The Death Knell

Chapter 922 Dynamics of all parties

"what do you want to say?"

Batman walked in the dark warehouse. In front of him were rows of airships with black airbags. These airships were connected to many special pipes, and they must be filled with something when activated.

As for whether it is a poison or an antidote, I can't say yet.

This has to be destroyed, but now it's time to see where they connect and what's behind these pipes.

Ron felt that Batman wasn't talking to him, because he was standing to Batman's right, but Batman's head was looking to the empty place on the left.

Martian Manhunter didn't think there was anything there, but maybe Batman's detective instinct discovered something he hadn't discovered.

"Deathstroke just left and his whereabouts are unknown." Ron answered Batman's question.

"Well, whatever he wants." Batman pressed his forehead, as if he was trying to get rid of something.

And where Ron couldn't see it, the Joker just covered his mouth, with a slit between his hands, and spoke to Batman in a low voice.

It's all meaningless nonsense, such as lamenting that the airship here is dark enough, and how the owls have such a bad sense of aesthetics.

With his interference, it was difficult for Batman to hear what Ron was saying.

There was a strange expression on Ron's green face. He looked back at the people who were still eating hot pot: "You know Deathstroke will definitely not go and act with the Seven Warriors. There is no place for him in that team."

"He has a deep connection with Zhenglian, and has laid out back-up plans to obtain more benefits in the future, so our universe is meaningful to him, and he will not give up, so the discussion about Deathstroke ends here, I know for sure."

Batman responded expressionlessly. He squatted down and used the Bat Terminal to get close to the pipe, and quietly looked at the readings on it.

Ron still took two steps forward and put his green face next to Batman.

"But Bruce, does he really come from a parallel universe? In view of recent events, I suspect that he comes from other dimensions, or that he comes from outside the origin wall..."

"So? Even if he comes from other dimensions, it doesn't mean anything, unless you also want to see outside the burning void."

Batman shook his head at Martian Manhunter's words. He tried his best to suppress his laughter. The void that poured in after the origin wall broke was constantly devouring the multiverse, like a clock starting a countdown.

But Martian Manhunter didn't laugh.

"Yes, Bruce, I plan to go and take a look in the void."

Ron was very serious, and his hands, which were like dead branches, were clasped together tightly, indicating that he knew what kind of risks it meant and was already prepared.

Bruce raised his head, and the clown beside him looked at Ron in surprise and laughed.

"are you serious?"


"The void is disintegrating the multiverse, and our world is heading towards a collapse. If you enter that hazy gray fog, none of us know what the outcome will be."

"Since Superman can go to unknown dimensions for the sake of the world, so can I."


This statement left Batman speechless.

They indeed only saw the harm of the void to the multiverse, but no one could explain its mechanism and principle clearly. It was an unknown sea area. In terms of unknown degree and danger, it was indeed the same situation that Superman faced at that time. almost.

No one knows what is behind the door.

It's just that Superman was deceived, while Ron wanted to go on his own.

"Listen to me Bruce, although from our perspective, those parallel worlds seem to be swallowed up by the void, but you have to admit that there is a possibility that they passed through the gray fog and appeared on the other side of the fog. It’s just that our view is blocked and we can’t see the truth.”

Seeing Batman's silence, Ron further expressed his opinion. He was not sure whether his idea was correct, but he wanted to gain Batman's support.

Maybe it's because he doesn't have much confidence in his own mind, and now he needs Batman's side confirmation.

Batman was silent for a while. Yes, he could not deny the possibility that Ron said, but he never said it out loud because he was worried that someone would plan to take a look in the void.

But keeping secrets is one thing. He has no way to prevent others from thinking about this. As expected, Ron has thought of it himself, and he is fully capable of turning it into practical actions.

"Ron, there is no need for you to take risks. I can't rule out the possibility of what you said, but you can't ignore the possible risks, especially whether it's worth taking the risk is still unknown."

It was enough for Ron to see that Batman did not completely deny it. He showed a smile: "Our universe is in danger. Although no one has said it, the Justice League does have a certain responsibility for this. If we can find a way to save the world, then It's all worth it."

Batman knows that Ron is worried about what may happen in the future. If Luthor exposes the consequences of the explosion of the Origin Wall, it will be a really devastating blow to the Justice League.

When people go crazy and take to the streets, plundering and surviving as if they are living in the apocalypse, it will be difficult to recover.

At the best of times, humans are animals with the noblest character. By the same token, at the worst of times, humans can do anything to survive.

Batman has seen a lot of the darkness of human nature in Gotham. Although it cannot be said that there are no good people at all, the external environment has a huge impact on people, and being too kind will only kill yourself.

"Are you sure you understand the importance of this choice?" Batman confirmed for the last time.

"Kendra was able to use herself to fill the origin wall when she needed to dedicate herself to the universe. Although that operation failed, I did not give up. Everything can be saved. We are the Justice League, and we should go deeper at this time. Carry out justice.”

Ron smiled and nodded, knowing that Batman had actually agreed to such a strategic adventure.

He looked at everyone again, changed his phase and left invisible: "I may be back soon."

"..." Batman remained silent, just looking at the place where he disappeared.

The clown on the other side was still applauding and wiping tears from time to time: "He is dead, really, he is dead, young Martian, he can't even get close to the sun because he is afraid of fire. A bat like you, is Is the sun too dazzling? Or do you just like darkness? Considering your behavior of sending him to die, I think it's the latter, what do you think? Hahahaha..."

Batman pressed his face hard and pushed the corners of his mouth downwards. His facial muscles kept twitching, shaking like a cramp, and lines of sweat flowed from under the mask.

After injecting himself with the laughing gas antidote again, the laughter turned resentful. Batman took a few deep breaths. He wanted to finish the work in front of him first.

Now is not the time to rest, Ron is right, in times like this, justice needs to be carried out more deeply.

Before Alfred sent the engineering team from Wayne Group to fill all these underground facilities with cement, he had to contact the Seven Victorious Warriors first.

Deathstroke's idea is indeed correct. If you get used to looking up, you will really forget what is happening at your feet. Now the earth really has alien allies.

Those are the alien sea tribesmen who invaded the earth before and caused a world-destroying flood, but later found out that it was a misunderstanding.

Two of the Three Sea Gods were dead, but Admiral Fury was still alive, and she felt she owed something to Earth, which she could exploit.

There are also those earth rats from the Sky Eye Society who should be of some use at this time. Regarding the origin wall, no matter what, we must communicate with Amanda Waller first so that the government and the country can prepare early.

The Justice League has limited power, and Deathstroke keeps in touch with the masses, probably hinting at these methods. He is really a mercenary full of conspiracy...

"Alfred, can you hear me?"

"Of course, Master Bruce, your current location is directly below the Gotham City Council Hall. This is where we have the most bugs and the strongest signal power. Maybe you can try putting down the walkie-talkie and shouting directly instead of pointing at me. ears like this."

Ah Fu complained about him mercilessly.


"So, you were actually supposed to be dead, and he pulled you out from another timeline. Wouldn't this involve a time paradox?"

At this time, Cindy was still chatting with Thomas. Su Ming did not call them when he led the people. There was a slight problem with Thomas's identity, and there was no guarantee that he would not suddenly evaporate when he went to other dimensions.

And Cindy can only stay as the person guarding the bait. If the Laughing Bat has not left the city, then he will definitely find them.

It's just that these two people have been chatting for so long that they haven't even seen the shadow of wild laughter. The topic has changed to some things that have happened in the Flashpoint world and the strange customs of Earth's Minus 11.

Thomas held the wine bottle and turned it around in his hand silently: "I asked another Deathstroke this question. He said that if the Flashpoint world is a timeline that should not exist, then even if it causes What about the butterfly effect, where mistakes are added to mistakes? In fact, my world has collapsed, and even if there are mistakes, we can't see them anymore."

Cindy leaned back in her chair and smoked a cigar. She was very happy with the cigarette in one hand and the wine in the other. Although she had always been vigilant, she could already hear the sounds of pedestrians talking below the tall building, and there were also fire trucks dispatched near Wayne Tower in the distance. movement.

It looks like everything is back to normal.

"I'm Cindy, and his real name is Sue, so you can easily tell us apart from Slade here on Earth. The three of us are completely different people, although sometimes we act a bit like... ..He doesn’t know where he learned the magic from, and it really makes me feel like I’m lagging behind a lot.”

"His real name, isn't that something that should be kept secret?" Thomas smiled and toasted with Cindy. There seemed to be a death knell in the Flashpoint world, but I heard it was a pirate captain? Never seen that.

Cindy poured a few sips of wine into her mouth and wiped her lips with a smile: "The fear of exposing one's identity refers to the fearful assassins, and the best mercenaries in the world are not among them. We may lurk, but we cannot lurk forever. "

Just when the two were about to say something, suddenly an orc wearing a blue uniform and a head that looked like a white tadpole fell into the window.

"Deathstroke, you're here...wait, how did you become a human woman?"

The person who arrived was a little hurried and looked like he had flown from the universe, because his uniform still had fragments of space junk, a specialty of the universe near the earth.

"You've got the wrong person. We are cosplay enthusiasts. Don't talk to us ordinary people about your superhero matters."

Cindy didn't know this person, he was an alien, and she didn't need to.

On the one hand, she came to the main world to help Su Ming, and on the other hand, she wanted to get some gold and go home to enjoy life. The white-skinned lizard with a blue ring on her hand in front of her had a strong smell of the Virgin. With such a person, There is no benefit at all from dealing with it.

So Cindy just made up a lie and wanted to send the other person away.

It was Saint Walker, the leader of the Blue Lantern Corps, who rushed to Gotham at this time. He had no objection to the explosion of the Origin Wall. After all, the deal was done, and it didn't matter who was responsible.

The Justice League had good intentions but did bad things, and he felt that they could be forgiven. The Justice League had hope, and this was just a failed attempt.

John said that all the alien allies have fallen out with the earth, which is not accurate, because he has forgotten the Blue Lantern Corps. Saint Walker will never give up hope, even though he is the only one in the Blue Lantern Corps now, and it is difficult to call it an army. .

"Cosprey...I think I heard Hal say this Earth English word?"

Saint Walker showed an expression of reminiscence, as if he was talking about that time when they saw Gaiganad wearing a red light uniform.

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