The Death Knell

Chapter 956 Inheritance

"Why me again?"

Monaco was wearing clothes with a painful look on his face. Next to him was the beauty he had hooked up with last night, who was looking at the people who appeared in the room with a horrified look on his face.

Tokyo time is 8 hours behind Paris time. It is 2 o'clock in the middle of the night in Tokyo, but here it is 6 o'clock in the afternoon of the previous day.

Paris dusk in winter has a special beauty. The Eiffel Tower not far away feels different from what it was when I first saw it. Against the golden sunset, it looks like the hands of a golden clock, while the city It faithfully records history like a dial.

This place is completely different from New York and Tokyo. As the capital, Paris has no skyscrapers. From the third floor of the apartment where Monaco is located, you can directly see the Champ de Mars.

Su Ming wore a black suit and opened the curtains to ventilate the room. The winter breeze gave Monaco goosebumps all over his body.

"When I encounter something and need a sorcerer's help, I think of you first."

"Please don't think of me like this in the future..." Monaco put on her clothes helplessly, reluctantly looked at the beautiful woman next to her, and cast out a hypnotic spell: "You won't see this situation now. Depends on the atmosphere?"

Su Ming looked at the snow and mist blown by the wind on the rooftops of the city. There was very little snow in Paris. Even in the depths of winter, there was only an occasional thin layer.

"If I wanted to use magic to bombard you, I would naturally not look for you. However, this time I also need to find something, which requires your divination witchcraft."

Monaque put on her clothes and trousers and looked at the sleeping beautiful French woman with some nostalgia: "I originally planned to live in Paris for a few years. Farewell, Elaine, farewell, France... .”

Su Ming turned around angrily and closed the window: "Don't make it feel like a separation between life and death. If everything goes well, the mission will be over in a few hours. Then you can come back to accompany your French beauty."

"This is love, you don't understand." The Magic Prince picked up the cane he was leaning on by the bed, stroking his beard in front of the mirror, spraying some perfume on the way, and smiling at himself in the mirror very coquettishly. .

Su Ming's eyes turned into dead fish shapes: "Love? Where is it? Are you talking about the smell of hormones and body fluids in this room? You just met and you fell in love to death. You are not even sure if she is a Hydra agent. "

"It's really disappointing. This is Paris, be more romantic, buddy." Monaco sighed and put away his magic beard: "Tell me, what's going on this time?"

"It is reality that keeps us alive, not romance. Speaking of which, a pair of romantic mandarin ducks were kidnapped by someone, and I have to get them back."

Su Ming walked out of the room. Although this house was not the best, it was located in the seventh district of Paris. Ordinary women could not afford a house here.

Also, although the Magic Prince is now slightly hairless, he is still majestic and talented. Rich ladies like this kind of prince-like dreamy feeling.

But ordinary people and sorcerers are destined to have no results. As long as Monaco doesn't commit suicide, he can live for at least hundreds of years. But what about this woman?

Maybe this is real love.

Monaco followed him out, leaving a rabbit as a souvenir for the woman. He closed the door carefully, opened the portal and returned to Karma Taj.

It was more comfortable to speak on his own turf, and Monaco was not actually carried away.

As a mage, the most important thing is to stay rational at all times.

"It's strange, this is not your style. What benefits can make you deign to go out to save people?" Monaque walked into the reception room with a smile, said hello to Hamil, and looked at Su Ming in a condescending manner. Laughing: "Is it your illegitimate son who was kidnapped?"

"It's Steve. When he and Peggy were traveling, they were kidnapped by a weird ship." Su Ming didn't pay attention to the magic prince's joke, and sat down on his own, taking Hamil and sending it to him. tea cup.

Monaco showed a look of understanding, and he also sat down: "Let me tell you, it turns out it's him, the poor kid who has been kept in the dark by you. It seems that guilt drove you this time."

"Haha." Su Mingpi smiled.

Monaco sighed deeply: "No, right? Your cousin is right, you are so dark. What did Master Ancient One see that made him choose to hand over the position of Supreme Mage to you? "

Su Ming shrugged, held up the teacup and made a soft sound, and nodded to Hamil: "The tea is brewing very well this time. Calculate the time, there will be new tea in a few months, inform Lao Zheng and ask him to help card the tea." Ma Taiji collects some, and we exchange them for herbs from the snowy mountains."

"As ordered." Hamil replied as always, but this time he did not leave to do things, but made a request to the Supreme Mage: "This time the master travels, I hope to take my son with him."

Su Ming's heart moved, are you here?

"Oh? I've only seen your son from a distance a few times."

"That's because you're almost never here at Kamal Taj." Hamill deadpanned, and that was the truth.

His son has been studying magic and martial arts with other teachers at Kama Taj and has never left here. Where will Su Ming meet?

Moreover, before Master Ancient One left, he once told the child something. As a member of the guardian clan, Hamil's son should of course follow the Supreme Mage after becoming a master.

"Okay, then the task of sitting in charge of Kama Taj will be left to you in the future. Keep an eye on Mordo and Casillas. They both have potential and don't let them go astray."

"Casillas is fine, but isn't Modu's path already crooked?" Hamill complained coldly again, making it difficult for Su Ming to answer.

So Su Ming looked at Monaco who was holding a teacup on the side: "Looking at the fuss, are you satisfied now?"

Monaco: “???”

what? What does Mordo's transformation into a leather-clad weirdo have to do with him? Has he become like that since he last went out with Deathstroke?

Hamill sent his son into the pit of fire again, is this okay?

Monaco had some kind of association in his mind, as if he saw the future Modu and Wong wearing black tight leather pants, shirtless, wrestling in a locker room... ...

He shook his head quickly to get this illusion out of his mind: "Hamil, I suggest you let your son hide as far away as possible, if you don't want him to become a weirdo."

Hamil pushed up the glasses on the bridge of his nose: "Even so, it is the fate of protecting the clan."

Su Ming thought for a while, and it was not impossible to bring Wang this time. He originally planned to go back to New York to find Holloway, but with Wang, he could be the doctor.

Needless to say, acupuncture and decoctions. Like Hamil, Wang, as a guardian clan, is the butler of the Supreme Mage, so they all know the weird dietary techniques passed down from their ancestors.

Eating tentacles, slugs, large flying insects, etc. from other dimensions...the past is hard to look back on.

This is why Su Ming didn't see Hamil when he came back. He was worried that something was wrong and he would be forced to eat those strange things.

But now if Steve is really unfortunate enough to be brainwashed, then these things should be more effective than Western medicine.

After all, although Holloway is a surgeon, he is not Harley. He cannot cure mental problems. Of course, Harley will only make people worse...

"Ask him to come. Let's set off right away. The last clue is in Tokyo, Japan. We have to hurry up." Su Ming straightened his clothes and put on a majestic posture.

After all, it was the first official meeting, so Wang had to be given some time to adapt to his own style, so that he could first feel that he was a regular mage.

Hamill watched Deathstroke act serious and curled his lips helplessly.

What is the current Supreme Mage like? He has actually told his son a long time ago that understanding the Supreme Mage is the duty of every generation to protect the clan.

It's too late to be serious now, but let him be like this. Hamill turned around and walked to the door:

"Come in!"

"Young people are the future of Kamal guy, who are you?!"

Su Ming originally looked at the position outside the door with a kind smile, but the person who appeared at the door almost made him choke on his saliva.

I saw a young man about fourteen or fifteen years old, with long hair and white clothes, walking in confidently.

He has a face like a crown jade, sword-shaped eyebrows and starry eyes, red lips and white teeth, and a heroic appearance.

But his expression was very solemn and solemn, which gave him an otherworldly aura.

Su Ming originally thought that the person who walked in would be a cook, but instead it was an idol trainee. Who could bear this?

Instead of being a strong man with a big head and thick neck, he should at least be a fat kid with a tough head and a big head, right? Why is the king of this world a handsome man?

"This is Quanzi, Wang Mir, the heir of our guardian clan." Hamil knew that Deathstroke's claim that he had met Wang before was nonsense, he was just too lazy to expose it.

Just complaining every day will be tiring.

"I have met the Supreme Mage." Wang bent down and saluted respectfully.

"No, are you sure he hasn't been transferred? Which hospital did your wife give birth to?" Su Ming stood up, walked around Wang twice, and whispered in Hamil's ear.

"There is nothing wrong with him being my son. We have special ritual inheritance." Hamil said lightly. The guardian clan also has its own secret method. This cannot be faked: "Don't we look alike?"

How should I put it, they are actually quite similar. Although Hamill is a little older, he is still handsome. There are similarities in facial features between him and Wang.

But why does Wang turn into a fat man when he meets Wizard Strange, regardless of comics or movies?

Time is really a butcher's knife...

"It's okay, I'll just ask." Su Ming coughed and turned to Wang: "Hello, Wang, I was supposed to take you to New York for a welcome party, but there are urgent matters now, so the welcome party will be postponed. , let’s set off now.”

"I obey the master's will." Wang straightened up, took out the hanging ring and put it on his hand, and prepared to open the portal with great discernment.

Compare it to Monaco, who is holding a tea cup and picking snacks from the lunch box... Sure enough, he is still better than a domestic mage!

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