The Death Knell

Chapter 961 Playing Basketball

The cry was so harsh and sharp that Strangler couldn't bear it and avoided it for a while. However, as the big red ball was pried off, the noise suddenly stopped.

The rustle of the waves, the shudder of the ship, the twisting and scraping of metal suddenly disappeared.

Monaco also saw that the various monsters in front of him began to melt like mud and flowed down from the gaps in the deck, and he breathed a sigh of relief.

He took out rabbits from his pocket, strangled them and threw them into the sea, crying silently.

Su Ming flew out of the dug well, still holding the big red ball in his hand. He patted it casually. It was really elastic and would give it to Wang later.

Monarch's three major hobbies are smoking, drinking, and trimming his beard. Wang himself can dance. Now he is learning to play basketball. After a few decades, he can find a place to learn RAP and make his debut.

"King! Where are you?! Get on the deck!" Su Ming shouted.

With a pop, the golden circle of light opened smoothly not far from Su Ming, and Wang fell out of it in a somewhat embarrassed state.

"Human Face Flower, so many Face Flowers! Master, my sense of smell is ruined, I will be a useless person in this life! Wuwuwu..." Wang fell into the arms of the death knell and cried sadly, He was even sadder than Monaco, who was still offsetting the price.

As the steward of the Supreme Mage, one of the important responsibilities of the guardian clan is to cook for the master. A chef without a sense of smell and taste is a waste!

Su Ming sighed. Maybe the king would be a qualified sorcerer in the future, but now he was just a child and he still couldn't bear it.

"Don't worry, we have a good harvest this time." Su Ming handed him the red 'basketball': "We will keep this energy core and send it back to Kama Taj to summon the great mages for a meeting to study. And this ship? , who of you will go to the imperial capital of the Celestial Dynasty? Tell Zheng Xian for me. I will take out the huge remains of the alien silicon-based life form and study them with the Divine Spear Bureau. But he needs to exchange some medicinal materials and martial arts books for Kama Taj, how about asking him to be responsible for healing your nose?"

Wang sniffed, and the two green dragons on his smiling face had crossed the river. He looked at the death knell with tears in his eyes, and said movedly: "Thank you, master, I will do it right away."

After saying that, he quickly opened the portal, got in and disappeared.

"Hey! Remember to practice dribbling when walking! Don't dribble like that guy in the future..." Su Ming shouted behind him, and he didn't know if Wang heard it.

A few minutes later, Monaco also recovered. Apart from being very depressed, he showed no sequelae.

Yes, he was the one who participated in the entire World War II with Steve, so the intensity of the battle was nothing to him.

"We have to prepare to leave as soon as possible. If such a big ship suddenly appears here, the Japanese government will notice us soon."

Monaco wiped his face and said, this is not unfounded worry, but a fact.

The sound of Deathstroke digging a hole was like slashing the earth with a sword, and he released so much magic, the light and shadow effects also exploded, and no one knew how many people nearby saw it.

If they were surrounded here, it would be easy for the two of them to escape, but it would not be easy for the ship to leave.

The solution he could think of was to go down to the sea, push the boat to the high seas, and then summon the magicians of Kama Taj to work together to create a giant portal and send the boat to an uninhabited place in the Himalayas.

I heard that it was alive, so the body should be refrigerated somewhere to keep it fresh, right? Just like fish.

However, Su Ming had a better way. He smiled and shook his finger at Monaco, took off the cloak behind him, and gave an order to the magic floating cloak:

"Turn it into the Stars and Stripes, make it bigger, and float it on my boat. Which kid dares to check it out?"

The magic floating cloak obediently turned into a huge Stars and Stripes, using the entire chimney as a flagpole, showing its identity in all directions.

"Okay, at least before the light changes at dawn, we still have some time to avoid getting involved. Now I plan to go to the bottom cabin to look for clues. Are you coming?"

If Steve and Paige were caught here, there would definitely be clues. They were not idiots, and Paige was a professional agent.

Of course, that is an ideal situation. If you find the two people's belongings and let Monaco activate the divination witchcraft, you can naturally find the two people.

If no clues are left, either the IQ of the man or woman in love is off the line, or there is more than one monster in the world, the problem will be complicated.

Monaco responded with action and followed Su Ming in stride.

He was originally here to save Steve, and they were teammates in the invasion team.

In fact, many times before, he wanted to tell Steve that Mr. Wilson, who you say is kind and kind, like a saint on earth, is actually a death knell who kills without blinking an eye and is full of evil...

But he held back. Deathstroke dared to let so many people who knew his identity stay with Captain America, so he must have prepared a backup plan.

Maybe it's a substitute, maybe it's a fake death. If he can keep it secret from Captain America for so many years, he will definitely be able to continue to deceive him.

Telling the truth is doomed to be futile.

However, Monaco at least has to take care of the poor child. Deathstroke likes Captain America very much. The reason is unknown, but things are definitely not simple.

So in the current situation, with the magic floating cloak used as a flag, Deathstroke no longer has the means to sense magic traces. He must follow. What if he has a chance to use it?

Walking along the deck to the back of the hull, the hatches that I passed were basically the same and could not be opened. I used the God Killer to open a few and took a look. They were also solid inside. They were just decorations and there was no passage.

After searching for a long time, there was only one way, and after walking down it, it was still a small maze.

"It's quite interesting. The ladder that imitates a warship is really similar. Note that if it is manipulated by someone, then the force behind the scenes must have a warship as a template."

As Su Ming walked, he kept tapping on the walls and the ground, as if to check the secret door.

"You have such a good mind, why are you telling me this?" Monaco also used magic to detect the surroundings, but it can be said that everything here has nothing to do with magic.

"If it's the worst case scenario and there are many such monsters active on the earth at the same time, then we need to split up." Su Ming explained seriously, because this is not impossible: "When the time comes, Wang and I will You go to Harold for help, his flames are quite powerful."

"Are you sure Steve and Agent Carter are not on board?" Monaco had no objection, but was it too early to say this?

Su Ming shrugged: "The best case scenario is that they were 'once' on the ship and left clues for you to use divination magic. But they are definitely gone now. Do you still remember what monster those ship cells embodied? Apart from Hydra activities, what Steve is worried about is something going wrong with Bucky, while Paige is worried about something happening to Captain America..."

"I see."

Monaco nodded and wiped his mustache vigorously.

The fact that these things are not shown means that Steve and Paige are not on the ship. Otherwise, what we saw before was not the giant rabbit with bleeding from its orifices, but Captain America with bleeding from its orifices.

However, Deathstroke was not serious for a few seconds, and suddenly changed the topic. In the darkness, his red one-eyed goggles turned around: "You said before that you prepared anti-Deadpool magic. Can you explain it to me in detail?"

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