The Death Knell

Chapter 5958 Pointing to the dwarf village in the distance

Are dwarfs considered humans?

This problem is actually not a problem. It may not be obvious from the current world alone, but combined with the situation in other universes, the dwarves are not considered human beings, and can even be said to be very different.

Even in universes where the relationship between dwarves and humans is good, such as in Azeroth, the dwarves do not recognize themselves as humans.

Not to mention places like Medieval Warhammer, Middle-earth, and Faerûn, where dwarves and humans can fight each other like crazy.

So Su Ming planned to kill the seven dwarves first. Looking for inspiration in the beauty of their blood-splattered moments, maybe he could see a way to kill CAAT?

If you kill them without inspiration to knock on the door, then go to the forest and kill some bears and deer. These animals are not human, so you can kill them.

In particular, bears are very suitable as prey. In the mountain forest near Su Ming's home, bears have been extinct for many years. Ginjiu complained that they haven't seen bears in a long time, and the production of bear skin mattresses has disappeared. She still wants them. Give some beds to some of her sisters.

Since I came to this world today, I can't go back empty-handed, right? Let's hunt some prey and go home. After all, according to Gin's traditional culture, this is what a man should do, right?

"Let's go, but I still don't know, why is it seven again?" Deadpool had no objection. He shrugged and followed his cousin's footsteps deeper into the forest: "No matter which universe we go to, there will always be something in any story. After seven days of training, I felt a little numb, the kind of numbness that makes my legs numb after squatting in a pit for two consecutive hours.”

"Whatever, they will die soon anyway." Su Ming replied lightly, with a bit of a smile in his tone, as if he was looking forward to it: "This number will become zero in a while, haha."

After blinking a few times, the small white spots on the mask seemed to flicker. My cousin turned his head and said to the air:

"Old fellows, it seems that those dwarves are dead. If you are watching my live broadcast room with your children now, then send the children to bed quickly. What follows may be very bloody, very dark, and very cruel. .My cousin usually doesn’t smile when he kills someone, but if he does, the person will most likely get a death meal.”

""The non-existent audience seemed to say something.

"Oh, that's right. My live broadcast is not suitable for children to watch. When you watch my live broadcast, even the wife at home has to avoid it. Even if you don't have a wife, you have to deflate the inflatable doll before you can watch it? Who said this? Is that too exaggerated? Could it be that if a doll watched my live broadcast, she could explode on the spot?"

The bitch began to interact through the air. Anyway, he felt relaxed after leaving the black mouse.

"Speaking of which, Wade, it seems that we rarely walk and hunt together in the forest like today, right?" Su Ming seemed to have thought of something, and turned around and patted his cousin on the shoulder.

"Yeah, the last time we went hunting and picnicking together, that was the last time. We saw a bear by the river." Deadpool recalled the past and showed a nostalgic look. He quickly scratched a few times. own ass.

No way, every time he recalls the past, it is a huge burden for a brain cancer amnesia patient. Whenever he thinks about it, his buttocks will itch terribly.

"Well, maybe after today's matter is over, we can rest for a long time. Then we can invite a few friends and our family members to go hunting and picnicking together, or go fishing."

The Deathstroke who spoke crossed his arms across his chest, raised his legs and stepped over a fallen tree. He used the Force to pull out some mushrooms and stuffed them into his pocket.

This forest is really nice. Not much sunlight can fall through the gaps between the leaves. There is also the smell of earth in the air, which can greatly counteract the scent of Deadpool.

Moreover, the products are quite rich, there are many kinds of plants, and even the wild fruits are very large. This is difficult to see in the world with the background of modern society.

"Oh, although I really want to promise you, but what you said today feels very wrong. Why do you seem to be setting a flag for yourself? Do you feel something?"

After tearing off a large piece of skin from his butt, Deadpool threw it aside and asked his cousin about his unusual speech today.

"This is not a FLAG. I am actually confident in getting CAAT done, but there is an opportunity missing now. I haven't thought about what this opportunity is yet."

The Supreme Mage calmly pulled out a few more wild vegetables in the forest, mainly rosemary. This plant can be used as a seasoning. He continued:

"The rat was also hinting at this factor in me. He asked me to come here not just to deal with a black man, but for another reason, but he didn't say it clearly."

Yes, Black Mouse actually has no reason to be secretive when talking. You must know that it is his Miaomiao House, and it is very safe to talk there.

So what makes him talk in circles? Obviously he only needs to say clearly that he wants to kill Princess Hei Tan.

I haven't figured out what's going on here yet, but the mouse probably means no harm. Just like he said, he was helping.

"I understand, so you have to try and see if you can have an opportunity to 'explode' when killing people and destroying the original story, just like fighting monsters and exploding equipment in the game, right?"

In many cases, only psychopaths and lunatics can keep up with Deathstroke's ideas, and Deadpool just fits the criteria, and his mind works very fast.

"Well, you can understand it that way. After all, aren't there just a few ways for artists to stimulate inspiration?" Su Ming shrugged. In front of him was a stream. The water was very clear. You could see the pebbles and dead branches at the bottom of the water. It was very smooth. look.

He changed directions and walked in one direction along the creek. When he got here, he was not far from the dwarves' homes.

"I understand, haha, those who engage in art always like to take drugs, drink alcohol, and have sex. Essentially, they stimulate the brain to secrete certain chemicals or electrical signals." Deadpool picked his nostrils and took a deep breath: "The way you choose to stimulate is to kill people, which is actually quite healthy. If you say you want to change to a vegetarian diet one day, I think it's fine. You always have a reason for doing things."

"Haha, let's walk, have you seen it? There is a big house two thousand meters ahead, at the bend of the river." Deathstroke laughed, raised his hand and pointed to a place in the distance, where you can see the white Cooking smoke is actually quite obvious.

"I saw it, but it was just a shack. It was too crude. It would be better to kill the dwarfs. The good wood was wasted, and the house is not as good as a beaver."


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