The Death Knell

Chapter 910 The Justice League Awakens

Seeing that passers-by didn't seem to have much reaction to Dick's appearance, it was as if the bat uniform he was wearing was just ordinary clothes.

Bruce also took off his hood and wiped his face.

When Batman can live openly, or when the citizens of Gotham completely forget the fear that Batman represents, this is what he wants.

He picked up the coffee brought by the waiter, tipped generously, and took a sip. Sure enough, the coffee at Alfred's Sanatorium really tastes exactly like the coffee brewed by Alfred.

A smile appeared on his face, and he leaned back on the chair with his eyes closed: "This tastes very good."

Dick also smiled and nodded. After taking off the mask, his expression became much more flexible: "Yes, I still remember that when you drink coffee, you always ask Alfred if there are any ingredients in it. Only he replied that 'Justice' was added to it. You’re the only one who knows how to drink.”

"Haha, that's right. I feel relieved to see that you are living so well now."

Batman happily picked up the cup and took a few sips. The topic of coffee spices was just a hidden trick to prevent someone from pretending to be Alfred and poisoning him.

As everyone knows, there are too many chameleons in Gotham.

Batman put down the cup with a smile and sighed in the warm sunshine.

He raised his head and looked at the sunlight shining on the bat logo on his chest through the gaps between the leaves. He gently put his hand on his belt, and something was vibrating inside.


"This place is different from before."

At the same time, Diana, accompanied by Cassie, visited the new Paradise Island, which was completely different from what she had remembered.

Not to mention that all the statues of gods that once stood there are gone, and now only the statue of Hippolyta is left. At this time, there are sorcerers and various magic races walking everywhere on Paradise Island. It seems that the magic world is using Paradise Island as its base. center.

Cassie Sandmark, the daughter of Zeus, was still a sixteen or seventeen-year-old girl in Diana's dimension, but it is obvious that now she has inherited all the fighting skills and equipment of Diana and Donna, and she is no longer Couldn't be any younger.

"It was you and your sisters who changed this place. After you saved the earth, you discovered a rune and combined magic and technology to share it with the entire world, so now everyone lives well. "

Cassie led Diana into the Queen's study generously, took out a stack of magic scrolls from the table and showed it to her, indicating that she could also learn from it.

Diana nodded, but the feeling that something was wrong in her heart became stronger and stronger. She lowered her head and flipped through the scrolls, as if she was watching, but her mind had already wandered to other things.

Maybe others don't know, but Diana knows that in their dimension, the concept of magic is in the hands of Deathstroke, and everyone has to pay a price if they want to use magic.

What rune can bypass the concept of the Upside Down Man? What could make Deathstroke release his control over the magical world?

Matters in the magic world are solved by the magic world. This is a concept that wizards have pursued for tens of thousands of years. Not to mention that in the era of the gods and tribes, witchcraft was a representative of power and class. Do people nowadays really have no class distinctions? ?

Due to her research and observation of human beings, Diana doesn't think so. She debuted earlier than anyone else in Zhenglian and has already seen a lot about human nature on the battlefields of the two world wars.

And would the gods really let go so easily? Hera and Zeus never knew how to write the word equality.

Just when she was about to ask more questions from Cassie, she suddenly felt a tremor coming from the back of her head.

It was the small cake made of a drop of x-metal that Deathstroke had given her before to shield her from possible thought probing methods. When they parted, he did not take it back.

And Diana almost forgot about it and brought it here unknowingly.

She noticed something was wrong instantly, and the warrior's intuition and instinctive reaction told her that something was wrong.

Troublemaker said that all low-dimensional props are not applicable in high dimensions, so why can metal X receive the resonance from the main dimension here?

Unless...this dimension is also made of x metal!

Diana exhaled calmly and nodded to Cassie with a smile: "It's really a good thing, but now I want to go to Gotham to see. Has your teleportation method been improved?"

Cassie did not doubt that he was there and nodded with a smile: "That's right. Gotham was the source of chaos and the starting point of darkness in your era. You will be surprised when you see it now. As before, the Justice League's teleporter It also covers the whole world, and it’s still a sonic blast channel. The transmission will make people’s ears buzz, but I can use magic.”

With that said, Cassie snapped her fingers, and a golden portal suddenly appeared in the room.

Diana put down the scroll in her hand and looked through the window at the blue sea, golden sunshine, white sails, and flying wizards. At this time, there was no attraction for her anymore.

She felt the resonance caused by the collision of metals, and this world was simply unbelievable.

She believed that the metal resonance was the death knell warning her. Although she was sometimes a little slow and not as smart as Batman and Ron, if someone reminded her, she would be stronger than Arthur.

"I'll go over there and have a look. The new Batman should be Dick, right?" Diana walked toward the portal calmly.

"Yes, you also know that the Bat family is like that. Dick is a little more responsible, and Tim went to England to be a detective. Jason is still Jason. They can't become Batman."

Cassie just stood aside and explained easily, as if she recognized Dick becoming Batman.

"Oh? Where's Damian?" Diana stopped in front of the portal.

"He inherited the Assassin's League, but soon after he used the Lazarus Fountain, he went crazy. This kind of madness is difficult to reverse without letting him kill people, so he is still receiving treatment."

Diana was stunned for a moment and smiled: "Okay, I understand. I'll go see what's going on in Gotham myself."


Similar to their situation, Barry and John were invited by Wally White and John White to visit the Star Laboratory in Midtown to see how they used technology to shape parallel worlds.

Bai Wally claims that they have completely mastered the Speed ​​Force. Now using the Speed ​​Force is as simple as plugging an electrical appliance into a socket, and shaping the multiverse is no problem.

He also said that he could go back in time at any time, meet Barry's mother, have a meal together or something.

And this also aroused Barry's suspicion. He was not stupid at all.

Let’s not talk about whether the Speed ​​Force is so easy to master, but he and Deathstroke have been to the Flashpoint world and brought Thomas Wayne back from there. That world collapsed after they left.

Wally said he met Barry's own mother? The Flashpoint world is dead, where will he go?

If they really can shape the multiverse, why not just resurrect people? Why bother repeating a mistake that Barry made?

Barry also woke up. Although he was still smiling, he found that the performance of this dimension now seemed a bit like an old trick of someone manipulating the timeline.

It was just like wire fraud or lottery winning text messages. They were all old scams that he had seen a lot in the Speed ​​Force.

And what about John? He also noticed something was wrong. Although he was wearing a Green Lantern uniform, he actually had two rings on his finger, a Green Lantern ring and an invisible light ring!

When I became an invisible light demon, I was knocked unconscious by the death knell. When I woke up, I found that I couldn't take off the invisible light ring and it was like a tattoo on my finger.

Even if the Eclipse Star is destroyed and all other lamp demons die in battle, he himself will become a new lamp furnace and continue to pass on the dark creation power of invisible light.

This is a curse and a mission, something that cannot be taken off.

So where did the invisible light ring go to the older version of myself?


Ron and Hawkgirl came to Black Hawk Island to accept the hospitality of themselves and their children in the future, and watched the Earth launch a transport spacecraft to Mars.

Yes, countless Green Martians have been resurrected by genetic technology and are returning home from get off work in droves.

It seems perfectly ordinary to work on Earth during the day and return to Mars after get off work in the evening.

Old Ron and Eagle Girl told them many sweet past events, as well as the glorious achievements of Zhenglian today. Not only the Green Martians, but also the kind-hearted aliens across the universe have all been resurrected by Zhenglian.

Now the whole universe revolves around the earth, and everyone lives extremely happily.

But Ron's eyes were always on his future self and Eagle Girl's son. The child named Sean always looked at them timidly.

Maybe it’s because in the eyes of a child, seeing another younger version of their parents, they find it difficult to understand.

But Ron's doubts didn't lie there.

Thanks to a series of fakes such as fake Deathstroke, fake Barbara, and fake Copperhead, Ron now looks like everything is fake.

But isn't it? It hasn't been a few hours yet, and he's not that forgetful yet.

Although he was shocked by everything here when he first arrived in the so-called sixth dimension and could not think calmly, Ron's brain has returned to normal now.

The problem is the child.

Ron himself was a Green Martian, no doubt about it, green-skinned and sugar-free. Well, this kid named Shan En is also a green-skinned bald boy, so there's nothing wrong with him.

But there is something wrong with the child having a pair of white wings on its back.

Kendra is the reincarnation of Siara, and after dozens of generations, Siara was Cuiaya, the queen of Pharaoh Khufu of Egypt.

They just picked up Senagon's spaceship that crashed in Egypt, obtained n metal, and used this weightless metal to make wings, gaining the ability to fly.

Ron didn't know much about the detailed process of reincarnation, but the physical information of the members of the Justice League had medical examination reports in the Hall of Justice.

Kendra Sanders is 100% pure human, born in Detroit.

During the Barbatos invasion, after she awakened her past life memories, she also took back her n-metal wings and fixed them behind her back through her uniform, which is the same principle as the Yingman's straps.

She and the aliens on Senagon who originally had wings and could fly were completely different creatures.

So the question is, how did a green Martian and a pure Earthling give birth to a hybrid child with white wings?

Even if there was a way to circumvent the reproductive isolation between Martians and Earthlings, Kendra had no reason to give up her Earthling identity and become a Senagan.

Ron has been thinking about this issue since he arrived at the Court of Justice, but no matter how many possible assumptions he made, he could not convince himself to believe it.

Although everything in front of him seemed so beautiful, he had already determined that it was a scam, a dream, just like the dream that Ron prepared for Kendra when she decided to fill the origin wall with herself.

He still had a smile on his face, but he had secretly made a plan with Kendra through his psychic abilities. He would first pretend not to know anything, paralyze the other party with a smile, and then...

Join Batman as soon as possible.

All of them must escape from here and settle accounts with the troublemakers.

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