The Death Knell

Chapter 908 Court of Justice

When Barry heard a few people say this, he spread his hands helplessly: "For now, what we have seen is scary enough, the Origin Wall..."

"The Origin Wall exploded. Luther's Legion of Destruction is resurrecting an ancient god. We all know it." Bai Wally continued: "Your current time is in the future. We also saw it at that time, remember?"

"I remember you at the shelter..." Barry scratched his head.

Wally rolled his eyes, a little helpless: "Yes, I was with dozens of other superheroes at the time, and I felt the entire multiverse shaking crazily. What do you think we would do? Hide under the bed?"

Barry felt that he had asked a stupid question. Yes, the people who go to the asylum for psychological counseling are superheroes. They have many ways to see what is happening in the universe.

Future John, who has become a white light, has suffered severe hair loss and is now a bald black man. He looks very intimidating, but his tone is very kind: "The void outside the origin wall is roaring to encroach on our multiverse. We all knew it at the time. .”

Green Lantern John looks at his old self and always has a weird feeling: "So how do we stop this?"

The white Superman shook his head and said something that surprised everyone in Zhenglian: "You can't. On the contrary, you must speed up this process. This is the only thing I have seen after searching hundreds of millions of possibilities in countless time streams. method."

Seeing that everyone was shocked by his speech, he continued to explain.

"In the Omniverse, when any multiverse is destroyed before it reaches its final evolutionary form, it will return to the beach where it was created and face the final judgment to determine its fate."

Batman frowned: "Created by who?"

"Super gods, such as Papetua, high-dimensional gods." White Superman nodded towards Bruce, with a wry smile on his face when talking about gods: "I didn't believe in gods before, but now I have to admit it. their presence.”

Ron took over the topic: "But according to the prophecy of Elder Martian, Papetua..."

"She is a villain. What you know is correct, but I want to say more now." Superman continued his topic and regained the right to speak. The experience of these decades has made him much stronger. : "She used the seven dark powers of creation to create a multiverse, wanting to create something evil, wanting to be immortal. But her sons, the Monitor, the Counter-Monitor, the World Forger, you You know, in order to stop her, I deliberately attracted the attention of some other people... So she was sealed in the wall of origin, the multiverse was covered by the fourth dimension, and everything became normal."

"..." Batman just listened silently. There were too many clues here, and he had no clue at the moment.

"And now that she's free, the first thing she wants to do is take back her multiverse and transform it into a weapon, a weapon with which to kill the rest of her kind. We have to take back our universe and help it Go in a better direction, and when it reaches the beach, prove to the final judge that it has value and should not be destroyed.”

Superman finished talking about his past actions, and then observed everyone's expressions. Only Batman was still lowering his head in thought, and everyone else gave up thinking.

Although Ron had a good mind, his focus at this time was on the fact that he and Kendra would have children in the future.

"Why would she hurt her compatriots, I mean, if they are all creation gods." Batman asked a more concerned question, which was related to Pappetua's motivation to control the multiverse.

Superman nodded and immediately explained: "Because she is a seed, what should happen to the seed after it hatches into a plant?"

"It is decomposed by microorganisms and the environment and becomes nutrients." Batman answered immediately.

"That's it. The three sons she created were actually supposed to be the managers of the multiverse. After reaching this point, she died and became the nourishment of our universe. But she did not intend to sacrifice herself to become the nourishment. She She wanted to coexist forever with the multiverse she she entered this multiverse by herself, hiding from the sight of her compatriots and making them think she was dead. Naturally, this goes against the rules."

Superman flipped his wrist to indicate that Batman was right, while continuing to tell some information.

Batman pinched his chin: "Whose rules?"

Superman showed a familiar expression, the one that didn't know what to say. He shrugged: "Who knows, although we have saved the earth now, our understanding of the omnipotent universe is actually only a trivial one, my friend. Together, we need to continue research and make the world a better place."

Batman took a deep breath. Although he still had doubts in his heart, he knew too much now and needed to digest it, so he nodded: "Okay, what should we do next?"

Superman looked like he had seen a ghost, grinned and shook his head: "I'm sorry, you asked me what to do? It's your usual job to make suggestions, right? In this way, you can wander around the new world today, and wait until you finish understanding How about we meet again tomorrow after the situation?"


Hearing that Superman handed over command as usual, Batman was half relieved, and Clark was right, he really needed some more specific information that he had seen with his own eyes.

Superman smiled and arranged a tour guide for everyone to visit various parts of the world. At the same time, he said loudly: "Although there may be more difficulties in the future, you will soon be able to see that for us in the past, the world today is... ....It’s a dream come true!”


"Whoosh, whoosh..."

Batman was running on the roof of the building, clutching his stomach. In front of him was an agile black and yellow figure.

While running away, Deathstroke turned around and irritated Batman with trash talk, but Batman was just an ordinary person. How could his physical ability be compared with that of a super-cyborg? At this time, he didn't even have the energy to talk back.

"Help me, Robin, I really can't outrun him!"

Batman called for help from the spiritual level, and Jarlo suddenly appeared in the sky wearing a starfish version of Robin's uniform!

"Here you go, Dad!"

With a pop, it stuck to Deathstroke's face, controlling him easily.

Soon Batman and the police came and sent Deathstroke to the prison. Batman hugged Can Luo and said affectionately: "Well done, you are worthy of being my favorite Robin."

The starfish turned red, and it squirmed slightly in Batman's arms: "No, don't be like this..."

"I'm serious, you are my favorite Robin!" Batman showed a warm smile.

"My favorite, hehe... my favorite..." Haixing closed his eyes happily.

A strange voice seemed to come from the horizon, disturbing the tender moment between father and son.

"Wake up! Wake up!"

Suddenly Jarlo felt someone pushing him, and it seemed that he was not in Batman's arms, but in a jar.

It opened its eyes and found two men with shawl hair looking at it, very close to it, as if they were planning to use it as a meal.

It knows that people on earth sometimes eat starfish, fry them or apply mustard paste on them, but it is an alien starfish!

And this is the Hall of Justice, how could anyone eat it? Who doesn’t know it’s Batman’s favorite little cutie?

After calming down, it recognized the two big faces as Star Man and Neptune, and then breathed a sigh of relief.

But when it saw the figure behind them, emitting purple light like a small sun, it immediately screamed in its soul.

"Oh my God! It's a troublemaker!"

Neptune looked at Star Man and picked up the starfish jar: "Great, you finally woke up, help us see what the troublemaker is thinking? He has been glowing since just now."

For Batman's sake, Jarlo is also willing to help the Justice League, although it doesn't matter why he was chosen instead of Ron.

So Can Luo activated his spiritual power and connected to the troublemaker's brain. He found that the other party's mind was guarded by some kind of energy and could not penetrate deeply. He could only hear the troublemaker repeating it as if he was hypnotizing himself. One sentence.

"Before it's too late, this timeline must be erased..."

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