The Death Knell

Final words

After six years of work, this book has also come to this day. Tuanzi feels very sad to leave it, but the story should still stop where it should.

Of course, the journey of the Supreme Mage Deathstroke Su Ming continues. What will happen in the future will be his own choice, but he will no longer be exposed to many eyes.

Such an open ending may be the one most suitable for dark anti-heroes, who come from darkness and return to darkness.

Thank you all book friends for your continued support. Tuanzi is extremely grateful. Many old friends know that it was difficult for this book to be put on the shelves at first. I applied for a contract seven times and was rejected. It was not until it was put on the shelves after more than 400,000 words.

Thanks to everyone's support during this period, Tuanzi was able to survive that period of confusion and helplessness, and persisted in never stopping updates for six years. This is all because of everyone's encouragement.

Things after it was released were actually not smooth sailing. My original intention was to write a fanfic that was different from the popular ones at the time. At that time, basically all the novels were based on the MCU universe as the main background.

I want to write a bigger universe, more characters, and more meaningful events, so that the story seems deeper, more thoughtful, and more real.

Unfortunately, it is not possible due to various external factors.

The synopsis of the story went through many revisions, and there were constant requests from editors to revise the text. It was even almost banned from the entire book twice.

All this tells me that dark stories that are cruel and involve reality may not be suitable for the general environment. Next time I write, I will write about an imaginary world (laughs).

However, after being revised and deleted, the story took on another aspect that Tuanzi had not even expected. It seemed to be understandable, although it was not the dark fable originally intended. It could even be said to have a bit of a family-friendly feel. But maybe this is the story and its own choice.

Tuanzi also knows that the quality of his books can only be regarded as mediocre. The biggest advantage may be the large quantity and sufficient control. Thank you again for your support for such a story, so that everything can develop so far and usher in the best results.

I won’t say too many sensational words. Tuanzi can’t teach writing skills or anything like that in his final remarks like other great masters, because Tuanzi really doesn’t have that ability. It would be shameful if he pretended to be a capable person. No more, haha.

In short, Tuanzi's next plan is the same as Death Knell, which is to take some time off first, read some world famous books, and recharge himself.

There may also be some minor physical ailments that need to be treated. After all, I am not immune to the occupational diseases of online writers, especially after recovering from the first COVID-19, the sequelae are still affecting me to this day.

Then, prepare the outline and setting of the next book.

The initial idea is that it should be a darker story with a grand world background, and write something that the radio station is not allowed to broadcast, haha, but I don’t have a complete idea yet. Anyway, I will report it to everyone when the new book is released.

So that’s it for now, friends, see you in the new world in the future, and thank you again.

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