The Death Knell

Chapter 928 Occupying the Big White Room

The Justice League returned to the Hall of Justice, where Batman activated all defenses and listened to reports from Aquaman and Star-Man.

Fortunately, due to the battle between the troublemaker and the bat spirit, although this place has been wiped out countless times, it has been reappeared countless times. Everyone just needs to check that there is nothing wrong with their health.

With the blessing of the Speed ​​Force, the meeting process was very fast. Perhaps only Barry knew that it was not the help of the Speed ​​Force, but because everyone basically said nothing.

Batman made some suggestions, but his plans for the day were all voted down.

Diana also suggested that he'd better get Mr. Excellence or Dr. Midnight to check it out. Her intuition told her that something was not right with Batman now.

Batman agreed, but after he announced that the meeting was over, he disappeared into the corridor with Canro, and no one knew where he was going.

"Huh...what should we do?"

Barry sighed, and he asked Diana helplessly.

Diana bit her lip and thought, her beautiful eyebrows squeezed together: "The Hall of Justice may be besieged by the irrational crowd soon. We must prepare in advance to move to Paradise Island or Poseidonius."

Arthur immediately patted his chest generously: "Come to Poseidonis. Many of the temples that Barry built before are still empty. There is enough space to arrange them. Moreover, my city is surrounded by oceans, and we have enough navy to protect the territorial waters."

Diana thought for a while and shook her head: "When the alien Poseidons attacked the earth, Poseidonis was greatly traumatized, both the city and the people. Let's go to Paradise Island, our barrier can Hide it all."

The lights on the round table in the conference room were very dazzling, and the metal on the table glowed brightly. She wanted to contact Deathstroke, but the X metal in everyone's hands was taken away by Batman.

Barry lay weakly on the table: "I don't understand, the Justice League has done so much for people, why they started to be wary of us as soon as they were incited by Luthor, and I don't understand why Luthor did this, the Legion of Destruction shouldn't Destroy the world?"

"People have been wary of us." Eagle Girl played with her wings indifferently: "People with super powers are equal to freaks. I have heard this argument for thousands of years."

Green Lantern John turned his ring and sat quietly on the chair to take over the conversation: "When the universe is about to be destroyed, people's hearts are full of panic, anger, and confusion, and they need an outlet for their emotions. Luther pointed out to them Zhenglian made a mistake, so we became the target of public criticism."

Diana raised her head: "The situation is not too bad. At least the government still believes in us, thanks to our usual intelligence sharing mechanism."

"The problem is that people have never believed in the government since my time. Conspiracy theories have always been the most popular." Xingxia spread his hands and wiped his long white hair back with force: "I guess in your era, too Same."

"While ensuring our own safety, we must continue to fulfill justice and protect kind and fragile people." Batman and Superman are no longer around, so Diana becomes the one who calls the shots: "Some people who are driven crazy by doomsday theories, what? Anything can be done, and while we are on guard against Luther, we also need to carry out our daily work."

Barry took a deep breath and nodded: "If Superman is away, Central City and Metropolis will be handed over to me. I will let the other members of the Lightning family be in charge of Keystone City and Hub City."

"I'll go to New York to find acquaintances and ask them to contribute. Don't indulge in a retirement life of growing flowers and fishing." Star Man took the initiative to propose this. He knew that the Justice League lacked manpower, so he went to the Justice Association and asked his old man to help. Friends come out.

"That's it, Arthur will contact your water walking team, Dolphin Girl, Vixen, anyone. John will help the science team and try his best to contact all the heroes we can contact, and I will contact the wizards in the magic world. Diana still made a decision: "But Barry, you should check your physical condition first. You just woke up not long ago."

Although there is no specific plan yet, we must first deal with the possible global chaos, and maintaining order and social stability is the most important.

The plan Batman mentioned before basically revolved around this point, but what he proposed later, the plan to put the world's humans in jars and raise them to hibernate, was obviously darker than before.

Barry nodded. To be honest, he was still a little nauseous. But when he turned to leave, he suddenly remembered something: "You can call Bobo. He should have brought his mobile phone, although he may not be able to call." But you can at least try to contact Deathstroke."


In the Oval Office, a certain president who had just woken up opened a bottle of Coke, huddled comfortably behind the long table, turned on his computer and logged in to Twitter.

Yesterday, he spent the whole day moving between various safe houses, and there was no condition for the global network outage, which was suffocating him to death.

I woke up today and found that the network had been restored. I was really overjoyed. The Secretary of State just asked him to deliver a national speech about the origin of the wall.

I don’t understand. Has your bill to build a wall on the border between the United States and Mexico been passed?

The people below also gave that wall a good name. Although there was fierce opposition in all chambers when the bill was proposed, haven't they figured it out now?

Those MPs are so naughty.

So I have to send a tweet quickly to tell the people of the country the good news that their president is back!

But when he turned on the computer and looked at the flashing cursor, he didn't know what content to post. He hesitated for a long time before typing a line of text.

"Drinking eight bottles of Coke a day is good for your health."

By the way, I also attached a few photos of myself holding a Coke, making a V-sign, and showing a perfect smile.

Just as he was rubbing his hands and waiting for others to give him praise, a burst of red light suddenly flashed in the office, and a group of people suddenly appeared in front of him.

The president almost spilled the Coke, but after recognizing that the person in front of him was his biggest supporter, a smile appeared on his fat face again.

"Isn't this Luther? Why do you have time to come to the White House as a guest today? Haha, come as you say, and bring so many comedians with you. Redskins and greenskins? Well, yes, there is also this orangutan. Where did you order the leopard leather case? I also want to get one for Halloween."

He stood up enthusiastically to welcome Luther. Every time he met the genius's request, a huge amount of money would help him campaign, and of course, pocket money.

Luther looked at Grodd and Leopard Girl beside him, then at Brainiac and Sinestro, and showed a sympathetic expression to the president.

"Dear Mr. President, it seems you haven't paid attention to my news yet, but it doesn't matter, there is Halloween in hell."

After saying that, Luther raised his hand and accurately shot the president in the forehead. The fat body immediately fell over and Coke spilled all over him.

The bodyguards who heard gunshots outside the door rushed into the office immediately, but Brainiac's mechanical octopus also rushed in from the window, killing them all with almost no effort.

Luther kicked away the president's body and sat firmly in the president's seat. He gently touched the table as if he had sat here before.

Then, he pressed the intercom very skillfully: "I'm Luther, a few people are here to handle it."

Another team of agents soon walked in outside the door, and Leopard Girl Siya planned to go up and tear them apart, but Luther stopped him.

The president’s cronies had all died just now, and those still alive in the White House are all his Lutherans.

Just like Batman likes backup plans, Luthor also likes to plan ahead. Almost 90% of all the people in the White House are his people.

Some were bought with money or power, some were secretly replaced by dead soldiers, and some were simply killer robots in disguise.

The purpose is for Luther to be able to take control of the White House as soon as possible when necessary, so that he can take measures to control the House of Representatives and thereby control the United States.

These people silently dragged away the bodies of the president and his bodyguards, quickly replaced them with new carpets, and then closed the door and went out.

"Sit anywhere, friends, just like you are at home." Luther smiled and nodded to everyone in the Legion of Destruction, then picked up the phone and contacted the secretary: "Inform Amanda Waller of the Sky Eye Society to come see the president and tell him that he has We need to discuss building a wall on the border with her."

"Okay, sir." The secretary's pleasant voice came from the other side.

After hanging up the phone, Luther looked at Brainiac: "Do you know what to do next?"

"I am clear."

"Very well, let's begin."


Amanda Waller can now be said to be the leader of the two. First of all, Batman took the initiative to contact the Sky Eye Society just now, which was rare, and told him about the Origin Wall and a series of news.

She saw the news online, and now she got the Justice League's side of the story, but that didn't stop her from having a fight with Batman on the phone.

To be precise, she was yelling, but Batman was either silent or retorted firmly, no matter how she cursed, he didn't take it.

"X you! Batman, fuck you! Bang!"

Amanda hung up the phone, leaving a mouth full of fragrance and a long aftertaste.

But after throwing the phone, she returned to her calm appearance. The anger she showed throughout the previous call was just a disguise. She wanted to induce Batman to tell more truth and inside information, but it seemed that she was seen through.

As for the crisis on Earth, Amanda has naturally been paying attention, and the Suicide Squad and Electronic Commandos have been following up.

Now things are indeed developing in an uncontrollable direction.

Batman was right, she knew Luthor was not a good person, he could deceive the crowd but not her.

It's just that Luther has always regarded civilians as ants and doesn't bother to deal with 'idiots'. His public show this time is very abnormal.

When did Luther also start taking the public opinion offensive and the mass line?

Before she could think clearly, a call came from the confidential line. Although she guessed that the president would ask her for questioning, she never expected that at this juncture, the fat man would not ask about Luther and the destruction of the universe. But I want to ask another wall......

Perhaps the word Origin Wall stimulated him, and he thought of his shelved Great Border Wall project.

But when the president summons him, Amanda, as the leader of the secret service, has to go no matter how reluctant she is. This is a game of power, where people always have to do things they don't want to do.


Amanda quickly arrived in Washington from Detroit on a special plane and landed directly on the lawn behind the White House. Her fluffy afro was blown like a tumbleweed by the helicopter propeller, while her fat body bent over from Running across the lawn, it really looked like it was rolling.

After passing the security check, Amanda walked to the west side of the first floor, where the president's office is.

The corridor was in a mess, full of people walking around quickly, and the noisy business was endless, especially the ringing of the phone one after another, which was like a reminder.

Amanda squeezed through the crowd, and she decided to report the Justice League to the president. At this time, it was best to make the Justice League obey the command of the Eye of the Sky, so as to effectively curb the development of the situation.

The bodyguard outside the office door was a little unfamiliar, but she didn't seem to notice it. She opened the door and walked in.

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