The Death Knell

Chapter 605 Doom

The end of time.

An inevitable end, when the timeline ends, this is the last moment before the universe is destroyed.

The universe collided, the world was destroyed, and all living things on the earth became extinct.

Just a little bit, the entire universe ceased to exist. This was the last 0.000001 seconds, and time was artificially stopped.

There is only darkness in the sky, the light has died, countless parallel universes collide with each other, and the final result is annihilation.

The collision between the sun and the sun created a strange black hole, which sucked out all the light and made everything go into nothingness.

Earth and Earth collided, creating a shock wave that reduced the entire world to rubble, while at the same time, strong winds lifted a man's cloak.

Among the ruins covered with corpses, a figure walked silently, leaving a long series of footprints in the dust that everything was transformed into. The piles of gray dust were stirred up by the heavy steps, and then calmed down as the footsteps gradually faded away.

The figure patrolled his country, the land he loved so much.

Although the once prosperous Latovinia no longer exists, now there is only desolation.

But in this man's eyes, what he saw was not these. What he saw were the images of the past, the smiling faces of the people and the cheers for him.

There are many tall buildings and people's lives are prosperous and stable. They built a majestic statue in his honor and hung garlands around the statue's neck.

They called him 'Master' or 'Your Majesty', and the country was the embodiment of his will.

He loves everything here deeply, even the guerrillas who oppose him are regarded as relatives by him.

However, now he stood silently in the former square. The statue in front of him only had two severed legs, like two trees broken by a typhoon, buried in the rubble.

The green cloak behind him was raised high, and there was only determination in his eyes.

He wants to avoid such an ending, he wants to protect his country and the world.

"Valeria, start planning."

He issued orders to the other end through the cross-time and space communicator in the suit.

"Don't leave in a hurry, Victor von Doom, we have been waiting for you at the end of time for a long time."

"Dum is aware of you. You are reflected in the thermal image and magic vision. I was originally wondering when you would come forward, Deathstroke."

Dr. Doom turned around, his eyes shining brightly under his metal mask, folding his arms, and looked at the few people quietly.

Su Ming smiled, and the mask on his face melted, revealing his face, and the dust picked up by the wind immediately covered his skin.

This apocalyptic scene is the final outcome of the world.

But Doom has parked it on the edge, he has his own plans.

"Dum is very curious. You have already retreated with your territory in the multi-dimensional collision. Why do you want to get involved in this matter again?"

Doctor Doom knocked on his mask, but he had no intention of taking off the Iron Mask.

Su Ming motioned to Mysterio and the others to wait where they were, while he approached Doom. He needed Doom's help now, and Doom would also need his in the future.

Instead of answering Doom's question, he asked him a question.

"How far is the point in time where your body is from now?"

"With one week left, the Illuminati's efforts are in vain, and only Doom can save the world."

A dull voice came from under the iron mask, but Doom remained calm.

"So do you know now? What caused all this?"

"Don't provoke Doom. It's true that you know the future before me, but to show off to me is very low-level."

Doom still crossed his arms and calmly refuted Deathstroke's words, but this also let Su Ming know that his relationship with Doom would not be bad in the future. At least after saying this, Doum still did not take action.

"I don't know what you misunderstood, but I came here from 1945."

"Even lower." Doom interjected, sitting on the broken leg of the statue: "If you knew the situation a hundred years later in 1945, you should have informed Doom earlier."

"But it's not too late, isn't it?"

"Yes, there's still time."

"I'm here to negotiate terms with you, Doom. Please do me a favor in the past, and I will return the favor in the future."

"You have been cursing me, always. It seems that in 1945 you didn't know what a terrible curse your so-called 'negotiating terms' was. Almost all the people who traded with you died miserably."

"But you are still alive, alive to the end of this world."

"Yes, I'm alive... now inform Doom of your deal and I can spare the time to listen."

"You help me deal with a God of Stories, and I'll help you become 'eternal'. It's that simple. The destruction of the universe is still a week away for you. There are not many people you can choose, but I have plenty of time to do my job. There are many people to choose from.”

"Dealing with a certain Loki? I need some preparation."

"The deal is established?"

"Deal, but Doom won't shake your hand."

Doom looked at Deathstroke's extended hand, indifferent.

He is also a mage, and he is willing to believe in some metaphysical theories.

Legend has it that anyone who negotiates terms with Deathstroke will not die as long as he does not shake hands.

It is better to believe that it exists than to believe that it does not exist. The consciousness of this world always affects everyone in a vague way. Although his scientist instinct allows him to constantly search for answers, some things have no answers after all.

Doom possesses a high level of technology and a very high level of magic. These two powers work on him at the same time, making him one of the most powerful wizards in the Marvel world.

His armor, forged by a group of cloistered monks, separates Doom's soul from the real world, and the cost of casting the spell is passed on to other robots of destruction.

This is an attempt to use science to crack the magic system.

Of course, there are side effects. The separation of body and soul caused Doom to lose almost all emotions. Apart from his love for his mother and his country, he had nothing.

Just a cold, empty shell of titanium.

"Then you can ask Valeria to start teleporting." Su Ming waved to others to come closer. Doom's technology teleportation range is not large.

"Don't try to order Doom, we are all masters of cybernetics and this is just a one-time deal."


"Uncle Doom? Are you okay? You called my name so loud, like you were scared."

A little Luoli, about four or five years old, wearing a pink sweater, was sitting on a suspended chair. In front of her was a giant computer like a wall.

She has long golden hair and looks as cute as a doll, but her eyes are filled with wisdom that belies her age.

Her full name is Valeria Richards, her father is Mr. Fantastic Reed, and her mother is Invisible Woman Susan.

Her parents' genetic mutation turned her into a mutant. Her ability is energy shaping, which is to turn invisible energy into visible and tangible matter.

But her biggest advantage is not her mutant ability, but her super intelligence.

Her father, Mr. Fantastic, has been hailed as a child prodigy since he was a child. He graduated from world-class universities such as California Institute of Technology, Harvard University, Columbia University, and Empire State University, and received doctorates in many fields such as engineering, mathematics, and physics. .

But Reed only graduated from school in his twenties, and Valeria was different. She didn't bother to get another doctorate at the age of four because she already had a lot.

Her scientific and technological knowledge surpassed the entire era, so much so that Tony and Reed, who were recognized as genius scientists, sometimes couldn't understand what she was saying and couldn't imagine what she would do.

About last year, the Fantastic Four once again had problems and ended up in the International Court of Justice.

It's not a conspiracy, but Reed was indeed wrong and led all the Fantastic Four to make mistakes.

Therefore, he and Susan were deprived of their custody rights to their children. People believed that crazy and murderous parents could not raise their children, and that their children should be raised by gentle and kind people with the help of social welfare institutions.

Only in this way can we become the pillars of society and the hope of the future.

The Fantastic Four were in prison, and Franklin and Valeria were sent to a foster care institution, an orphanage.

Franklin is Valeria's brother. He is also a mutant. His ability is to modify reality and create parallel worlds. After discussing with his sister, he created a pocket universe and entered his own world.

It was a world without superheroes or supervillains, and he wanted to relax and experience ordinary life.

Valeria didn't go because she could study anywhere as long as she had a computer and the Internet, and her life in the orphanage was pretty much the same as before.

Anyway, except for their uncle who sometimes takes them to play, they don't see their parents a few times a year. Reed's solution is to build a robot to accompany the children. The robot butler is called Helby.

It was okay at first, but not long after, Helby was controlled by Ultron. The robot butler, which was not much taller than a suitcase, instantly wiped out the Fantastic Four and almost killed two children... .

If Iron Man and the Avengers hadn't arrived, their whole family would have died at the hands of their own creations.

Tony patted Reed on the shoulder with understanding. Isn't it normal to play with robots? But Captain America gave Reed and Susan a day of ideological and moral lessons and made them promise not to use dangerous AI again before letting them go.

Afterwards, Valeria asked her father why he installed a starship reactor and a micro-nuclear bomb on the butler robot?

And Reed said that next time he would go to Tony to buy a license, modify an Ark reactor and replace it with a new robot, and he would also fix the loopholes in the Ultron drill this time.

Is the problem here? The key is not to use AI anymore, right? Can Ultron's invasion be prevented forever?

Little Luoli felt very tired. From this point of view, the orphanage was safer than home.

But more than ten days after the trial, when the Fantastic Four case cooled down, she was adopted by the dictator of Latvonia.

Doom unleashed his connections and cash abilities.

For others, wealth is just an adjective, but for Doom, it is a fact.

He is the country.

With a land area of ​​less than one percent of the United States, Latovinia's GDP is equal to that of the United States, and it is Doom's private industry.

Valeria was still very afraid of Doom at first. After all, Doom is the mortal enemy of her parents. He has been entangled with the Fantastic Four and the Avengers for who knows how many years. He often comes to New York to carry out demolition and demolition. The Richards family I don’t know how much money is spent on decoration every year.

But slowly, she discovered that Doom was very kind to her. He not only talked to her every day, but also doted on her as his own daughter. He fed her well and clothed her well. The whole country called her a princess.

Whatever she wanted, Doom built it without a second thought. Even a S.H.I.E.L.D.-style aerospace carrier was built for her as a toy for driving around.

Doom trusted her very much and did not treat her like an ordinary child. Instead, he gave her all the high-tech control of Latvinia, and she could even control his destruction robot.

Therefore, little Luoli and Doom have always lived together happily, but she can't help but think of the rumors about Doum and Susan...

Could it be that Doom was really her neighbor before?

Until not long ago, she heard that Reed and the Fantastic Four had escaped from prison.

These parents really don't make people worry, little Luoli sighed in his heart, and had to persuade them to go back and surrender.

However, while pursuing clues about her parents, she accidentally discovered a situation, that is, the worlds in the Almighty Universe were constantly colliding, and everyone was going to be doomed.

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