The Death Knell

Chapter 9 Kidnapping

Director Gordon took back his memory. At this time, he was driving back to the police station.

It was a long journey back to the police station from Arkham Island. Not only did they have to pass through several bridges and tunnels, but the city they passed after was not particularly safe either. Among them, Two-Face and her men were the most arrogant.

Of course, there are also weaknesses in using the law as a weapon to deal with evil people, and that is the double-faced woman. She knows the law and can be said to be the best lawyer. Before going crazy, Harvey Dent was a rising star in Gotham and a famous young prosecutor. official.

However, her rich legal knowledge in the past means that even if she is caught by Batwoman, she will be paroled soon. After all, it is impossible for Batman to testify against her in court. There are only sporadic physical evidence and no witness, so her crime It won't be accepted by the jury.

Of course, money probably plays a big role in this.

Gordon has been on guard since Batwoman left, but nothing much has happened. Until last week, he received an alarm call from citizens. It was said that the circus was out in force, burning, killing and looting on the streets.

He immediately sent out police officers to maintain law and order, while he drove to Arkham. In the past, when the circus behaved like this, the jester often came out again.

But when he arrived at Arkham and saw Fool after passing numerous guards, she was in her cell, wrapped in a napkin, sitting cross-legged on the ground very gracefully, eating a roasted mouse with a plastic knife and fork.

He had nothing to say to the Fool, and after making sure she was locked inside, he returned to the police station to continue dealing with the riots in the city.

Gordon was an old police detective, so a situation like this would not make him relax his vigilance. The actions of the circus made him feel a little abnormal, so from that day on, he would go to Arkham every day, and he would only confirm with his own eyes. He can rest assured that the minister is still inside.

Although the bat light on the roof of the police station is always on, it is now only a deterrent to criminals. The bats have left and Gotham is now unmanned.

At the end of today's visiting hours, he didn't speak to Fool either. The whole process was just that he watched her drawing on the floor of the small room quietly through the thick bulletproof glass. After drawing a few strokes, she seemed to think of something, and then she burst into laughter. Then she drew a few more strokes and ran around the room dancing.

It made him want to rush in and beat her up.

Yes, he hated her, but the law could only do so much. He even thought about killing her countless times, but this conflicted with his lifelong beliefs. He is a policeman, and he has sworn to guard the order and law of this city. Mental illness has legal immunity.

Maybe one day the city council will recognize their danger, revoke the immunity of lunatics, introduce the death penalty in Gotham, and send those guys to the electric chair.

He looked forward to the day when countless of his relatives and friends died at the hands of madmen, and he could leave his position as director and apply to be the executioner. But that would be a trial from law and justice, not the lynching of James Gordon.

In this regard, his knowledge is similar to that of Batgirl, but he is completely different from Deathstroke. For people like Cindy and Su Ming, revenge never comes overnight.

Although laws are made by parliamentary representatives and represent the rules and clauses of the people's wishes, the death knell does not like to be represented. What kind of laws are illegal, can we eat them?

Gordon couldn't wait to see what she was drawing. He left the police station later than usual today because someone called the police during the day and reported that a ninja appeared in the city and attacked someone.

Gordon spent all day and half of the night pursuing this matter.

Unfortunately, the rain was so heavy that no clues were left, and even the police dogs couldn't smell anything.

It was now past midnight. He should go back to the police station to pick up Barbara and go home together. Maybe he could buy some donuts, hamburgers or something at the gas station for dinner for the two of them, but he didn’t know. Will the fast food restaurant I often pass by be open in this weather?

Driving in a heavy rain is a strange feeling. You can't see the scenery in the distance, and there is only the monotonous sound of rain in your ears.

Gordon turned on the radio, but quickly turned it off. The announcer on the Gotham City radio station had a sharp and excited voice that reminded him of a madman and the person he had just met.

Maybe I should look up that announcer someday, I always feel like she's part of the circus.

The lonely journey inevitably left Gordon with a lot of thoughts. He couldn't help but feel distressed and worried when he thought of his daughter who was in a wheelchair at a young age. Although she was still very beautiful, kind and lovely, disabled people were always at a disadvantage in life when it came to choosing a spouse. Disadvantages and inconveniences.

The heavy rain outside the car window was constantly beating against the car glass, and the sound of the rainwater flowing down was rising and falling like the sound of waves. Gordon was driving the car, and it was hard to calm down.

Batwoman says there may be a way to heal the nerves in the spine, what is it?

She said there was danger approaching, but what was it?

A few days ago it was the circus, today it's the Shadow Dancer Alliance, what are these guys planning?

With his mind full of questions, Gordon squinted his eyes and tried his best to see clearly ahead through the windshield that was completely blurred by the heavy rain. He had to rush to pick up his daughter and go home. The car could not break down due to water damage here.

However, at an intersection ahead, just around the corner, he was puddled in water on the roadside and found a strangely dressed man lying on the roadside.

Although the sky was dark and the rain affected his vision, he was sure he saw someone fall, and the heavy rain was mercilessly flooding her body.

He slowed down the car and observed the situation carefully. There were no suspicious persons, and the doors of the buildings on the roadside were closed. The residents of Gotham have long since passed the nosy stage, and no one will care about a person lying on the roadside, because it may be blackmail or a trap.

However, in most cases, more people who fall on the roadside are actually dead, and the causes of death are varied.

Freezing to death, starving to death, murder, drug overdose, etc…

Of course, this also gave birth to a profession in Gotham, people who specialize in picking up corpses. Last winter, he and Batgirl destroyed a perverted factory that made sausages from dead human flesh. It was said that their products were specially supplied to high-end restaurants, and the demand exceeded the supply.

Gordon didn't want to go into details about who in the city had eaten it, and he didn't even dare to think that he might have eaten it without knowing it. After this incident, he didn't eat sausages or stuffed meat for a while. Something...

He stopped the car slowly, unbuckled his seat belt, tightened his windbreaker, and checked his pistol.

As a police officer, even if he is already the chief, he cannot turn a blind eye to the fallen person on the roadside. This is his duty.

The wind and rain were getting worse. It hadn't been like this when he left Arkham, but now, almost ten meters away, it was difficult to see clearly. The strong wind was pushing against the car door, making it difficult for him to get out.

As soon as he stepped into the water covering his ankles, the coldness in his whole body hit his heart.

"Huh..." The rain in the wind made Gordon unconsciously lower his head to avoid it, and his glasses suddenly got wet, and everything in his sight became distorted, as if he was looking at a magic mirror.

He deeply realized that he was getting old, and he could even feel the decline in strength and physical fitness. Although he was not yet sixty years old, the various hidden injuries caused over the years made every joint of his pain in this rainy day.

After closing the car door, he blocked his glasses with one hand and pressed the pistol in the windbreaker on his waist with the other hand. He was like an old man holding his sore waist in a storm and moving forward slowly.

Getting closer, now he could better see the person lying upside down on the roadside. It was a young woman wearing clothes made of animal skins, like a caveman.

Gordon is not surprised when you have a friend who dresses up as a bat every day and drives her bat-like car through the city. Her props are called batarangs, bat belts, bat gloves, and bat capes.

Then you can accept whatever weird costumes you see. Gotham has never been short of weirdos. It's just that some of these people are just going to the Halloween party, and some are dangerous people.

Judging from the condition of the person on the roadside, Gordon estimated that she was the latter.

"Ma'am! Are you still conscious? I am James Gordon from the Gotham City Police Department."

After determining that the other party may be a dangerous person, the first thing to do is to shout, hoping that the other party will put away their little tricks, stop pretending to be dead, and leave immediately.

After shouting, if the other party is still stubborn, Gordon will also shoot in certain dangerous situations.

This is the law enforcement process in Gotham.

The woman on the roadside was motionless and unresponsive.

Gordon moved closer and took a closer look. The woman's pale face showed that she was dead, and the rain had already made her slightly swollen.

There was a huge wound on the side of her body, which was cut with a sharp weapon. This attack destroyed one-third of her internal organs and caused her to bleed to death.

This kind of death is very painful. The strong sense of suffocation caused by ischemia will make the deceased flap around like a fish being fished ashore for a long time in the last moments of his life.

Judging from the current situation, this is not the first scene where she was killed. She was moved here. There is no nearby mud in the deceased’s fingernails, and there are no scratches on the soles of her feet, indicating that the place where she died was a dry and flat environment. Look She was probably dressed like the interior of an exclusive club.

However, the heavy rain destroyed most of the evidence, and he could only see so much. She looked dead, her gray eyes staring blankly at the sky.

Gordon sighed. This meant that the police department had something to do again. In Gotham, not only were these lunatics committing crimes, but ordinary people would also kill people for various reasons.

The identity of the deceased could not be determined yet, so we had to call the coroners first. Gordon turned and staggered towards the car, intending to make a call inside the car.

However, at this moment, the doors of buildings in all directions suddenly opened, and a group of people poured out. They were wearing black suits and old-fashioned soft felt hats. They immediately surrounded Gordon, aiming countless submachine guns at him. he.

"Director Gordon, our boss invites you to be our guest."

The leading woman had a fake smile on her face, and at the same time, several black vans drove out from behind the building, and she motioned for Gordon to get in.

Gordon took off his glasses and tried his best not to affect his vision, but myopia was also a problem:

"Who is your boss? Penguin Girl? Black Mask?"

Only as the bosses of the underworld, their subordinates would be so featureless. Although they were kidnapped, fortunately they were not crazy, and maybe they could still...

"Oh? It seems that Director Gordon has forgotten his old friends and only remembers new ones?" The woman smiled, but then bared her teeth and gave Gordon a heavy punch: "It doesn't matter, we'll wait until we get there. , you will naturally remember it when you see the boss.”

Gordon was knocked to the ground by this sudden attack and fell to his knees in the muddy water on the street. The corpse not far away was still like that, but now he felt that the corpse was looking at him.

"Did you also kill her, that woman over there?" Gordon clutched his stomach, lay on the ground, and stared at the woman in black in front of him.

"Alas..." The woman in black sighed, turned around and looked around at the heavy rain: "Are you still worried about a dead person now? We have another team of people to invite your daughter, you She should be worried about whether she will end up with this corpse...take him away!"

She ordered her men loudly, and the rain fell heavily, but it still couldn't stop her voice.

So, surrounded by several stout women, Gordon was put into a black van. The vehicles started one by one, and then everyone disappeared on the street.

Only Gordon's car and the body of the woman wearing animal skin were left on the spot, which were gradually obscured by the rain.

................................................................. ................................................................. ...........

At this time, Su Ming and Cindy were still riding hard in the wind and rain. His abnormal physical fitness now made him not feel tired at all in the storm. They had already ridden about 30 kilometers in only ten minutes.

Only Deathstroke or other modified people could ride a unicycle with a speed of more than 150 kilometers per hour. If it hadn't rained today, he felt that the bearings of the unicycle would have smoked.

From the thick rain, you can see a tall building not far away, and you can vaguely see the beautiful dome, which is the Gotham City Court. Opposite the court, there is a small park in the middle of the street. It's the Gotham City Police Department.

There is not a single pedestrian on the street. This is the central city, a place with dense government agencies and a place with relatively good security.

On normal days, there are always people who like to bring their families to this park to sit, or people working nearby come here to have lunch or something.

But it's a different matter in the middle of the night. Even if the police station is opposite, there will still be people dealing drugs in the park.

He felt that he was as cold as the outside environment. The outside world was only a few degrees, and it was like this on rainy nights in spring. Every crack in the armor was filled with water, and the strong wind quickly took away the heat.

Cindy was still leading the way a few steps ahead, and she probably felt quite cold now.

"If I had known it was raining more and more outside, we should have had a few drinks at Harley's before going out. At least it would be warmer." He touched the wine in his backpack, which was stolen from Vayne Tower.

Cindy stepped on the unicycle and sighed: "Sure enough, we all have the same idea. Not only do I want to drink, but I'd better have a hot dog or something."

"There should be a vending machine in the police station. We'll smash one in a minute. Is there a microwave in your world?"

"Of course we have a microwave oven. Is it a household appliance?"

He really didn't know what was going on in this world. There were all the necessary electrical appliances and communication equipment, but there were no aircraft. It was as if this technology tree had been forgotten.

However, the two of them were already planning what to eat when they arrived at the police station. As for the policemen inside, to them, they were like children with toy guns in their hands.

So there is no need to kill the police, just knock them all unconscious and kidnap Gordon. There has been so much chaos in the city recently, and with his conscientious character, he will definitely be working overtime at the police station at this time.

Su Ming's plan was to kidnap Gordon and then attack the TV station, using Gordon's safety as a bargaining chip to make Batwoman appear on the TV.

Will Bliss refuse to save Gordon? It's impossible, even if Earth is minus 11, before the destruction of Gotham, Bliss is no different from the Batmans in other parallel universes.

Even because she is the only superhero in the world, she has a greater sense of responsibility. In the end, her family was ruined, and this sense of responsibility completely turned into a sense of guilt, which overwhelmed her.

"Wait, do you hear gunshots over there?"

Through the wind and rain, he vaguely heard movement in the direction of the police station. There was no thunder in the rain this time, so the continuous roar could be an explosion or a shooting.

Cindy took off her helmet and listened carefully. Her blond hair was instantly wet from the rain, and her expression became serious.

"Yes, and the grenade exploded just now, inside the police station."

The two realized that things had changed, and they increased their speed.

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