The Death Knell

Chapter 691 Unfamiliar Sewers

The tunnel is very spacious and can accommodate about four traffic boats as big as subway cars traveling in twos and twos. At this time, in the dark and silent environment, there is only a flying carpet flying silently.

Walking was too slow, the situation changed quickly, and Su Ming was in a hurry.

So he took off the magic floating cloak, let the two women sit on it, and followed the path pointed out by Tanis.

But it's actually not much faster.

The road that can be followed along the traffic line is not long, and soon you need to turn down the maintenance channel and climb down from the simple ladder. The terrain is too narrow to allow the magic floating cloak to move.

The sound of several people climbing up the ladder echoed in the darkness, which reminded Su Ming of the sewer. Attilan naturally has a sewer system, but they recycle water with zero pollution and zero emissions.

The water used for flushing toilets can be used for cooking and drinking after high-tech treatment. It's understandable, after all, long-term living in outer space requires this. The moon has no water.

But from a human perspective, Su Ming felt a little sick.


The three of them seemed to be entering a deep well, which could still turn, and finally came to a gate.

Tanis was so tired that she couldn't even straighten her back. After all, it wasn't long after she gave birth to the child, and it was still difficult even with a foreigner's physique.

Su Ming's expression did not change, Hela also wanted to add another 'heartbeat'.

"This is it? Are you sure there is an energy supply here?" He pointed to the gate, because the surroundings were dark, and the same was true in this room.

"This is an emergency maintenance site. There is an independent energy storage device inside. Just go in and open it to restore the indoor energy supply and start the terminal."

Tanith answered with certainty. After seeing her brother's body, her desire for revenge became even stronger. There was absolutely no lie at this time.

"Then get ready. Once the energy supply here is activated, it will be equivalent to exposing that there are living people here. The forces currently occupying the main control room can see us. We must act quickly."

Su Ming confessed and used God Killer to open the gate, and several people filed in.

Tanith quickly found the panic button and pressed it.

The room lit up, soft white light lit up from the walls, a translucent material like hard plastic that also had luminous properties.

Then she gently put the child on the tool table aside, pulled the terminal down from the wall, and began to operate quickly on the panel.

Su Ming took a look. Well, the three-dimensional projection interactive technology is comparable to Asgard, but it only displays Kree characters.

Soon, a panoramic three-dimensional projection of Attilan appeared in front of everyone. It was composed of blue light and every detail was lifelike.

Not only the buildings, but even the forests and lakes on the ground are clearly displayed.

The greening work was started after aliens came to the earth. The tree species here are actually extinct on the surface. Only the unique closed environment of Attilan can allow them to survive.

Tanith raised her hands and grabbed the image floating in the air. She pulled her hands to both sides and the image was enlarged.

"This is where we are." She stretched out her slender fingers and pointed in the light and shadow. A shining light soon lit up there, and then she pointed to another place: "This is the destination."

Su Ming nodded slightly and said nothing. He was carving this complicated structure like a ball of wool into his mind.

Attilan looks not much different from the comics. Most of the ground buildings are Kree-style domes, and they are mixed with the aliens' own needs, which is to build tall buildings.

To be honest, it’s quite awkward to have an Arabic-style dome on the top of a dozens-story building.

Their urban planning is a mess, like a child's graffiti. Even many roads are crooked. In order to get around some buildings, the roads have 90-degree right-angle turns, not to mention diagonally upwards or diagonals. Downward three-dimensional transportation network.

As for the various underground passage networks, they are not even children's graffiti, they are completely a mess after cats scratched the walls.

Drainage, water supply, ventilation, energy supply, transportation, maintenance, propulsion, etc. There are a lot of lines that even Su Ming needs some explanation to understand.

However, the more complex the underground situation is, the safer it is. Just treat them all as sewers. Su Ming has an absolute advantage in the complex underground network.

Calculating the distance, calculating the enemy's reaction, and calculating the possible situations he might encounter, Su Ming memorized the entire architectural diagram and mapped out the route in just a few dozen seconds.

"Okay, let's go. From this site, punch through the wall and enter the main ventilation duct."

As he spoke, Su Ming pulled out his weapon, cut a beautiful circle from the wall, and then kicked it.

"Bang! Bang, whoosh whoosh whoosh..."

The round cover like a manhole cover hit the other side of the pipe wall, and then fell downwards. Only the whooshing sound of its edge cutting through the air could be heard, and no echo of the landing was heard at all.

Su Ming spread the cloak in, and the three people crowded on it tightly. The cloak turned into a small elevator, carrying the three people all the way up.

Tanis held the child and rocked him gently, as if he had completely calmed down. Hela stood with her back to the death knell, exuding cold air like a corpse.

The pipe is only so thick that it can accommodate three people standing and squeezing together, and the beginning of the passage is already considered easy to walk.

Not long after the three people left, Tanis' husband led people to the infant cultivation center to rescue his wife and children, but they failed.

He did detect traces of his wife leaving, but her smell was mixed with an unfamiliar smell. The strong smell of blood made him uneasy, so he planned to catch up and join Tanis first.

But when they turned back, they happened to encounter the troops of the fugitive faction who came to investigate. The two sides launched a supernatural battle in the dark, and the resistance faction immediately suffered heavy losses.

Su Ming was not aware of these things that happened in the darkness. They were already far away from there. After more than ten minutes of silent action, their current location was the underground water storage space.

Open the walls and pipes, change from the ventilation pipe to the water supply pipe, and then enter the underground reservoir.

The cloak was like a small boat, holding the three people floating in the giant pool. The giant water pump in the distance stopped working due to loss of energy. This was something that had been expected for a long time.

However, what Hela and Tanis didn't know was that Su Ming's first target was not the control room, but the top-secret vault where the Terrigen crystals were stored.

Asking for a map of the entire territory is actually for this purpose. The crystal is related to the survival of all aliens. Asking Tanis may have to hesitate and waste time.

It would be better for Su Ming to look at the map directly and then analyze it himself. The most important items must be in the most well-defended places. Tanis mentioned the containment mechanism before, so from the comparative analysis of energy transmission pipelines and transportation lines, Su Ming can lock a location.

If you don't hold the Terrigen Crystal in your own hands first, you won't be safe in the end.

The fugitive faction has already acquired enough babies and larvae, and presumably the technology and materials are also ready to be swept away. If they get another key crystal, they can leave at any time even if they do not capture the next generation of Supreme Speaker. After all, there is no loss.

But if Su Ming seizes all the Terrigen crystals, then the fugitive faction will be doomed to genocide if they escape. Without the crystals, there will be no descendants with supernatural powers. They can only stay and take back the crystals.

Whether they escaped or not had nothing to do with Su Ming, but with such a trick, Su Ming could at least see if the person who killed Dr. Xavier was among the group.

He still remembers Charles Jr.'s commission. It is important to capture the person who killed his father in exchange for Su Ming's future benefits. Ensuring the safety of the earth is actually only the second goal along the way...

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