The Death Knell

Chapter 72 Sea Queen

19,000 feet underwater in the Atlantic Ocean, Poseidonius.

This is the capital of the Atlantean Empire and the largest underwater city of the Atlanteans.

The deep water was originally pitch black, but they used various marine luminous animals and plants to illuminate it. The entire city was like a lighthouse on the bottom of the sea, and the prosperity here could be seen from more than ten sea miles away.

Of course, the underwater city has its advantages. It cannot be explored and outsiders cannot disturb it. Even if there is a strong wind on the sea, it will always be quiet and peaceful in the deep sea.

The Atlanteans have demigod blood, which allows them to ignore water pressure and live like real deep-sea fish. There are not only Atlanteans in the city, but also countless marine creatures living together with the people on the bottom of the sea. Harmonious coexistence.

Schools of colorful fish shuttle through the city, tall corals look like trees, and buildings made of reefs can stand for thousands of years.

In the center of these buildings, there is a magnificent palace, which is now the Neptune Palace, where Arthur, the Queen of the Sea, lives.

At this time, she was the only one leaning on the throne in the empty throne room.

She wears a gold scale top and green scale pants. This is the most popular color scheme among Atlanteans. Gold represents the sky and green represents the sea.

The Neptune Trident leaning against the throne is a symbol of royal power. As a weapon, its power is average, and its only advantage is that it is strong and durable. There is also another Poseidon Trident, which is an artifact of the Poseidon. It can use it to set off huge waves and mobilize marine life all over the world. Its power is unparalleled.

She usually uses Neptune's Trident to show off, and the artifact is placed in the temple to receive enshrinements and accumulate divine power.

Sea Queen Arthur is now leaning on her throne, supporting her head with one arm, thinking absentmindedly. Some small fish swam in front of her and brushed her hair with their tails, but she didn't even notice.

Her short and medium blond hair always floats gently in the sea water, and always emits beautiful light in shallow water where there is sunshine.

But this hair color was the fundamental reason for her earlier resistance from the people, because blonde hair represents humanity. Humanity's over-exploitation and utilization of the oceans and the extermination of marine life have long angered them, and their anger has accumulated for hundreds of years.

Although she had stabilized her position with the power of Poseidon's Trident and her iron-fisted rule, it was not enough.

The people of Atlantis ate relatively small fish, because they could not think and had little consciousness, so they were also food for the people at the bottom of the sea. But as the Queen of the Sea, in order to show that she is the co-owner of all marine animals, she does not even eat small fish, and only lives by eating seaweed and some animals brought from land every day.

Atlanteans believe that small fish can be eaten, but large sea creatures are their friends. They can communicate with them and play with them. Many people were attracted by animals such as dolphins and whales when they were children. Grow up with you.

As a result, the companions who accompanied them would end up on the dining table of people on the surface if they were not careful...

This is simply a blood feud.

Anyway, even small fish cannot be eaten by people on the surface. Marine creatures can eat people on the surface, but people on the surface cannot eat marine creatures. Even though the people on the surface are also an intelligent race like the people on the bottom of the sea, they are more inclined to help their relatives and not take care of them.

Besides, people on the surface have been discharging sewage into the sea, dumping garbage, and even conducting nuclear tests on the islands. This has greatly affected their living environment, just like flying above the heads of the Atlanteans.

Not only is it a loss of interests, but it is also a personal insult.

The Sea Queen of this world is completely on the side of the people under the sea. After her father died, she had nothing to say to the people on the surface.

What she is thinking about now is how to kill all the Amazons and surface people at once and dominate the world by herself. Ordinary people are insignificant and should be almost dead after a few tsunamis, but the key is the Amazons who currently rule the world.

The Amazons also have divine power. It is not impossible to go up to the sky and into the sea. If they launch an ocean offensive, they will definitely attract a very powerful counterattack. Even the gravity of the earth is on the side of the opponent. After all, water flows downwards, and others only need to There is nothing that can be stopped from pouring venom into the sea.

The technology tree of the Atlanteans has taken a different path. They are less fond of computers and other sophisticated things, and are more inclined to military equipment.

For example, large vehicles like metal octopuses, such as fish-shaped tanks that can resist damage on land, these things have proven useful in large and small battles over the past hundreds of years.

The Sea Queen now wants to find a solution once and for all. She is tired of skirmishes and tug-of-war.

The strengths of the Atlanteans lie in their strong physique and the sea itself. How to use their strengths to destroy enemies around the world is a strategic issue.

They are a complete monarchy and do not even have a parliament like Amazon, so now she has no one to discuss such military matters, except for various fish. But marine mammals are fine, and the brain efficiency of fish...isn't worth mentioning.

Now she felt that her thoughts had reached a dead end, and her mind was flooded, flooded, flooded.

This simply doesn't work.

What she wants is to become the ruler of the world, not to die with her enemies.


Just as she was thinking, she suddenly sensed a special frequency that entered her mind directly. This is the language of fish. Only the Atlanteans can perceive it through brain waves, and the only one who can fully understand its meaning is the Sea Queen.

"Queen, Queen, someone is killing us!"

She still didn't see the shadow of the fish, but she 'heard' the fish's thoughts.

Those were not ordinary fish, they were a group of sharks that she liked. They lingered outside Cien Harbor all year round and guarded her hometown for her.

She grabbed the trident next to the throne and jumped into the air. The powerful current propelled her forward rapidly in the water. In just an instant, she left the throne room filled with seaweed and luminous creatures and rushed towards Cien Port.

She didn't bring her personal guards with her. She didn't want others to see the appearance of Cien Port, which represented her past, the past of that half of humanity. She is confident that she can deal with all enemies alone. She is well-equipped. Although the armor on her body is not a magical weapon, it is still the same. She is extremely powerful and has experienced hundreds of battles. She is a master of polearms.

She rarely leaves the ocean to fight on land unless she has to. Being out of the water for a long time will weaken her to the point of becoming an ordinary human.

But in her opinion, the people hunting sharks in Cien Port at this time are nothing more than fishermen. Isn't it easy to kill a few ordinary people? Now that I'm back in Cien Port, I can sit in my hometown for a while, and maybe I can think of new ideas to eliminate Amazon.

The current pushed her through the blue waves at high speed, and countless sea creatures seemed to be cheering for her. She could see the light above her head, which was the sign of sunrise.

She is the queen of Atlantis, and sea creatures are her people. Now, she wants to seek justice for her people!

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