected?”

After skipping the embarrassing part, the mouse seemed relieved. He smiled and nodded and said:

"Yes, you have a lot of information, so you may have complicated the existence of TOBA. Although I won't help you directly, I can still remind you. Just think of it as the shadow of TOAA. .”

"That's it, thank you."

Taking out the cigarette again and lighting it for him, Deathstroke said this. As for whether what the mouse said was true or not, it didn't actually matter. Anyway, the plan had been made, which was to lure TOBA to attack the black mouse.

No matter whether the attack is accidental or intentional, as long as it attacks this mouse, then it should be "abandoned by heaven and earth", right?

"Hey~ TOBA is just a small character anyway. It has no popularity and no background. It won't take much effort for you to deal with it."

The black-skinned rat, who was skilled in smoking, took a puff of cigarette with satisfaction, blew out a round smoke ring, raised his head and looked at the ceiling:

"However, CAAT may be a little more difficult to deal with, especially now that it is stuck between mystery and reality. Although it can no longer touch your universe, your universe cannot touch it in turn, so the situation is a bit stiff. "

"It's okay, we can still rely on Lucifer." Deadpool stuck out his head and said: "That red-skinned ghost has some special abilities. He can entangle CAAT. The rest of us can slowly figure out a way, or you If you have any good ideas, you can tell us."

Deadpool had a good idea, that is to let Lucifer and Elaine be entangled with CAAT forever. In this way, wouldn't others be able to live normally?

Besides, there's Batman. No one thinks that the Dark Knight is just sitting in the Ninth Sky doing nothing but watching the fun, right?

Anyone who ignores Batman will not end well. In terms of popularity theory, Bat is also much better than CAAT.

For example, if the Dark Knight suddenly appears from behind everyone, grabs his butt and throws him over his shoulder, no one will think anything is wrong because he is Batman.

In the audience's perception, Batman is omnipotent, so he is indeed omnipotent. This is a bit convoluted, but the causal relationship is such a closed loop.

"Well, the King of Demons in the Bible?" The mouse became serious, lowered his head to think, and nodded after a moment: "What you said makes sense. After all, the sales volume of the Bible is much higher than that of my comics, but you guys You still have to be careful, making a deal with the devil is destined to not have good results."

"Hey, don't worry, Mr. Boss." Deadpool waved his hand carelessly, and then began to quickly dig his nostrils through the mask: "The fallen king is now crazy about my cousin, and has been completely conquered by male lust. The more he The more he eats it, the more greedy he becomes, so it is us humans who have the upper hand."

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