The Death Knell

Chapter 954 A different world

In fact, the people under the sea really didn't lie. The "save our world" they said was not the same thing as the world Su Ming thought.

For Su Ming, his world is naturally this single universe, Earth 40K. But for these undersea people, their entire world is this sea.

What they want to save is the ocean, and to them the people on land are foreign enemies and invaders. Su Ming only remembered this when he saw the sea water dyed red with blood.

Also, Marvel's Atlantis has always been closed to the outside world. Namor's attitude towards people on the surface is very unfriendly, and even friendly people like Captain America find it difficult to get along with him.

You must know that Captain America has friends all over the world and is recognized as a good guy.

"The problem you want to solve is in Japan? Tell me!" Su Ming landed a little lower, floated towards the tall sea tribe, and looked at the other person's blue skin with his red single eye.

The wet luster seemed to be sticky, which he still couldn't stand. In his words, it felt like the Avatar rolled in glue.

"Get away!"

Just as he was pressing for information, the sea surface below suddenly broke open, and a golden trident broke out of the water and pierced the soles of his feet.

A figure soared into the sky and shouted loudly in English that smelled of seaweed.

Su Ming didn't have to dodge by himself. The magic floating cloak would dodge attacks on its own when flying. He crossed his arms and looked at the new character who appeared, it was Namor.

He immediately looked at the holes that the Naughty Master had stitched up back then, and he had to say that the workmanship was really good, and Namor was not turned into an undersea version of Frankenstein.

The water splashed, and the moonlight shone on the tip of the gun, drawing an arc with the sea water. Namor's surprise attack failed, so he immediately flipped his wrist, intending to use a move to stop him and cut him in the middle.

However, the movement was so slow that Su Ming reached out and grabbed the tip of the spear, and a dull low sound echoed on the sea.

"Cang!!!" This is the sound of the contact between the gauntlet and the weapon.

"Let go!" Namor pulled hard on the weapon in his hand, but the weapon seemed to have taken root in Deathstroke's hand and could not move.

A soft laugh came from under the black and yellow mask, which sounded like sympathy to him.

His eyes suddenly turned red, and the laughter seemed to be mocking him for not being a man. Ever since it was transformed into a 'three-section stick', he always felt that many people knew his secret.

It's all the Germans' fault. They split themselves into so many pieces. Even if a kind-hearted mage put them back together, they are all useless now!

He didn't know that it was just the Naughty Master's hand shaking a few times. When Namor woke up afterwards, he couldn't explain it, so he simply threw the blame on the Germans. Anyway, he didn't know anything else.

"Too weak, use more strength."

Namor's strength is about fifty tons, which is a lifting force, but wrestling with the two while they are floating in the air means that he needs to arm-wrestle with the magic floating cloak while dealing with the strangle.

All Su Ming had to do was hold the tip of the trident, and the pets would take care of the rest.

Even so, he uses trash talking tactics to disrupt the opponent.

Namor has always been very irritable, and trash talk is particularly effective on him. He must not have heard many swear words when he teamed up with Captain America, because the most common thing Steve said was 'Watch your language! ’.

Because after Steve became Captain America, he represented the image of the country's military, and many children wanted to take pictures with him. He was considered a kind of big star.

In addition to product endorsements for Wilson Enterprises, he also filmed many public service announcements and programs.

For example, children's education programs such as 'Watch your language', 'Children should not skip school', 'Call the police if you see a hero who has committed a crime'.

You can still see it on TV during some unpopular times.

The newly replaced second-generation Captain America is a doll of the military. He has no superpowers at all. His specialty is acting. I believe there will only be more and more shows like this.

Holding the trident in his hand, Su Ming allowed Namor to hold on no matter how hard he tried, dangling him in the sky like he was fishing.

"Neptune Namor, this is not the first time we have met, but the last time I saw you, your state was... imperfect, hehe..."

While there was a stalemate, he greeted Namor.

The word reached Namor's ears, triggering his pain point again.

"Incomplete? Incomplete......Ah!!! I will kill you!!!"

Namor let go of the trident and stopped wrestling with Su Ming. Instead, he used the same vicious dog attack style as Wolverine, holding the tiger's mouth with both hands, as if he was planning to strangle Death Knell.

The difference is that Logan can't fly, and Namor has small wings on his ankles that can fly in the air like swimming in the sea.

The speed is not very fast, like a hundred kilometers per hour, but at least it can fly, right?

"???" Su Ming was a little confused, why did he become anxious after just saying one sentence? The last time we met, Namor was indeed just a piece of meat. He and his people worked hard to put Namor together.

Because of his subordinates? As for being so distressed? Look at Arthur next door. So many people died when the earth sank his Poseidonius. Didn’t he happily eat with Su Mingbari afterwards?

Is it really still a whale problem? Just like a dolphin is the reverse scale of a violent wolf, and Arthur likes seahorses. Could it be that Namor, who looks like a brainless macho man on the outside, is actually an animal protectionist with a thousand knots in his heart?

Thinking of this, he was almost disgusted by himself. It was really hard to imagine what it would be like for someone like Namor to become gentle.

Then faced with Namor flying towards him, he couldn't help but use more strength.

Namor had a good idea. He suddenly released his weapon and wanted to take advantage of Su Ming's lack of reaction and use his advantage to catch Su Ming with both hands.

At an extremely close distance, a weapon like the trident is actually not easy to use. It is like playing with a pitchfork in a narrow place and cannot be used at all.

However, although Namor had heard the legend of Deathstroke, he did not know that he was a master proficient in various martial arts. The trident could not be used, but Deathstroke still had legs.

Every inch is stronger.

Su Ming kicked Namor in the face, and Namor instantly flew out like a cannonball, splashing high water columns on the sea surface, and plunged directly into the seabed mud along the coast.

"Okay, your king needs to take a nap. Now let's continue, what are you going to do to Tokyo? What provoked you?"

Like Huang Feihong, he patted his leg armor and brushed off the non-existent dust. Su Ming put his hands behind his back and asked for information again.

There are almost no strong men in Atlantis, and only one Namor is good. Their most threatening weapon is actually sea water, but the method of flooding here and there is more suitable as a bargaining chip rather than a decisive weapon.

Now Namor, the strongest of the Sea Tribe, has been transplanted. They don't have anyone at the same level as Deathstroke, so they can only cooperate obediently.

Maybe they are not afraid of death, but generally speaking people who are not afraid of death are afraid of seeing others die. This other person can be a relative, a friend, or even a stranger.

People who are less afraid of death care more about others. This is probably what is called the greater the ability, the greater the responsibility.

But with such an obvious weakness, it was natural to take advantage of it. As long as he looked at the immortal who could speak English, there was always a way to get all the information out.



The man from the bottom of the sea looked confused as to whether he should say anything, as if he was afraid that Namor would emerge from the bottom of the water, but Su Ming didn't give him a chance to hesitate at all.

Under the instruction of the host, Hangzhou fired again and opened a head floating on the sea.

"Don't kill people! I say!" I don't know where the Hai Clan man learned his English. He also learned the surrender movement. He stepped on the water with his legs and raised his hands, which looked like synchronized swimming.

"Bang!" Strangle immediately fired another shot, killing another sea clan.

Su Ming's words also rang out at the right time: "You are not allowed to dive into water ballet. You are three meters tall and your waist is also three meters. Don't you know what you look like? Do you want to disgust me to death?"

The eyes of the people under the sea are full of grievances. What is ballet? I dont understand.

However, he still put down his hand obediently: "Stop, I will tell you everything I know. If you want to kill, just kill me!"

"Bang!" Strangulation killed another person.

The black and yellow mask hid Deathstroke's face, and the Sea Tribe people couldn't see his expression clearly, but this sense of controlled fear gradually filled their hearts.

Powerless, angry, and aggrieved, they wanted to commit suicide.

"You actually accuse me of being a murderer? I should be beaten." The voice of the death knell was neither happy nor sad.

"No, I didn't!" The strong man from the Sea Clan waved his hands repeatedly.

Deathstroke tilted his head, and the gunshot rang out again: "Bang! You actually lied to your face!?"

The Hai Clan didn't know where to put their hands: "That, it's not..."

"Bang! Are you coming again?" Deathstroke crossed his arms and tapped his feet quickly in the air, as if waiting for something.

"We're here to track that ship, a strange living ship that just passed here!"

The Sea Clan finally discovered that the other party only wanted to hear the mission from his mouth and did not want to hear any irrelevant words. If he said nonsense, he would lose a comrade.

I have to say that his brain was stronger than Namor, and he immediately told the mission that everyone was performing.

Sure enough, the tentacles behind the death knell put away their weapons.

"Tsk, is it still the same ship? What do you know about it?"

"It's made of metal, and it's still alive. It can change its shape, dive underwater, and it's very fast!" Hai Clan Zhuang Han answered quickly, and his English seemed to have become fluent.

Su Ming held his chin through the mask. Is there a boat that can travel both above and below the water? No wonder the boat disappeared from sight as soon as he took a bite of food.

But it has always exuded an attractive and strange aura. It is not a sneaky reconnaissance ship, but more like fishing bait...

What kind of fish are you fishing for? Who has the fishing rod?

This weird action pattern is neither Romulus nor Hydra style. Could it be the Hand?

But those ninjas are digging fossils all over the world every day, so they probably don’t have time to play with technology...

After thinking for a moment, Su Ming asked again: "Then how did it provoke Namor and let him bring out so many people to hunt down a ship?"

The underwater man raised his head, with an angry look on his face: "Because our king heard that it captured his friend, a land man, and he wanted to take his friend back, but now... .”

They wanted to save a land person, but they sacrificed the lives of so many sea people for the land person. Is it really worth it?

Su Ming frowned. Could it be that what Namor meant by saving the world was different from what these sea tribes understood as saving the world?

For example, I want to be quiet, but it turns out that Jingjing is a personal name.

Someone shouted: ‘It’s all the world’s fault’, and that ‘world’ is also a personal name.

In this case, does Namor's "saving the world" also apply?

That person is Namor's world...

Alas! I can't think of it, it's definitely not the case. This kind of overbearing president cannot appear in this world!

"The name of that mainlander." Su Ming felt so tired that he pressed his temples hard.

"I don't know his name." The other sea tribes have dived to find their king. Only the blue man is still floating on the water to answer the question: "Our Majesty didn't say his name, but I know your land People call him Captain America."


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