The Death Knell

Chapter 912 Bat Operation


Su Ming slid out a long line on the ground. Not to mention the black oil on the ground, even the hard marble floor was plowed into a groove. He hit the wall at the other end, leaving a Big hole.

The entire hall was devastated due to the battle between the two. It was originally a huge warehouse. The weathered wooden boxes were smashed to pieces by the two. The old-fashioned cans inside rolled everywhere, and many of them exploded. Yes, tomato and soybean soup splashed all over them.

After changing his fighting style, Su Ming didn't just passively take beatings. He asked the Upside Down to summon a large number of tentacles. Now this place is a veritable tentacle hell.

The thick purple-black tentacles are full of the style of the Old Gods, although even if they grab part of the limbs of the Hell Bat Armor, they will be torn off after being pulled for a long time.

However, due to Su Ming's investment regardless of cost, the movements of the Laughing Bat became not so smooth. When flying, the tentacles on the ground would either grab its hind legs, or the tentacles on the ceiling would block the route or interfere with the line of sight.

His current flight is one beat at a time. If placed in an FPS online game, he would be like one of those high-ping warriors.

Su Ming's target was the right leg armor of the Laughing Bat. Batman in all worlds are all right-handed.

Right-handed people are accustomed to using their right fists, which requires the right side of the body to exert force. As long as they are still human, they cannot change the structure of the body. When they step in, they open the door with their right hand and step with their left leg first. They are also used to turning to the left when turning around.

Not to mention the hell bat armor's legs also have propellers. If he could destroy part of the energy transmission pipe and knock it to the ground, Su Ming would be able to gain an advantage.

The only problem now is that the Hell Bat Armor has the same deformation ability as the Green Lantern Gento. Su Ming has slashed the opponent's knees several times and used seven hundred different martial arts, but the Laughing Bat can always be the first to do so. The hit location is repaired instantly.

Although he tried his best to only leave an inconspicuous mark, Laughing Crazy didn't give him any chance. He would not let a warrior like Deathstroke break the armor by hitting the same part multiple times.

So now there is a strange balance of power between the two.

Su Ming was unable to break the opponent's full-metal turtle shell, and the effect of blood exchanges in the past was mediocre, while Kuangxiao was entangled by various magic and light ring creations with physical properties, making him unable to see clearly.

Both of them were thinking about tactics. Apart from the sound of metal friction and collision, the only sound in the dark room was the sound of heavy breathing.

Su Ming's injuries were repaired by strangulation again and again, but he knew that his time was limited, so he laughed wildly and delayed himself here, maybe there was some other arrangement.

Maybe he has other helpers.

Now it depends on whether Oliver can think of this. If he can see the situation quickly and take action when Su Ming is dragging Hell Bat, then the two of them will win this time.

If he was really hiding in the corridor where he came from, the longer the matter was delayed, the worse it would be for Su Ming.

However, there should be no problem with Oliver's IQ. As long as he noticed the movement here for too long, he should be able to guess that Kuangxiao had other plans.

So Su Ming is just focusing on fighting at this time. If he can't get this suit of armor here, he will encounter him again sooner or later, and trying to kill the Laughing Bat will only be a joke.

He had to think of a way, and he had to do it quickly. Although most of his bloodthirsty emotions were diverted by Su Ming to recharge the red light ring, sooner or later he would lose control if he continued like this.


"It should be safe here."

Batman coldly closed the heavy door behind him, and all energy barriers and various interference methods began to operate.

"Why is there such a thing in a container on the Gotham beach?" Barry heard Batman say it was safe. He breathed a sigh of relief and couldn't help but comment on the metal house where everyone was now.

Just as Batman predicted, the Justice League was still the Justice League, and everyone sensed something was wrong.

Whether it was through warrior instinct or logical reasoning, at least they all understood that this was not a utopia, but some kind of timeline that should not exist.

Then, they gathered around Batman.

No matter who created this world, Batman still lives in Gotham.

He immediately led everyone to find the back-up people he had left behind, some secret facilities that only he knew about.

The purpose is to prevent Robin or anyone in the Bat Family from being controlled by the enemy. He has prepared a lot of things, which can be used now.

If these arrangements are no longer there, it further proves that his speculations about the previous things are all false.

And if the other party, the white Superman, still wants to continue the scam, then these arrangements must be there, and they must be exactly the same as when Batman left them.

Regardless of whether the other person is Superman or not, Batman knows that the other person's target is him, and he will prove that mankind's strongest detective is not so easy to deceive.

What he saw in front of him proved Batman's suspicion. All the hidden safe houses he left behind were gone. He gradually lowered the security before he found one in a safe house known to everyone in the Bat family.

In this way, the other party is not omniscient and omnipotent, and he also needs intelligence to arrange this false world. This makes Batman feel a little more relaxed.

However, the safety here is only temporary. If the other party knows that everyone has discovered the truth, they will find them soon.

Their time is limited.

"listen to me."

Batman didn't answer Barry's question. He transformed a container into a safe house and placed it in an inconspicuous corner of the Gotham Pier. This was just a normal operation. Even the Penguin, who smuggled arms not far away every time, didn't know Batman. Peep him right here.

It looks like a dilapidated container on the outside, but inside it uses all the technology Batman can find, and has a defense level of the Hall of Justice.

"Barry, activate the bullet time field. Ron's psychic conference room cannot be used. The opponent has psychic abilities."

Ron's green face looked even more ugly. Although it was hard to say whether the old Ron was his future self, for Martians, age would only make their psychic abilities stronger.

Batman's judgment is correct. He cannot use psychic powers. Instead, he should use psychic shielding devices to hide everyone.

While entering here, Batman also activated all his hidden safe houses in Gotham, hoping that this would mislead the other party's focus and prevent them from finding this place in the first place.

Fortunately, with the help of the Speed ​​Force, the transfer process is hidden, and when everyone enters the bullet time realm, the time for the meeting is relatively abundant.

The only one who was a little tired was Barry. During the meeting, he had to constantly run around everyone and touch everyone in turn to maintain them in the Speed ​​Force.

But there is no other way.

Seeing lightning surrounding everyone and the cold metal walls turning into illusion, Batman nodded.

"I think everyone is aware of the problem, but now is not the time to exchange ideas. Our first goal is to find a way out of here, if possible, while looking for clues to the real Superman."

Diana saw Bruce take out a large number of mind shielding devices from his belt. They were coin-sized patches and bat-shaped.

While he was talking, he gave one to each person and placed it on the back of their head, as if he had already prepared a way to restrain Ron.

Ron waved his hand, indicating that he didn't need it. Although he couldn't use his psychic ability to connect with others, he still had the ability to protect himself: "Tell me the plan, Batman, and we will listen to you."

Batman held his arms, his black figure still the same as before: "We know very little about the intelligence of the sixth dimension, and what the troublemakers tell us is highly unlikely to be believed. There is still doubt whether this is a high-level dimension. Then proceed as usual. All means of traveling in the multiverse can be considered and then changed according to the situation.”

Barry's voice came from different directions as he ran, as if it was in everyone's ears: "Then it's the sonic blast channel and the cosmic treadmill."

"There is also teleportation through the lantern group's lantern furnace, but that requires hundreds of lantern rings to open the channel and the help of the guardians." John stood like a football player. Like Cyborg, he just stood I don’t know why there is a sporty style there.

Diana also put forward her own opinion: "Magic should also work. If we can contact the Upside Down here, we can completely teleport to our original single universe with the conceptual power of the multiverse."

"Perhaps Senagan's Sky Wings can also be used. It is a phase transfer device that covers the planet and can change the phase of the entire planet. If it is modified, it may be able to change the dimensions where a few of us are."

Ron looked at everyone. They seemed to have their own methods, but he seemed to be the one holding him back.

So he could only smile helplessly and shrug at the people who were looking at him and waiting for his solution: "It seems that we have enough solutions, Bruce, which one should we choose?"

"The parallel world transmission of the sonic blast channel needs to be reflected by the Sky Blood Echo Layer, and now Cyborg is not here, and we do not have a mother box. If you want to use the sonic blast transmission, you must go to the Court of Justice, which is too risky."

Bruce first said the method that Zhenglian was most familiar with, and rejected it without hesitation.

It’s not that it’s not feasible, it’s just that it may cost a lot, and it’s not worth it now.

The purpose of telling all the methods is to let everyone speak. If you can speak, you should speak more.

Although Batman usually doesn't have to do this, he can directly arrange plans and methods, but now the situation has changed, he has to make sure there are no fakes among the people...

As long as someone shows the slightest clue, Batman will take action immediately.

"The Speed ​​Force plane may not be safe either. The weird Wally I met before told me that they have completely mastered the Speed ​​Force and can even use them to create parallel worlds. Although I don't believe it, I can't let everyone Let’s take risks together.”

Barry continues to run, negating his plan to run the world's treadmill.

Because if something happens in the plane of the Speed ​​Force, at least you don't know when and where you will be thrown. In more serious cases, you will be swallowed by the black god of death, or simply assimilated into lightning by the Speed ​​Force.

It was truly a dead body, erased from the timeline and history. Except for other speedsters, no one would even remember the existence of the assimilated person.

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