The Death Knell

Chapter 926 Confusion of black and white

Communications and electricity were restored, and Bats even kindly restored at least one radio or television to each home.

And people lived up to him, so to speak, and they eagerly turned on the power of these things while still clutching their phones.

Although it is still a familiar household appliance, it is a different feeling to open it after experiencing the flood.

No one wants to watch the president's speech. They would rather choose the media they like. They like FOX TV station and ABC TV station. In the past, they all had it.

But today, of course more people want to read local media.

What happened last night?

Instead of caring about what's going on in the United States, it's better to take a quick look around you.

Do you need to flee again, or pick up a gun to prepare for your future?

But none of them expected that after turning on the TV, what they saw were almost two giants dressed in weird costumes, fighting in a city that looked like ruins.

Maybe ordinary people don't know who they are, so someone tagged both giants in the news channel's signal.

Troublemakers and bat mites.

At this time, the two five little devils have enlarged themselves in exchange for better endurance and destructive power.

They don't have any fighting skills. They fight like wild beasts, biting or scratching back and forth. They have no redeeming qualities except that they are powerful and heavy.

Troublemaker activates his powers to erase reality to two dimensions, but every time he erases a bit, Bat-Mite recovers a bit, and the two end up locked in a hand-to-hand fight to decide the outcome.

At this time, in the ruins-like city, the aftermath of the battle between the two giants caused buildings to collapse and patches of ground to sink.

Fortunately, Metropolis was basically an empty city after being destroyed by the nuclear bomb, and the Justice League had not had time to bring the people back.

Their strength is similar, and neither one can do anything to the other. However, when fighting a monster of this size, neither Aquaman nor Starman can intervene. They can only activate the defense measures of the Hall of Justice and desperately try to contact Batman and the others in the hall.

However, it was useless. The troublemaker had already cut off these people's means of contact with the outside world, using only one thought.

Arthur and the others didn't know that Batman and the others had returned from the sixth dimension, and all the methods they thought of were wrong from the beginning.

Ordinary people can only look at the metropolis in front of them. For one moment, it seems to have turned into a line drawing on a blueprint, and the next second it has been restored. Apart from horror, there is no language to describe this feeling in their hearts.

They didn't know what kind of power it represented, and the fear brought by the unknown was even stronger.

This kind of dimensionality reduction has a tendency to expand. Now it is only the metropolis and surrounding cities, but it will soon spread to Gotham, Midtown, Beach City and other places.

Until the whole world is erased, as if by an eraser.

Although people will recover inexplicably, who knows whether people can recover or not. Who will be recovered?

The footage captured by the drone was also rhythmically intermittent, which kept people's hearts hanging. They didn't know why the two giants were fighting, and they didn't know where the Justice League had gone. They only knew that they were going to be finished.

Fortunately, at this moment, a group of heroes appeared.

A hero wearing green armor and holding the stars and stripes stood up. After a flash of light, Luther led his legion back to the battlefield in Metropolis.

And all of this was filmed by drones. Through the filming of Luther Group's drones, the satellite signals spread, and Brainiac's technology contributed to the fire, ensuring that all this can be seen by people around the world.

"Legion of Destruction, attack!"

He stood up in times of crisis and held the flag as if to unite everyone's faith. Even foreigners couldn't help but worry about Luther when they saw this scene.

The opponent is such a big monster, and Luther and the others are as small as ants in comparison. Can they really win and save the earth?

The answer is of course, Luthor has planned for so long, he can trap the bat spirit, and naturally he can also control the troublemakers.

In fact, he is just showing off now. Anyone who has actually fought against him knows that it is impossible for him to charge while holding the national flag.

What's more, all the troublemaker's attention is on the bat spirit, so Luther and the others are actually quite safe.

As long as Brainiac cooperates with Grodd, plus the six amplifications of dark creation power, and recites his real name into the troublemaker's mind, defeating the troublemaker will be a piece of cake.

Not only Superman knows the real name of Troublemaker. As a resident of Metropolis, how could Luthor not study Troublemaker?

But now, everyone's performance is watched by the whole world, so they have to perform more brilliantly, at least not to let people see that they are prepared.

As Luther ran wildly holding the flag, he secretly glanced at Brainiac beside him.

"Add special effects".

Brainiac understood, and his army of octopus robots quickly spread around the area, not caring about the losses, just to make the scene look heroic and difficult.

So the people watched the orangutan, leopard, green man, red man and Luther being beaten out again and again. Everyone was scarred, but Luther stood up again and again and continued to charge with the flag.

In the eyes of the American people, Luther perfectly fits the people's idea of ​​a hero. It is like seeing the flag of their fathers. It was such a warrior who planted the Stars and Stripes on Iwo Jima during World War II.

At this moment, no matter whether people saw this scene on TV or the Internet, they were silently praying for them in their hearts, hoping that Luther, who represented humanity, could defeat the enemy.

The slightly kinder people were moved to tears at this moment, and even the villains in the past sincerely hoped that Luther could win.

After calculating the time, Luthor felt that it was almost done. It was enough to gain recognition through acting. If it was delayed any longer, it would be difficult for the Justice League to return to Metropolis.

However, according to satellite observations, Batman and his group were still chatting on the streets of Gotham, as if they were arguing about something. They couldn't notice it for a short time.

Luther played a trick, and all broadcasts and networks were restored. However, after Bat-Elf recovered, Luther hacked into all levels of Gotham's network.

Now that Gotham citizens turn on their TVs and computers, they still can't see the live broadcast here. The start time is ten minutes behind. What other places are watching is live broadcast, and they are watching the recording.

By the time Batman found out, Luthor had already withdrawn.

Therefore, the Legion of Destruction, which once again received secret instructions, won after a "hard and arduous" battle.

The troublemaker was countered by his psychic powers. It looked like he was in a trance, and the bat spirit took the opportunity to punch him in the head, knocking him unconscious.

In the ruins of the dilapidated streets, the Legion of Destruction stood on top of the ruins. Everyone looked exhausted and scarred.

The bat spirit raised his hand to restore everything in the city. He was very moved and said to Luther: "Although Batman is not here, the troublemaker really wants to do bad things. I misunderstood you before. You are such a good person."

Luther showed a tired smile and planted the flag on the road beside him. He waved his hand: "This is my planet. I am just doing what a human being should do. You can bring the troublemaker back to the fifth dimension. Good luck." Under guard? I need to be interviewed now."

Luther pointed at the troublemaker who was stepped on by his feet, and at the same time pointed at the drone flying in front of him.

When the bat spirit knocked down the troublemaker, Luther ran a few steps forward and stepped on the unconscious little devil. Brainiac controlled the drone to take a close-up of Luther.

Under the midday sun, Luther held the Stars and Stripes in his hand, and his whole body seemed to be glowing.

On a battlefield filled with smoke, what could be more great than stepping on the enemy's corpse? He foiled a crisis that could have led to the destruction of the Earth, and is now a hero who saves the world.

The members of the Legion of Destruction, like all heroes, faced the flying camera drones with happy smiles on their faces.

The bat spirit nodded. He didn't think there was anything wrong: "I will take him away and lock him up. I also built my Arkham like Batman, but there are no patients in it yet. He happens to be the first one."

After saying that, the bat spirit grabbed the troublemaker on the ground, and the two disappeared silently.

Luther turned to the camera and motioned for the team to come closer to him. They were about to begin the most important speech on behalf of the Legion of Doom.

"Hello everyone! People on Earth, I am Lex Luthor. Maybe some of you don't know me yet, so I can give you a brief introduction."

Luther showed a perfect smile like a big star. As a businessman, and a world-renowned businessman, he is very good at erecting an image in the hearts of the masses.

"I am the owner of the American Lex Group. My group pays tens of billions in taxes to the United States every year, and at the same time, I also use the same amount for charity relief. Not only to provide basic living guarantees for homeless people , even stray cats and dogs can get help from the group.”

He didn't mean to boast or show off at all. This is all true. Anyone who knows how to surf the Internet can find all of this on various websites.

So he kept a perfect smile and continued to say to the camera:

"I am also the greatest inventor and scientist of this era. Maybe your car GPS, or your mobile phone chip, or your fully intelligent microwave oven, may be my work."

Having said this, Luther sighed, his expression became visibly lowered, and the hand holding the national flag gradually tightened.

"But the key thing I want to say today is not that. As you all know, I joined the Justice League before, but recently I discovered a terrible fact that they tried to hide from everyone, from all mankind, which forced me to break with them. Because they are driving our world to destruction and humanity to extinction..."

"...Maybe you think I'm sensationalizing and alarmist, but you wouldn't think so if you knew that the Justice League has been chasing me. In order to cover up the truth of the matter, they want to kill me." A former colleague and the hope of mankind.”

"My words are unfounded. Now I ask everyone to take a look at the video I took at the risk of my life, and then I will tell you what happened."

After speaking, Luther nodded to Brainiac, and the alien AI, which had been well prepared, immediately broadcast the carefully 'edited' video to the world.

Anyone who has watched it can understand a lot of truth, and every detail has been marked in detail by Brainiac.

The onlookers suddenly realized that Barbatos invaded the earth only for Batman, the Omega Four invaded because the Justice League stole their things, the alien Poseidon invaded because Neptune offended them, and now the Origin Wall exploded. It is controlled by Zheng Lian!

There were too many 'truths' that stunned everyone. Brainiac also uploaded hundreds of millions of more 'detailed' independent materials into the Internet to prevent the Justice League from blocking people's search engines.

Now, as long as you are a human being and turn on your phone in a place with signal, you will see various pop-up advertisements telling you how despicable and dark the Justice League is.

Many of Batman's backup plans have been exposed, such as blowing up the moon, blowing up the White House, blowing up the earth, blowing up patients, etc.

It may be difficult for ordinary people to understand what these plans are for, but it is enough for them to see the word nuclear bomb appearing frequently, and Luther does not need to explain.

"Okay, there is a lot of information. You can study it slowly at home. This is all information I risked my life to obtain. You know who the Justice League is. There are aliens like Superman and Martian Manhunter in it. They only need One glare could burn my brain off.”

Luther told a joke, but this kind of unfunny joke made him even more heroic and fearless at this time.

These sound like the last words of a man who exposed dark truths about the world, a determined martyr.

Not 100% of people around the world believe Luther, but as this evidence spreads, more and more people will believe it.

Because the universe is burning, everyone will feel its changes, sooner or later.

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