The Death Knell

Chapter 933 Flesh and blood

Before Su Ming took a few steps out of the door, he saw Diana walking through the corridor in a hurry.

"Okay, you little gorilla..."

Su Ming muttered secretly and put the matter of finding a partner for Bobo on the agenda again, but he still leaned against the wall and looked at Diana with a tired smile.

Diana slowed down and looked Su Ming up and down: "Are you injured?"

"Hold a dimension and place it gently on the ground without breaking it. If it had been anyone else, he would have been dead." Su Ming consciously put his hand on her shoulder, pretending to be a seriously injured person: " How did you come?"

Diana originally wanted to ask Deathstroke to think of a solution to the current situation in the world, but seeing him like this, she had no way to speak.

So she lowered her head and pulled Deathstroke toward the portal. She came here to help teleport through Ye Ying, so the process was very smooth.

"Nothing, I'll take you back to the Hall of Justice for treatment."

"It's damage to the soul and mental strength. In the end, the machine doesn't have this function. The situation is not serious. It just takes time to cultivate."

Su Ming refused. Batman seems to be easy to talk to now, but that's because he's crazy. The final machine was built by Batman before, and I don't know what's behind it.

Diana pursed her lips and nodded: "Then I'll take you to Paradise Island. There are hot springs and palaces on the island, which are all very good. Just don't kill those elders casually."

"You also learned to tell jokes, haha, those old immortals really don't know what the use is of keeping them, to practice quarrels?" Su Ming laughed twice and covered one side of his stomach.

"This is to practice political tactics, not to practice quarrels..." Diana said with a speechless face, dragging him into the black portal: "Stop talking, tough guy, you have made yourself look like this. , just be obedient now."

This is a passage borrowed from the Shadow Plane, and there is a fishy smell of sea water inside, which should be left after the earth was drained.

It's a pity that the drainage outlet is placed on the origin wall, that is the crystallization of art.

"I won't go to Paradise Island. I have my own arrangements and need to leave for a few days. I have bought you enough time, or in other words, Luther will give everyone time."

Su Ming smiled and shook his head. He still refused to go to Paradise Island. It wasn't that it was not a good place, but it was definitely full of Diana's spies.

"But the void is devouring our universe. Judging from this speed, it won't be long." Diana put Su Ming on the chair in the conference room and pulled down her hood.

Su Ming first squinted at Bobo who was squatting on the wall in the corner. He didn't answer the heroine's question until the orangutan shivered.

"I destroyed the third dimension, and the Seven Warriors should also destroy the sixth dimension. The first, second, and fifth dimensions all represent illusions, so Luther and Pappetua can only choose where we are now. Dimension to play with. As long as Papetua wakes up, the devouring of the void will soon stop, and she will keep this dimension."

Bobo turned his head, not caring about pretending to be dead: "It turns out that the 'year of the villain' that Luther said in his speech was not a metaphor. He really gave it time."

"Yes, there is at least one year left. This period of time is enough for me to recover from my injuries. What's the problem now?" Su Ming slumped in the chair, just like Hawking.

"Food problem, now Luther has exposed a lot of information that is detrimental to the Justice League, and people are going crazy." Diana walked to the console and adjusted a few channels, letting Deathstroke watch the news and the demonstrators outside the Hall of Justice: " The lack of daily necessities has put people around the world in danger, and cases of robbery or theft are endless."

"Yeah, it's the same thing again, it doesn't matter, it's all a trivial matter."

Su Ming watched the various news on the screen for a while and waved his hand casually. Even if he didn't come back, it wouldn't take long for Bobo to come up with a solution:

"Luthor likes 'dramatic silence' the most. I had expected that he would play suicide in this scene. The hero who was framed died unjustly, so that onlookers around the world can enjoy the silence of brain short circuit, haha, the clown said That's right, Luthor is still Luthor... So, now that Batman is gone, I will give orders for him, right?"

"Say it, we all listen to you." Diana agreed happily, feeling like she had found her backbone.

After something wasn't quite right with Batman, she felt Deathstroke was more reliable.

Now that Zheng Lian has the command, and all the heroes are assembled, as long as everyone's abilities are used properly, it's like a super wishing machine, and there's nothing they can't do.

Green Arrow has also been carried back to the main alliance seat. Now only the 'Beyond the Doorknob' is left. The original strategic goals have been achieved.

In the eyes of everyone, even Green Arrow and Diana, who had been following him, they thought he was being dragged around by Laughter and Luther, but in fact, the chess pieces had already been laid.

You can't make Batman crazy enough to entrust Zhenglian to him without participating in the game of Bat, Laughter and Joker.

If Luther doesn't feel like he's ahead at every turn, then he won't have the chance to prepare a trap for Pappetua.

Next, we can't just do nothing and let Luther develop smoothly. We must make everyone in Zhenglian put up fierce resistance and make Luther feel resistance, so that he can't notice that there is a ghost in the darkness... .

And presumably at this time, the backup plan prepared in advance on Earth Minus 11 should be put to use at about the same time.

With all kinds of thoughts going through his mind, Su Ming smiled, took out a cigarette from his pocket and lit it: "Calling all the heroes we can, we are ready for an all-out war."

"I have given the same order, but now all available manpower has been sent out." Diana explained quickly, and at the same time puffed up her chest, feeling proud of herself and the death knell.

Su Ming nodded first, then shook his head.

"I'm talking about everyone, not all the heroes in our single universe, but all the heroes in the multiverse, including the two multidimensionalities of light and darkness, and the more than 90 surviving single universes."

"Hiss...are you planning to restart the Hall of Justice?"

Bobo also opened his eyes in surprise and leaned closer to hear what he had to say.

"Why not? The crisis in the multiverse naturally requires the entire multiverse to deal with it. Bruce has a problem, but we still have seventy or eighty Batmans..." Su Ming said calmly, letting the wave go. He lit a cigarette for him and blew out a puff of smoke.

"I hope they won't blame us. The Justice League on Earth 0 caused an incident that implicated everyone..." Diana showed a look of shame. It was obviously their mistake to join forces and to implicate other heroes.

"This is the only way, otherwise I will have to give you Bian Que three consecutive rounds." Su Ming slightly strengthened her motivation: "Besides, they are superheroes and your peers from another world, so they can always I understand your difficulties.”

"What are Bian Que's three companies?"

Diana tilted her head. She heard words she didn't understand again.

"Don't worry about those details." Su Ming waved his hand in the air and began to give orders: "Ask Barry to contact the Flashes in other worlds, notify their main liaisons to come to the main world's Midtown for a meeting, and help you purchase food and other supplies in advance. "

Diana understood immediately, and then said: "Bobo, find someone to repair the Dome as soon as possible. We use the monitor's warship to transport food across the universe. Other worlds should be very stable now. Food and other basic supplies are usually Not being worth much is not a problem for so many Batmans.”

Su Ming added a little bit: "Except for the plus and minus two Earths 34, they are in the vampire universe. You definitely don't want to know what the food there is. Just come and have a meeting."

"I'm going to find the science team right now." Bobo put the cigar in his mouth and walked away in a hurry.

Listening to the sound of the automatic door opening and closing, there were only Su Ming and Diana in the huge conference room. She looked at the people on the screen and thought that maybe the food situation would be greatly alleviated, so it wasn't that bad now. Nervous.

Although it will take time to eliminate people's misunderstandings about Zhenglian, at least there are enough supplies to stop society from collapsing.

If it weren't for the reminder of the death knell, they really didn't think that they could use food from the parallel world to relieve the main world. Is it true that they still lack strategic vision?

Luther seemed to have made the same mistake. He did not make arrangements in the parallel world, and Deathstroke easily defeated the offensive.

"What's next? What should we do?" Diana looked at Su Ming again, her big eyes blinking, looking very obedient.

"It's you. It's time to prepare for the Hall of Justice. To receive so many people, you have to come forward on behalf of Earth 0's Zhenglian." Su Ming stood up and patted his butt: "As for me, if I appeared on that occasion, I would probably Are you being beaten? So you should find a place to recuperate and secretly observe Luther and the others."

"Are you leaving?" Diana sighed with some disappointment, her fingers pinching the end of the mantra lasso.

"It's not a separation between life and death. We will meet in a few days. Now go and do your work. Luther will not be resurrected in a short time. We all need to wait and see how the situation develops."

Su Ming pinched his eyebrows. Diana's eyes made him feel guilty. No matter how the world changed, some things had happened after all.

He is only flesh and blood, not a machine.

But because he used a magic hand to secretly support a dimension, the side effects haven't passed yet. Now he has to find a professional to study his injury.

The physical problem is not serious, but I always have a feeling of ecstasy, like my soul is about to leave the body. What's going on?

The Supreme Mage knows the dimensions best, but Su Ming is only a physical supreme master, not a magic supreme master. He plans to go back to Marvel to see if he can find the Ancient One Master and get some advice from her.

It is said that the Ancient One went traveling after leaving office. He should be in Marvel's Omniverse now. In which world specifically, he has to go back to Karma Taj and ask the Magic Prince to see if he can contact him through magic.

Yes, during the years of vacation in Su Ming, Kamal Taj was almost entirely represented by Monaco. The handsome guy in the past has lost a lot of hair now. It must be that things are too heavy and hurt his liver.

"Be safe." Diana knew that Deathstroke had made up his mind and would not change it easily. She smiled again and gathered her mood to prepare for the next task.

Superheroes are like this, they are all flesh and blood and can be affected by various emotions.

But sometimes, I have to force myself to forget this.

Watching Deathstroke open the portal and being sucked in by the creeping strange door, Diana stood there speechless for a long time.

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