The Death Knell

Chapter 937 Winter Supplement

Su Ming, who was flying in the sky, did not look back. Because of the existence of the invisible barrier, he could not see how confused the Wakandans were now.

But ‘Wakanda Buddha loves me’ is definitely a foreign word, and I don’t know who taught it to them.

Wakanda has its own language, so there is no reason to speak English.

So now Su Ming should give this little word to them in advance as compensation for taking so much heart-shaped grass and vibranium last time.

The transaction is completed and the cause and effect is settled.

Hey, this is very comfortable.

Speaking of which, I haven’t bothered to eat since returning to Marvel. First I had a cup of tea at Karma Taj, and then I went to Wakanda to drink a bowl of green juice.

Although it's okay if he doesn't eat with X metal on his head, he still prefers to have something in his stomach to make people feel at ease.

Calculating the time, it should be lunch time in the Imperial Capital, right?

Then go find Lao Zheng for a meal. It’s winter, so it’s time to eat boiled mutton.

He found Zheng Xian by familiar means, and people in the work unit were not surprised by Su Ming's appearance.

Over the years, everyone in the Divine Spear Bureau has become familiar with this blond, blue-eyed foreigner who speaks standard Imperial Capital dialect.

Although it was rare for the Director to believe so much in a foreigner, everyone who spoke to Mr. Wilson felt as if they were communicating with a Chinese.

Whether it is local customs or dialects; whether it is food, clothing, housing, transportation, or various schools of thought.

This foreigner knows more and has better control than they do. If it weren't for not being able to promote superstition, they would all think that this person was one of their own in the previous life.

The previous office building on the ground is no longer in use. Zheng Xian moved into the ‘Tianhuan’ office after returning from the Holy Shield Brotherhood. He probably felt confident.

In the past two years, Su Ming would often come to chat with him. Although the Shenzhen Spear Bureau insisted on keeping a low profile and not asking about foreign affairs, official matters did not affect the personal relationship between the two.

A Director of Divine Spear and a Supreme Mage. Apart from these two identities, they are nothing more than ordinary people.

Knock on the door, open the door and walk into the office. This Tianhuan Fortress is floating thousands of meters in the sky, and the lighting is much better than before.

But the office was filled with smoke, as if there was a fire.

"Wow, Brother Zheng, you should turn on the exhaust fan. It's almost Chinese New Year and you're smoking bacon?" Su Ming left the door open, and at the same time helped Zheng Xian turn the exhaust switch next to the door to the maximum.

There was a subtle stirring sound from the fan on the metal ceiling, and the smoke in the room was sucked away like a tornado.

It seems that the logistics staff of Divine Spear have been prepared for this and have a deep understanding of what kind of person their director is.

After the smoke dissipated, Su Ming saw Zheng Xian sitting on a chair with red eyes, holding a white porcelain jar in his hand. This was the French bone china that Su Ming brought him when he was here last time.

"I've never heard of people using tobacco to smoke bacon." Zheng Xian exhaled helplessly and put the cup back on the table: "Are you here to eat again today? You said you can't hire a cook to support the family."

"Where can I find a chef who can cook all eight major cuisines? Forget it, you can come whenever you want, it's not a hassle." Su Ming smiled and sat on the sofa in the office, looking at the cigarette ashes on the desk. Tank: "It looks like you stayed up late again?"

"It's been going on for several days. It's still about the mutants. Their population is expanding rapidly in the country. We have been meeting to study the next attitude."

Zheng Xian stood up and moved his lower back, making a clicking sound.

As he spoke, he bent down, picked up the big red flower iron thermos from the side of the desk, and poured water for Su Ming to make tea.

Su Ming touched his beard, took out a box of cigars from DC as a gift, and said: "I wonder if I would like to hear my humble opinion? Although there is some suspicion of blister... ..”

"That's perfect. To be honest, maybe your mage's view is more comprehensive." Zheng Xian smiled and handed over the tea cup, took away the cigar box, opened it, took out one and smelled it, without hesitation at all.

Su Ming curled his lips. Old Zheng was too flattering. How could he answer this question? Who has ever seen a mage carrying a sword on his back?

With a dry cough, he changed the topic: "I suggest that the Spear Bureau accept some reliable mutants and use them to manage mutants. This is the safest way."

"Using barbarians to rule barbarians has been around since ancient times." Zheng Xian nodded. This method was actually similar to his, but he was not struggling with this step: "But now we lack a firm and reliable person who can stand alone. ah."

Zheng Xian also wanted to use such a policy, but there was no suitable candidate in the Divine Spear Bureau.

However, Su Ming clapped his hands and laughed. He took out a feather fan from his belt that he had obtained unknown when, and waved it in his hand: "What's so difficult about this? Brother, you are a fan of the authorities."

"Oh? I hope my brother can help me clarify my doubts?"

Zheng Xian took three steps at a time and walked to another sofa next to Su Ming and sat down.

"Letting mutants lead mutants, on the one hand, gives them a sense of identity, and on the other hand, it gives them the ability to suppress many problems. You can't find reliable and powerful mutants, so the problem is stuck at this step."

Su Ming shook his feather fan lightly and looked at the clouds outside the window with a smile, like a white sea.

Zheng Xian moved forward and said, "Yes."

"Old Zheng, look at the clouds outside the window. Do they look like fat lamb rolls?" Su Ming's eyes were still looking out the window, as if he was pointing.

Zheng Xian smiled and shook his head. He knew he was going to be knocked: "Okay, I knew you were coming after the snow, so why are you waiting for me here? Okay, you can come up with a way, and I will listen. Can it be okay? Okay, let's The two brothers went directly to Dong'an Market after get off work to eat hand-cut mutton in Dong Laishun. If that doesn't work, I won't have time to accompany you today, brother."

Su Ming withdrew his gaze, smiled confidently, and tapped the back of Zheng Xian's hand with his feather fan:

"If you find someone to play one for them, wouldn't that be the end of it?"


Zheng Xian was instantly enlightened and enlightened. Yes, if there is no suitable mutant, then find someone to play one!

In this era, genetic technology has not yet become popular. The way ordinary people can identify mutants is to see if they have superpowers.

What X gene, what genetic material, where can these people get tested?

The social status of mutants is not high, because sometimes their appearance is really not human at all, and many ordinary people regard mutants as monsters.

In the past, only mutants pretended to be ordinary people, but now Deathstroke suddenly proposed that ordinary people pretend to be mutants, which was a stroke of genius.

Does being able to fly count as a superpower? Isn’t it magical to be invulnerable? There are such people in the Divine Spear.

Su Ming stood up with a smile, just a little trick, he was sure to eat the mutton boiled at noon.

It’s a good time to replenish the soul. Although I’ve never heard of mutton replenishing the soul...but what kind of supplement is not replenishing?

"There are no reliable mutants. There is no shortage of warriors who can fly over walls and walls, right? When the time comes, pick one and say that his ability is anti-gravity. Send a few helpers, some with the ability to crush boulders in the chest and swallow long swords in the throat. Just come with a few people and get in touch with mutants from all over the place. With your support behind us, we can slowly snowball and gather people, and that's it."

Zheng Xian also stood up and patted Su Ming on the shoulder: "Good brother, you have really helped me a lot. Let's go to the restaurant."

Su Ming and Zheng Xian put their arms around each other, chatting and laughing as they flew out of the Tianhuan headquarters. Little did they know that in the distant South Atlantic, a cruise ship mysteriously disappeared.

In the dark waters, under the dim starlight, a huge ship disappeared as if it had evaporated.

The man and woman who boarded the ship one after another also disappeared.

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