The Death Knell

Chapter 803 Dr. Eggman

The villain wearing a white coat is actually quite conspicuous under the light, not only because the white coat reflects light, but also because the opponent's head also reflects light.

This guy with a slightly deformed skull has a head like an egg, smooth and narrow, oval-shaped. There are two very charming mustaches on his pale face, which is the old style with both ends tilted up and curved.

He was wearing his monocle, laughing crazily, while performing operations that others couldn't understand on a second-hand sci-fi-style console.

In addition to him and the instruments, there is a big egg on the rooftop of this building. Yes, it is more than four meters high. Several people are hugging it. It is a giant egg with a rainbow painted on the eggshell.

After being manipulated by the weird scientist, the nearby instrument emitted an electric arc and hit the egg shell. The egg lit up like a light bulb, and a new lighthouse appeared in Gotham City.

If it were a cartoon, Batman believed that there were several black lines hanging from his head, and he still remembered this villain.

Edgar Heed, codenamed 'Dr. Eggman', is a mentally abnormal biologist, physicist, and a frequent visitor to Arkham.

How should I put it... Even if I ask Batman to evaluate Eggman's past actions, I can't find a suitable word. The only one that is closer is probably...'outstanding'.

Eggman is the kind of unlucky guy who can't do anything he wants. He always has high hopes for his inventions, hoping that the new inventions can defeat Batman so that he can dominate the world.

However, he almost succeeds every time. Batman always has a hard time facing him and his inventions, much harder than facing the Joker.

Batman had to use all his willpower and endurance to force himself not to laugh.

It's so funny. Batman has little resistance to Dr. Eggman's serious comedy. Eggman often turns things that are obviously serious into jokes.

After recognizing Dr. Eggman, Batman immediately understood that the glowing giant egg was the 'meme' this time, and he must not let Dr. Eggman tell this joke.

"That's it, Edgar."

Batman rolled up from the edge of the rooftop, holding his cape to cover his face, and struck a classic Batman pose.

Under the dark clouds in the sky, this dark atmosphere can bring more mental pressure to the villain, and this is the case for Dr. Eggman.

He looked at Batman with a panic-stricken look on his face, and pressed his console tremblingly. Then, the dome was like a lamppost at the entrance of a barber shop. The seven colors began to scroll up and down, and there were sounds coming from those weird instruments. dynamic music.

"Batman! No way! How do you know I'm here?!"


Batman turned his head and looked at the dark city, then at the rooftop that looked like a party scene, and forcefully curled the corners of his mouth downwards.

So awesome, the opening is a classic stupidity, he is really an opponent not to be underestimated...

Eggman didn't answer when he saw Batman. He wasn't surprised at all. Not many people knew him, but everyone in the city knew Batman.

This silent shadow would appear suddenly, silently defeat the enemy, and then suddenly disappear.

It doesn't matter if Batman doesn't speak, he can find the topic by himself: "You're late! Batman! My invention is ready, witness the end of Gotham!"

"..." No, Batman knows that he can't answer the call. The instrument has been activated. Even if he defeats the helpless Eggman now, he can't reverse the process. But once he answers the call, he will It became a compliment.

"Hahahahaha!!! Cough, uh, cough, cough, cough..." Dr. Eggman laughed so loudly that his whole tongue stuck out, but this crazy look was because he deliberately acted like the clown. He was not used to what he had learned, so he choked on his own saliva.

Before Batman could take action, he almost coughed himself to death and completely lost his fighting ability.

Batman closed his eyes. He knew this would happen. He simply ignored Eggman who was kneeling on the ground beside him and walked to the console to see if he could stop the machine.

However, this damn thing seems to be a modified arcade control panel. Apart from the joystick, there are only four big red buttons and no switches at all.

The dome is now wrapped with a very strong current and cannot be approached, so Batman sets his sights on the generator nearby.

The batarang came out and cut the cable directly. The surrounding lights and the strange instrument stopped, as if it was done.

The next step is to knock Eggman unconscious and let Ah Fu throw the person to Arkham.

Logically speaking, Eggman's level of destruction is certainly not up to Arkham standards. After all, since his debut, apart from destroying environments and buildings, he has never harmed anyone.

He is simply a breath of fresh air among Gotham villains, even comparable to those in Midtown.

But he still has to be sent to Arkham. After all, he talks about destroying the world and ruling the earth. This is really a disease and needs to be cured.

The black cloaked man walked towards Eggman, but the doctor coughed and raised a finger, signaling Batman to wait.

He struggled to open a small cabinet from under the console, took out a can of drink, took a few sips, and finally stopped coughing.

"Huh... I almost died..." He patted his chest and took a breath with a smile. Then he suddenly remembered what he was doing and quickly got up with a serious face,' He jumped back and distanced himself: "Batman! You can't defeat me! Hahahahaha!!!"

Batman: "......"

Painful, the place where Bain injured me just now, I couldn’t suppress the pain because I was holding back my laughter...

And just when Batman raised his fist and wanted to end it all, the door leading to the rooftop suddenly opened, and another man walked up.

That man was wearing a brown trench coat. Different from Constantine's bold style, this man not only buttoned all the buttons, but also tightened the belt on the trench coat.

He wore striped trousers, old-fashioned three-cut lace-up leather shoes, and a floppy hat that was popular among gangsters.

Batman knows him. This newcomer is a fifth-line hero in Gotham, codenamed "Trenchcoat Fighter". He is a mysterious man who cannot distinguish between male and female and does not know his specific age.

Yes, even with Batman and Zhenglian's intelligence network, it is still impossible to determine the identity of the other party. This is really weird.

But there are such weird people. For example, the famous "Questioner" is dressed exactly the same as the trench coat fighter. In one of the things that Batman has been secretly investigating, there once was a hero named "Rorschach". Also dressed like this.

If Su Ming were here, he would tell Batman some easy-to-identify differences.

For example, Rorschach's mask has the famous 'Rorschach test' pattern, and the black and white can keep changing. The person asking the question had no face at all. He looked like a plastic mannequin with no facial features printed on it.

As for the caped crusader, his mask is made of fluorescent blue paint and his face is painted on black gauze. It is very conspicuous at night and looks like a ' @ @' expression.

The caped crusader kicked in the door. Perhaps because Batman's figure was difficult to distinguish in the dark, he started his introduction directly.

I don't know if it's a habit unique to young people, or if it's the new trend in the superhero world. Batman doesn't know that he's not a hero, and he won't make a loud declaration of his debut when he appears in front of a villain.

But whether he liked it or not, the caped crusader did it anyway. He shouted in a voice changed like an aria:

"When darkness covers Gotham, when evil appears again, when people call me, I appear like the light of dawn! I am the trench coat fighter, and I want to represent justice and arrest you!"

After saying that, the trench coat fighter pointed at Dr. Eggman very coolly, just like a famous detective identifying the murderer.

To be honest, this set of words was a bit embarrassing, but since the other party mentioned Batman's favorite word 'justice', he just let it go.

But the criminals cannot be handed over to him. They were caught by Batman and must be sent to Arkham by someone Batman trusts.

Because Batman often sends people directly to Arkham without trial, the Gotham Police Department even set up a special office in Arkham just to handle temporary detention procedures. To put it bluntly, it only serves Batman.

"Sorry, young man, he's mine."

When Batman saw Eggman minding his own business and the Windbreaker were looking at each other, they both seemed to only have eyes for each other, leaving him aside and couldn't help but give a reminder.

"Batman?? Why are you here?" The windbreaker tilted his head, and even through the voice changer, you could hear the confusion in his tone.

Batman knew his doubts, because generally speaking, when dealing with villains like Egghead, at the level of the Justice League, they would not compete with fifth-tier superheroes and young people.

It feels a bit like using a cannon to kill mosquitoes. Even Superman would not go out of his way to catch a thief in London.

But Gotham is different from other cities. All the villains here belong to Batman.

When Dr. Eggman was reminded by the windbreaker, he also tilted his head, as if he had just discovered Batman, and asked in surprise: "Why are you still here?"

Batman: "......"

And in just a few seconds, the disadvantages of chatting on top of a tall building on a dark cloudy night finally became apparent.

Originally, there were lightning rods on the roofs of buildings, but after Dantou operated here, he obviously regarded the lightning rods as part of his equipment.

A huge flash point instantly hit the lightning rod, and then along the metal and wires, a bright electric arc climbed up to the colorful dome on the side.

And no matter how fast Batman's reaction is, being as fast as lightning is just a metaphor.

Stimulated by the powerful current, the huge egg began to shake, a sound like drumming began to echo around, and the colorful eggshell began to glow brightly.

Dr. Egghead suddenly became excited. This time, even God was on his side and used lightning to help him complete the final work.

He raised his fists as if he had won, and shouted proudly:

"You two! Witness my greatest creation! Use my genius genes to mix the most terrifying creatures on the earth to create an invincible weapon! Super invincible destruction of dark lightning, the ultimate supreme king of destruction! You will definitely lose, hahahahaha !!!"

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