The Death Knell

Chapter 930 Reversal

"What a pity. I actually still have a little fantasy that it will be Wonder Woman."

Luther shook his head and made a small gap between his thumb and index finger. He narrowed his eyes and indicated just a little bit.

"When you go to jail, you will have plenty of time to lust after beautiful women. Come with me now!" Captain Atom's eyes erupted with white light.

"Oh? If I don't cooperate, will you kill me?" Luther spread his arms and laughed.

"I am ordered to use all means to subdue you. If you resist, we will kill you." Captain Atom approached the window, preparing to break it in.

Luther sneered: "Humph, you can't kill me, because I will do it myself."

After saying that, he quickly pressed a small button on his watch, and all the walls of his office immediately lit up. The Luther reactors buried in the walls began to overload, and the bright white light filled the entire office. It glows like the sun, then turns purple in an instant.

There was an earth-shattering explosion, and the terrifying purple flames cut the Rikers Tower into two parts. The suppressed mushroom cloud covered the entire sky of the metropolis like a glowing disk.

Luthor and Captain Atom both disappeared, and the entire city shook with the explosion.


Everyone in the Hall of Justice has been paying attention to this matter. After it was revealed that Luther had assassinated the president, everyone expressed their incomprehension.

Barry went back to Central City to stabilize the situation, Batman's whereabouts were unknown, Superman and Ron were not there, and now the newly summoned heroes were looking at Diana eagerly, hoping that she could say something.

Diana wanted to say something, but she couldn't. If it were on the battlefield, and the two sides had a head-on confrontation between horses and horses, that was Diana's strength.

She can lead troops in battle and is brave and fearless.

But there was nothing wrong with Luther's behavior, and she couldn't figure out the connection.

But even if she saw Luther, Diana couldn't kill him. If she did, she would be silenced by the Zhenglian, which would be very uncomfortable.

Amanda can naturally think of this, but what is her people doing to kill Luther now?

I can’t figure it out, if only Deathstroke was here.

"Wonder Woman, there are a lot of people coming towards the Hall of Justice." Megan's little face turned greener, and she could clearly see many angry people rushing towards them with a little more awareness.

"Extremists have emerged. These people believe in Luther the most. Even if there is news that Luther murdered the president, they still believe in him."

Donna and the Titans arrived through Zhenglian Teleport, but without Gas, Hai Shaoxia was still lying in the hospital in Cien Port.

"Where is my cousin?"

The person asking the question was a member of the Bat Family, but Batgirl Barbara could only shrink back. When Batwoman Kate spoke, she turned into a little transparent.

Diana was slightly relieved to see Kate Kane. Although Batman was not here, Kate could do it too.

In addition to not being so dark, Kate's fighting ability is stronger than Batman. At least she knows magic and can beat the big evil back to hell with her bare hands.

Diana liked this kind of female warrior, especially this warrior was very smart.

"Sister, Bruce took Can Luo to heal himself. He didn't say where exactly he went. Maybe he didn't want to be disturbed. Can you see what's going on here?"

Wonder Woman took Kate's hand, and Kate was not as indifferent as the rest of the Bat family. Instead, she held her hand forcefully and tickled Diana's palm with her fingers.

"???" Diana looked confused.

Kate let go of her hand as if nothing had happened and turned her gaze to the big screen: "The reason why Luther did this is very simple, that is, he wanted to make people kill each other."

"What do you mean?" Diana asked seriously, forgetting about her palm being scratched.

"I have been following the fight between the Justice League and the Legion of Destruction, but I am also responsible for maintaining the order of Gotham's magical world. You know what madmen can do with witchcraft, so I have not participated in your actions. .”

Kate actually said this. Her father was Jacob Kane, a colonel in the Department of Defense, and she herself was a graduate of West Point Military Academy.

The Justice League will not like their military status, because "justice should not be mixed with power" is the standard of conduct of the Justice League.

However, I was suddenly notified that since she was here, I still had to say something about that scene.

She's not Bruce, she's more human.

"Are you talking about fighting for resources in the end of the world? Reducing to the barbaric era where the weak eat the strong?"

The idle Hawkgirl interjected that she was not assigned a task and had been muttering about killing Ron during this period.

Just because he ran into the void without saying a word.

Batwoman glanced at her: "What he wants to destroy is the existing human race, not the earth. The earth is still useful to him. Our universe does not have humans only on the earth. There are many planets, but wherever there are people There are rivers and lakes, and killing each other is the most efficient method."

John rubbed his chin. He felt that his beard had grown a lot in just one day, and he was exhausted: "If five people want to kill 3 billion people, it is almost impossible without destroying the earth. But if we want to If the murderers were the other 3 billion people on the planet, then the situation would be different..."

Kate nodded at him, that's what she thought.

Based on Luther's behavior these days, Kate can feel that this guy who used to be called a humanist has a clear tendency to destroy human beings recently.

Then the behavior that best suits his arrogant personality should be to destroy all humans and then use himself as a template to create new humans, such as Luther clones.

But there is also a possibility, which is to change the social environment and allow humans to evolve again through natural selection in accordance with the ancient law of survival of the fittest.

Hawkgirl thinks it's degeneration, and Kate thinks it's evolution, but that's not important. What's important is that no matter which method Luther uses, he wants to change mankind.

It's just that she can't see any more now, maybe neither of them is right.

Arthur, who was still holding Mera in his arms, raised his hand and spoke with some guilt: "Jianghu... I know this word. Deathstroke often uses some Eastern words."

It was easier for Arthur to call someone. He called his wife, and Mera notified the water walking team, and she also followed.

For no other reason than because the dolphin girl always wanted to seduce her husband, so she had to keep an eye on him. There is also a vixen who wears a light yellow swimsuit and circles around Arthur every day. The model's figure is simply tempting and criminal, so she must also be careful.

Arthur didn't want to cuddle with his wife while everyone was in a meeting. It was really inappropriate, but Mera didn't care about other people's eyes at all. She wanted to declare her ownership.

"I have heard of him, but never seen him. Where is he now?" Kate looked at the crowd in the conference room, but did not see the black and yellow armor.

A gap suddenly appeared in the air, and an orangutan in a tweed suit came out. Behind him was a group of people with a clear sorcerer style.

"He's in a safe place and enjoying a 'dramatic silence.' Long time no see, Batwoman."

Diana sighed. Deathstroke seemed to have caused something big again. She rubbed her forehead feebly: "Tell me, what did you do with him again."

"He destroyed the third dimension."

Bobo whispered, covered his face and jumped on the table. The Shadow Pact Team and Teen Titans who came with him all greeted their acquaintances.

The humiliation did not come, the fallen knight said that he could not unite with Zheng, and she wanted to go home and sleep.

Harley, like Deathstroke, was in seclusion, and Ivy was waiting for her to come out. Whether it was Deathstroke or Harley, Bobo didn't dare to call them, so he had to bring people back first.

Oh, by the way, there's Green Arrow, he's back too, but as long as you don't stare at him, he always seems to be forgotten.


Wonder Woman and Batwoman exclaimed at the same time, with similar expressions on their faces. It's just that one of their hairstyles has big black waves, and the other has big red waves.

In addition, Kate was as pale as a dead person because she stayed up day and night and dealt with demons and witchcraft.

But at this time, his lips, which looked even redder because of his skin color, were turning rapidly: "You said he destroyed the third dimension. Does he know what he is doing? This will trigger a series of turmoil and multiverse-level changes. "

Bobo pointed to the big screen in the conference room, which replayed the news of Luther's assassination of the president again and again:

"I think Luthor has made changes and the world has changed. So I think Deathstroke not only knew what he was doing, but also anticipated what the Legion of Doom and even Pappetua were doing."

Diana was excited for a moment, but quickly calmed down. Like Bobo, she also knew that Deathstroke always had a reason for doing things.

Then he dismantles the third dimension...

Diana remembered the science that Deathstroke had given them before. None of the tallest buildings in Gotham had thirteen floors.

In other words, the fourth dimension that everyone originally lived in became the new third dimension due to the demise of the third dimension.

An illusion created 20 billion years ago has now become a veritable reality.

This sounds like a good thing. The Justice League has been pursuing the truth, and now at least it has a name.

But where did the others go? Is something wrong?

So after Diana exclaimed, she frowned in thought and fell into silence.

Bobo walked across the round table, picked up the remote control, and turned up the TV volume. He wanted to hear what people thought about the Luther incident.

First, he defeated the troublemakers to save the earth, and at the same time played a war hero to gain favor, but then he turned around and killed the President of the United States. Although it was not treason, he certainly couldn't escape a murder charge.

Bobo also supported Kate's conjecture, but he always felt that Luther would not be that simple.

"Ahhhh!! Our station has received the latest information from reporters ahead. The incident has taken a huge turn. Director, please play the news from the front."

I saw the female host on the TV making a voice like calling Chun, with a look of disbelief on her face.

She quickly changed the topic, put aside the guest expert who was still talking about anthropology, and eagerly asked the director to play a new video.

Bobo sat cross-legged on the table and looked at the screen quietly.

The so-called latest news is actually just two videos, one of which is from the Oval Office of the White House. Inside, Luther can be seen arguing with the president, while the Legion of Destruction is watching the door warily.

However, suddenly, two red lights came in from the window, and the fat president who was still holding a Coke instantly turned into ashes.

Luther rolled over and hid behind his desk, took out his pistol and shot out the window. However, the angle of the video could not see who was attacking the president outside the window, but at this time the bodyguards outside the office door rushed in.

Seeing the president reduced to ash and Luthor still armed, they immediately began to attack Luthor.

The Legion of Destruction endured the humiliation and refused to fight back or retaliate. Luther retreated with a few people under a hail of bullets. You could see expressions of grief and indignation on each of their faces, as if they felt aggrieved at being framed.

The second video was shorter and also had no sound. It showed Luther writing a suicide note in his office. A red and blue figure flashed past the window and knocked on the window.

Luther raised his head when he heard the sound, saw the person outside the window and negotiated with him with a righteous expression. Gradually, Luther seemed to have the upper hand in terms of words.

Because he straightened his back and his face was full of fearless spirit. It was an expression that could only be made with confidence when supported by the truth.

But at this time, the people outside the window seemed to be angry, and the next second the camera was covered by a strong purple light.

The host and guests in the studio were speechless. They seemed to have seen something extraordinary. Although I haven’t seen the real murderer of the president and Luther, people have brains and they can think.

Luther was indeed framed and then silenced. Who silenced him? Do you still need to ask? !

"As you can see, Mr. Luther died in an attack not long ago. These two videos came from the satellite cloud backup of the White House and the Lex Group. They are the results of investigations by more than a dozen departments including the FBI and CIA... .. Very reliable evidence, so the question is, who killed our hero and framed him? After it was previously reported that Mr. Luther murdered the president, what kind of influence did the trolls making trouble on the Internet come under? Assignment?”

The expert who was the guest was worthy of being a high-level talent, and his brain moved quickly enough. When the anchor was still in shock and unable to extricate himself, he reached out to pull the camera lens and spoke out his guesses incessantly.

The host also came back to his senses and said not to be outdone: "Actually, our TV station has received a quote from Wayne Group before. As far as I know, most TV stations in the industry have received quotes today. According to legend, the owner of Wayne Group , Bruce Wayne and Batman have an unclear relationship, so are the actions of the Wayne Group today to cover up something for some people?"

"Wow, you're not afraid of getting fired for saying something like this?"

The experts were not surprised before, but now they are. Is this female host so fierce? Doesn't this break the rules?

"For the sake of truth and truth, there is nothing we journalists dare not say!"

The female anchor replied with a serious face, as if she was possessed by a hero.

If what Luthor said is true and the universe and the earth are going to be destroyed, then what's the use of her job? !

I'm afraid the money will be useless soon, right? People will soon fall into panic, followed by skyrocketing prices and chaotic survival in the apocalypse.

In the future, it will no longer be money or precious metals that can be exchanged for food and water, but guns and bullets.

As a qualified journalist, she just has to stand on the last duty and tell the truth.

"Viewers, please continue to stay tuned to our live news room. The reporters at the front will return more latest news. Let us uncover the truth together and redress the injustice for Lex Luthor and our heroes!"


Bobo turned off the TV, and with the sound of the electricity being cut off, everyone fell silent.

The orangutan ignored the no-smoking rule in the Hall of Justice, took out a cigar from his pocket, bit off a piece, put it in his mouth and lit it, and could be heard whispering to himself.

"It can't be cleaned now."

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