The Death Knell

Chapter 5972 Skin as black as sandalwood

"Okay, the idea is almost sorted out, we can just adapt accordingly." Su Ming took a deep breath from the cigarette and exhaled a cloud of smoke. The smoke fell on the loess road in front of him, and the color became much darker: "Whether it is a princess or a prince, Let them do it all.”

Apart from anything else, the natural environment in this world is still okay. As long as you don't go into the alleys, there isn't much excrement on the road. At most, it's just cow dung and horse dung, but this is the smell of nature.

I often breathe in the smell of my cousin, and the excrement of ordinary animals seems fresh.

The sky is blue and the sunshine is good. It is a good weather for killing people.

Why do you say this way? Because as long as there is no need to hide the corpse, sunny days can speed up the decomposition of the corpse, making it smell faster and attracting 'decomposers' in the ecological chain, which is a contribution to the natural environment.

So usually, when Su Ming meets extreme environmentalists, he will suggest that they die first and try how it feels to be used as fertilizer.

"Well, but cousin, have you thought about what CAAT means? How about you consider my point of view, CAAT means cat. Maybe you are overcomplicating it, because it has a literal meaning."

Wade got up from the ground. He patted the dirt on his knees. At this time, you could see how prescient the design of his uniform was. There were two knee pads on his legs, making it easier for him to kneel down when he had nothing to do. With.

Many superhero uniforms do not have this design, which is not practical enough.

"No, it shouldn't be a cat. I probably have some ideas. I just need to observe Princess Black Carbon again." Just as he was talking, Su Ming stopped. The pupil in his one eye suddenly shrank to the size of a needle tip. He obviously saw something. .

Although he had been mentally prepared, Su Ming's heart still skipped a beat when he actually saw Princess Heitan jumping out of the castle.

Her eyes were as black as the deep night sky, but shimmered with sticky reflections like asphalt. Her skin was like mud, the kind of black mud at the bottom of the sea that had not seen sunlight for hundreds of millions of years.

Originally, that was all. Su Ming had seen people with extremely pure and ultra-black skin before. Some African natives were really dark and could completely achieve the effect of being invisible at night.

But Princess Heitan's demonism doesn't stop there, it's also reflected in her clothes.

Generally speaking, people with darker skin tones tend to wear darker-colored clothes, and they should be looser, so that they will appear whiter.

She did the opposite, instead wearing a white skirt with light blue puffy sleeves, their fabric sparkling in the sunlight like sunlight filtering through the gaps between leaves.

In this comparison, Princess Hei Tan was even darker, as black as a human-sized black hole. Su Ming couldn't even see the outline of her facial features.

She has black hair, black eyes, and black skin. Her whole body is black, that is, her teeth have not been seen yet. The teeth of this kind of thing must be very white, right?

"What the hell?! Are the evil spirits digging coal in hell?" Deadpool complained softly. He thought he had seen it wrong, so he dug out two of his eyes and wiped them clean on his clothes. Stuffing it back: "This is too dark, too dark. Could she be from DC too?"

Okay, even if he was frightened by the appearance of Princess Hei Tan, he still hasn't forgotten about Hei DC.

The princess didn't seem to notice the two of them. She was carrying a basket and skipping along the road. She didn't know what excuse the queen used to trick her out of the door, but judging from her posture, she might be going to the forest. Mushroom hunting?

Well, it could also be picking flowers or fruits. In fairy tales, it is normal for a princess to go to the mountains and forests alone to engage in gathering business.

Su Ming pulled her cousin and stayed behind Princess Heitan from a distance, preparing to attack her when she got to a place where no one was around.

As he walked, he was chatting quietly with his cousin, with a funny smile on his face: "By the way, with her appearance, doesn't she deserve even you? I remember your child's mother is a person of color, right?"

"Ah, Ellie's mother does have skin color, but she is more like a Latina. Her skin is dark brown, and she is pretty. At least that's what I thought when I was in elementary school."

After spitting out a mouthful of phlegm and forgetting to lift his mask, Wade shook his head repeatedly. While swallowing the sticky phlegm, he stared at the back of the figure in front of him with a look of disgust. This was something he had never seen before. , you must know that he likes as long as she is a female, even aliens or other species:

"But this Princess Heitan is different. She is so black that she can absorb light. Her whole body seems to be made of shadows. I said that I can't see the outline of her facial features at all. I can only see a pair of white eyes and a set of teeth. Do you believe that excrement floats in the sea?"

Deadpool said that this thing probably couldn't be considered a human being, and it didn't even look like a human being. No wonder Black Mouse was so angry and changed the classic story of Disney into this look. Isn't this an insult to people's IQ?

Why is Snow White called ‘Snow White’? Isn't it because she is supposed to have skin as white as snow?

Now there is a drama that confuses black and white. It is so disgusting that Deadpool is going to vomit. No matter why the world has become like this, the management, directors and screenwriters behind it must apologize to the people all over the world!

"Oh, I believe it, how can I not believe it, because what I saw is the same."

After pinching the cigarette butt and putting it away, Su Ming sighed heavily and pinched the bridge of his nose:

"I used to like fairy tales. Those stories have a special place in my heart, like unpolluted snow-capped mountains. But now, I feel disillusioned. When I see her, I know her Existence is a mistake and needs no justification.”

In his previous life, Su Ming was an orphan. The environment in the orphanage was really not very good. It could be said that there were no toys, only a few picture books telling these fairy tales.

It can be said that these stories are the only relatively positive memories of his childhood.

And now that all those good memories were destroyed, it was like a slap in the face.

So today's matter is not just a business matter, but a personal grudge.

Originally, Su Ming wouldn't think so. After all, creation requires freedom. He actually doesn't particularly mind if he comes up with clowns, mermaids, black girls, sleeping with black people, etc. He can only use them to complain.

But Snow White is supposed to be white, she is white in the original story!

Confusing right and wrong, calling a deer a horse, something that only you can do. If someone else does it, it means taking the food from your own plate, and you must be punished by God.

"So, is she the agent of CAAT?" Deadpool patted his chest and swallowed the phlegm just now, which made his question sound a little sticky.

"We'll find out soon." Su Ming adjusted his breathing and prepared for battle. He couldn't wait to see if there was any secret hidden in Princess Hei Tan's brain.

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