The Death Knell

Chapter 915 Iron Will


After the Inverted Man disappeared, before Su Ming had time to think carefully about what it meant, he heard the sound of retching one after another, and some people actually vomited.

It turned out to be a few members of the Justice League who were among the tentacles.

After Diana hit the X-metal there, she was naturally discovered by White Superman and the others, and what followed was a battle between the two Justice Leaguers.

Batman and the others are always missing one person. Even if Diana can stabilize the elderly Cassie and Barry can definitely defeat the old Wally, if Batman is left to deal with the fake Dick and the white Superman alone, even if he is prepared, he will be overwhelmed.

The white Superman has no reaction at all to the 'Five Finger Death Punch'. Although there are a total of 11 types of kryptonite in various multiverses, Batman only has the common five types in his hands.

But these five kinds of kryptonite are universally applicable, and most supermen in parallel worlds will react to them, either by becoming stronger or by exploding on the spot.

It's just impossible not to have any reaction.

Diana had to take time to tap the X metal while fighting, which was as troublesome as playing Allegro during a fight with the enemy. However, Deathstroke thought she was joking at first and responded by tapping the metal, which almost made her vomit blood. .

But fortunately, he came to his senses later. When the white Superman was about to catch Batman, the portal accurately appeared at everyone's feet, sucking them in and taking them away instantly.

The teleportation gate that originally used to invert people was very bumpy. During the teleportation process, they were tossed around and around, as if the person was being turned inside out.

This situation is even more aggravated during this cross-dimensional journey.

Not to mention the pitch-black and slimy tentacle hell as soon as you come out. Not far away there is a flying rotten corpse covered with molted skin and tentacles. This is really unbearable.

Except for Batman and Barry, who were in good condition, everyone else was retching repeatedly, and Hawkgirl even threw up. At this time, the advantages of a semi-covering mask are revealed. The mouth is exposed, which is very convenient.

Barry may have seen the ancient god attendant last time, and he had already vomited and had antibodies. At this time, he just turned his head and didn't look over there, his face turned slightly pale.

Batman seemed to have seen something interesting, standing quietly staring in the direction of the ancient god.

Not only was he looking at the unspeakable monster, he was paying more attention to the Hell Bat Armor.

He guessed that it should be laughter. This set of equipment was exactly the same as his, except that it had many more colorful decorative patterns, which looked very weird.

The clown's phantom stood beside him, shaking his head from side to side, commenting on the thing: "The color combination of the Laughing Bat is very average. I think it would be better to change the background color to purple. Purple is a versatile color. What do you think of the bat? "


This is an illusion, an illusion. Batman keeps strengthening his psychological suggestions, but the Joker is standing next to him alive, chattering as before.

The Joker rolled his eyes, let out a chuckle, leaned into Batman's ear, put his hand to his mouth and whispered.

"Bat, you have a plan, right? You always have a backup plan. There must be a back-up plan on the little robot toy that only Batman knows about. Take it out and use it. Let's break the turtle shell and eat the meat inside. Okay? BBQ? Stir-fried vegetables? I’ll listen to you, hee hee hee..."

Batman closed his eyes. If he had a choice, he really wanted to close his brain. The Joker's voice appeared directly in his mind. His suggestion made Batman a little hungry for some reason.

However, Batman had naturally foreseen his current situation. Laughing gas is made from the Joker's own blood, and the Joker's toxin should be similar.

Laughing gas is good at causing all kinds of hallucinations, but most of the time people who are poisoned will see ridiculous hallucinations until they die laughing, and seeing a clown around is not funny at all.

Batman secretly groped for his pocket under his cloak, took out a syringe and inserted it into his lower back. Only then did he open his eyes and relax a little.

The clown beside him curled his lips boredly: "Here we go again, okay, okay, I'll just take a look and don't say anything, hehe..."

Although the Joker has not disappeared, it is a good thing to shut him up so that Batman can focus on the Laughing Bat.

Soon, he saw the merits of that suit of armor. The Laughing Bat must have collected all ten metals and frantically used them all to strengthen his suit of armor.

Even if Deathstroke is equally powerful in martial arts and magic, he can only be exhausted in the face of such a super turtle shell.

But it was a good choice for him to conjure up such a disgusting monster and attack the mental aspect of Laughing Crazy.

As a person harassed by the clown's mind, Batman is very aware of how unstable his current mental state is, and the Laughing Bat is definitely more vulnerable than himself in this regard.


Batman turned his head and looked at the people around him. Except for Barry, who still had fighting ability, it was difficult for the others to stand still in a short period of time.

Deathstroke's mental attack, which does not distinguish between friend and foe, is fine in one-on-one battles. If fighting in a small group, the enemy may not be fine, and one of us will fall to the ground first.

And what are these big black tentacles around? If it was just to contain the laughter, wouldn't it be enough to use magic to create a rope? Why bother?

Batman helplessly looked at the death knell that fell next to him. This death knell was even more unpredictable than the original one on Earth 0. Sometimes things he did seemed to have no reason, but he fell into a trap unknowingly afterwards. Inside.

"Is everyone okay?"

Su Ming landed between Batman and Barry, and casually rubbed Barry's head. His insulated suit felt quite good, as if he were touching a red bald head.

"Don't, don't rub it, I'm so dizzy, uh... vomit."

The pale Barry was still holding on, but as soon as Su Ming took advantage, he couldn't help but feel dizzy, and immediately covered his mouth and crawled to the corner.

It turns out that you can activate the Speed ​​Force even if you stick to the ground and squirm like a caterpillar. He actually found a way to break the Grease Technique so quickly. It is indeed Barry!

Su Ming looked at the red figure with approval, nodded, and silently asked the Upside Down to cancel the duration of the greasy spell and tentacles.

He looked at Diana and Hawkgirl again, because the ancient god attendant on the battlefield over there was clean and smooth, and the third tentacle leg was still swinging around. She didn't want to look at the battlefield at all, and just helped Kendra to Walk outside the battlefield.

Ron En, on the other hand, had his mouth turned into a black hole, as if he had received a great mental shock, and he was stunned on the spot.

Fortunately, although everyone was disgraced and everyone had some luck, at least no one was more seriously injured than Su Ming.

"Your dimensional journey doesn't seem to be going well." Su Ming asked Batman beside him.

"Oliver told you? He didn't follow us when we left, so I guessed that he was looking for you." Batman took out a terminal and typed a series of parameters on it: "It's just I didn’t expect him to say anything.”

"Oh, is this the time to discuss this? Let's not mention that he is an employer and I am a mercenary. It is only a legitimate act to share information. I just want to ask where Superman is?"

Su Ming leaned on his big sword and looked around with interest.

Batman was not angry, but told the truth. This situation really requires Deathstroke and Green Arrow to come together for advice. His mind is too active now and he can't control his crazy thoughts.

Although the clown on the side closed his mouth, he kept smiling and stood listening to the two people talking. It looked like there was a ghost.

"We were tricked by troublemakers. Clark's whereabouts are now unknown. Let's solve the problem of the Laughing Bat together first, and then find a way to find Clark."

Su Ming stimulated Batman a little and found that he was not crazy yet, and the situation was much better than expected, so he also put away his frivolous attitude and nodded seriously: "Simple, catch the troublemaker and let me torture him, of course We can know where he took Superman. Not long ago, Barry helped me go to Asia to collect a large amount of information on torture instruments, but there has been no suitable training partner."

Batman was noncommittal, as if he agreed with the idea of ​​torture to extract confessions: "I'm afraid our four-dimensional props have no effect on fifth-dimensional people. What are you going to do?"

"I don't know if others still remember it, but you should remember some things from the past. Do you still remember how the clown dealt with the troublemakers?"

Su Ming followed the lead. If he is right, Batman has a clown in his heart now.

Batman saw the clown next to him with his eyes wide open and a smile like a child looking forward to a Christmas gift. He nodded at him crazily and mouth-shaped for him with a smile. The red cracks revealed yellow teeth. It was obvious that he had been meaning to say a word.


"Yes, that's the name of the troublemaker." Su Ming was not surprised that Batman suddenly said a word. This is the concise style of bat: "I don't understand. You have the real name of the troublemaker, and you can still be... Is he being cheated? Wouldn’t it be better to just take away all his power and put it in your own hands to use?”

Batman shook his head, looked at Su Ming firmly and said: "The power of higher dimensions cannot be in the hands of any individual in our world. I will not let anyone manipulate the world according to their own will, or become a superior god on earth. At least not while I’m alive.”

"Okay, you have high moral standards, and I have nothing to say about finding fault on your own, but if you don't want to trick the troublemaker into revealing your real name and take the opportunity to take away his power...then we can only find bats. Come and fix him, or I can find a way for you to find a ten-dimensional demon to perform a performance of eating the little devil alive?"

Su Ming spread his hands innocently, knowing that Batman was warning him not to think about the fifth-dimensional power.

As for Su Ming, he showed his yearning for five-dimensional power, but gave in under Batman's warning. In this way, Batman would not guess that the troublemaker's drawing board was in his hands...

It's just a little plan that won't go on the stage. Now Batman can't care about it and his attention is not on it. Su Ming didn't take out the drawing board even though he was beaten everywhere by the Laughing Bat.

This kind of performance completely cleared his suspicions. Now the drawing board is lying quietly in his pocket. It can be regarded as changing his surname...

"And there are ten dimensions?"

Batman's attention was indeed attracted by the information that Deathstroke seemed to throw out inadvertently. He frowned. Five and six dimensions alone were troublesome enough. How could there be more?

Su Ming couldn't help but take a small breath as he watched the artificial Wade use a move to wrap old tree roots around the Hell Bat's leg armor, and then used a stunt like 'monkey stealing peaches in succession' against Kuangxiao.

"Hiss~~ Five-dimensional people are almost omnipotent in this world, but why are they called five-dimensional 'little' devils? Have you never thought about what a 'big' devil is?"

Batman didn't respond, but with the help of illumination, Su Ming could see the corners of his mouth turning downwards.

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