The Death Knell

Chapter 6011 Waiting for administration

In the time it took for one person and one mouse to chat, the battle on Deadpool's side was over. With Elaine's help, he smoothly landed in front of his cousin with his head down, performing a prostate braking scene.

However, the black ball in his hand was intact and had not been bumped, so that was fine.

Outside the cosmic barrier, where the crown originally existed, there is now only darkness, and the void there is being automatically filled by the void, like black water flowing to a low-lying place.

"Really, I thought I didn't need to take action today." Without the crown, there was naturally no black ghost. Elaine scratched her head and fell down. The white holy light on her body gradually extinguished: "It turned out that I was busy again. It’s been a while, can I go home? I want to go back and lie in bed and play with my phone.”

After returning to human society, the girl became somewhat addicted to mobile games. This period of time when she was new to new games was when her addiction became severe.

"Don't leave in a hurry, CAAT hasn't been killed yet."

Su Ming put away the wine bottle and pulled her, then said seductively to the yawning girl:

"The games on Earth 0 are not fun. When this is over, I will get you some games made by my company. I have traveled through countless worlds and took the best of them to make the Stitch Monster game. It is absolutely fun. . Take Resident Evil 70 for example, think about it, if it wasn’t fun, would this game have been able to be released for so many generations?”

Yes, this can be considered a ‘New Year’s gift’. Su Ming learned it from Ubisoft in his previous life. He can use this IP for a lifetime.

"Really?" Although Elaine was doubtful, there was a heartbeat expression on her face: "Okay, I will stay for a while, but now I have to wait for the 'medicine' you mentioned, right?"

Even though she was always in the sky, she was always listening to whatever Deathstroke was talking to others.

Unlike the old man God, she had no interest in splitting off any clones such as the Hand of God and the Word of God. She felt that it was better to keep those exploratory abilities within herself.

"It's ready. Don't underestimate the Thousand Cats Dream. Although it is a cat, it is very efficient in its work." Su Ming bent down and took out the black ball in Deadpool's hand and sent it to the adjutant. While he was away, he asked the silver-haired girl to start preparing for the personality overwriting process. Now she was waiting for the 'anti-correct equation' calculated by Xiao Fu.

After all, the job Xiaohua is responsible for is not to let it conduct a census, but to let it select some subconsciously normal people as mental templates.

A dozen or so are enough, and tens of millions are not too many. Anyway, there are often many more similarities between people than people think.

These common and normal characteristics are called human nature.

Dream of a Thousand Cats only needs to go around people's dreams to see the different reactions of people in their subconscious, and then set up a set of dreams for testing based on the questions Deathstroke asked Deadpool before.

How fast does time flow in dreams? Isn't it the Sandman who has the final say? A second of exposure to the outside world can make a person spend a lifetime in a dream.

Although dreams are illusory, people's various reactions in dreams are real, and that's enough.

As for Xiaofu's work, it may indeed be somewhat difficult, but you have to believe in the boy's ability. He is better than anyone else in mathematics.

And now it seems that the boy's expression is not difficult, he should be able to do it.

Originally, Su Ming also prepared a ‘Misaka Project’ that gathered countless young rich people at different points in time and used their thinking to network beyond domains to form a super computing power network, but it probably won’t be used.

But the boy with the watermelon rind hair style is really slightly similar to the hair style of the Misaka sisters, haha.

Looking at the enemy's situation, the CAAT, which was pressing forward step by step, now looks a little weak. It seems that after knocking off its crown, it has lost something important and is very uncomfortable in a short period of time.

However, judging from its increasingly solid physical condition, it will not be too far before it falls into the realm of reality.

"Well, brother, can you please take your foot off my back first?"

Deadpool, who was lying on the ground, turned to look at his cousin, Elaine and Mouse with difficulty. The three of them looked up at the sky, but he couldn't help but make a sound because he felt like his shit was about to be carried on his back. Three people stepped out.

"Hey, why are you so busy?" Su Ming wordlessly pulled God and Mouse away, letting Deadpool get up on his own and go to the side to rest.

Bitch is indeed annoying, but this is his character. Wade's original position is that of an annoying bitchy mercenary. This is his favorite self-introduction.

As for Xiao Fu, he could feel everyone's eager eyes, but he didn't speak, but continued his abstract calculations.

It is somewhat difficult to digitize some invisible and intangible concepts into formulas. This requires imagination. In other words, this is a job that can only be completed by humans.

The adjutant didn't know if it would work, but her way of thinking was still too much like AI and lacked the spirit of innovation, so Xiaofu knew how heavy her burden was from the beginning.

Under the colorful void, various colored lights illuminated the boy's face. He had no expression. He just raised his hands to help Lucifer fight the enemy while silently calculating by himself.

He has an idea.

Knowing that the final answer to the anti-life equation was the 'dark side', he now wanted to use the original formula framework to create an equation whose result was equal to 'incorrect'.

It is equivalent to drawing a target after shooting archery. From this aspect, it is relatively easy to achieve.

But the problem lies in the desired answer. If the answer is 'incorrect', then how can this formula be established? It is necessary to prove such a strange formula that 'equal to' is equal to 'not equal to'.

In normal three-dimensional or even four-dimensional logic, it is obviously a conclusion that cannot be reached, so you must let your thinking transcend these and approach the edge of madness again.

So he was thinking back to those years when he lived in a cancerous universe, thinking back to the terror of those ancient ones, their mighty power that seemed to be able to distort everything.

And from it, I learned something.

He realized that he didn't need a very strict formula, he just needed to prove that 'equal to' is approximately equal to 'not equal to', a vague formula that leaves room for quibbles.

After catching this glimmer of inspiration, the boy who deliberately let himself fall into calm and madness accelerated his calculations. He no longer restricted all kinds of strange and crazy ideas from pouring out of his mind, but began to select the valuable parts of these ideas. .

Just a few seconds after Deathstroke, the two and Mouse looked at CAAT again and mentioned that the character template was ready, Xiao Fu also completed the calculation, and he got an anti-correct equation tailor-made for his uncle.

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