The Death Knell

Chapter 965 The Ghost of the Empire

Several people in the Super Axis knew that there was no place for them to intervene here. Both Dozun and War Girl were pure warriors and were not good at interpersonal communication and political activities.

And the Axis Agents are spies, Lord Bloody is a vampire, Braille is an alien, and Lady Lotus is Japanese.

Their status within the empire has never been comparable to that of Hydra leaders like Zemo, let alone the short man in front of them.

Now that the two bosses are talking, they can only watch around.

In fact, this is the inside of the base, what should we be wary of? But if you don't put on a vigilant look, wouldn't it look like you are too idle?

Mustache didn't pay attention to those people. He generously let Zemo watch Captain America through the screen, and then said:

"One of my men just happened to catch Captain America and his woman."

"Under your leadership, I'm not surprised to capture Captain America." Zemo immediately came back to his senses and smiled.

The head of state was noncommittal and nodded reservedly: "Originally, a super soldier still has some use, but in order to make my beloved general happy when he returns, I will leave his disposal to you now."

"You are so generous, my head of state." Zemo immediately bowed his head in thanks.

"The current location of these two people is three thousand meters underwater. Do you see this red button? As long as you press it, the bubbles protecting them will disappear, and these two people will become a pool of seabed under the huge water pressure. silt"

As he spoke, the head of state opened a glass cover on the console, revealing the red button below, and motioned for Zemo to come over and play with it.

Zemo actually doesn't want to kill Captain America at all, because he knows who his real enemy is.

Old Zemo and Captain America had a disfigurement feud, but the real cause of his death was the self-destruction dummy of the Red Skull. It was just an inducement for them to go to deal with Captain America together.

Red Skull later tried to deceive Zemo, but Zemo saw it through. After investigation, he finally saw the truth.

But in order to hide it from everyone else, Zemo had to pretend to have a deep hatred for Captain America in order to paralyze the Red Skull.

He couldn't relax for a day without the definite news of Red Skull's death.

In fact, Ozawa hopes that both Captain America and the Red Skull will be defeated and all will be finished. Instead of being turned into a mass of blood here, in the deep sea that no one knows about.

So Zemo rolled his eyes and immediately declined respectfully: "Since Captain America is useful to your plan, how can I ignore the great cause of the empire because of my own personal hatred? Please allow me to refuse your kindness."

"Oh? Really? Don't you want the army to capture him and put him in the arena with the Red Skull to watch them bite each other like wild beasts?"

The head of state's eyes became sharp, piercing Zemo's heart like a sharp sword, and spoke out his thoughts completely.

"This..." Zemo was a little panicked, but he still forced himself to calm down. If the current head of state can see through other people's hearts, then denying it is useless: "The head of state is wise."

"Don't be nervous, Little Zemo. Schmidt also betrayed me, just like he betrayed your father. He has no honor or faith as a soldier. He just wants to replace me, but he has no intention of giving everything for his faith." determination."

The head of state waved his hand and signaled the scientists to continue monitoring Captain America. He took Zemo and others forward and started touring the underground research institute as if they were strolling.

He used to be a well-known workaholic and would never take anyone for a walk or chat in a garden or the like, but perhaps after taking a walk in front of death, his style changed a bit.

"So what is your plan...?" Zemo asked tentatively.

The purple robe of the mustache is very simple, and he walks very fast, bringing gusts of wind: "Now there is no staff and Juncker officer corps to dictate. I have been developing in my own way for the past ten years, and now we can already Strategically, we are on par with the enemy, so what I need is someone who is good at special operations."

"You mean...we have nuclear weapons?" Zemo felt a little excited. After seeing two big bombs exploded in Japan, Zemo became a little despairing about the strength comparison between the enemy and ourselves.

In previous wars, the emphasis was on strategy, intelligence and military strength. Soldiers' equipment and morale were also key. During World War II, logistics support was elevated to the same status.

But once the atomic bomb came out, all these previous things were overturned.

No matter how elite your soldiers are or how sophisticated your strategy is, if the enemy's missile comes over and all your people are reduced to ashes, there is really no way to fight.

So what Zemo has been studying in these years is the theory of terror, that is, how to launch attacks within the enemy's country and use the enemy's civilians as human shields to avoid being wiped out by nuclear bombs.

But now, it would be great if the head of state had a nuclear bomb in his hand.

Zemo is much happier now than when he saw Captain America. As long as he behaves well, the head of state will definitely not mind giving him a few bombs to use if he is so generous.

The head of state waved his hand casually, took Zemo's hand affectionately and continued to show him around: "Nuclear weapons are nothing. Not only do I have them, there are also better ones than atomic bombs..."

Indeed, as the head of state said, Zemo saw too many secret weapons next. The doomsday weapons plan was still being carried out in an orderly manner by the head of state, and it did not stop because of Germany's defeat.

Some of them he had heard of before, and some simply looked like they were products of the earth just by their appearance. But Zemo was not a scientist, he was only interested in the effects of weapons.

I don’t care about any theories or principles.

The entire research base is built around an underground lake. Walking down a circular corridor, the head of state is still in high spirits and walking as fast as flying.

"What do you think? Little Zemo, are you confident that you can defeat the Yankees now?" the head of state patted his shoulder with concern and asked kindly.

"Yes, my head of state!" Zemo clicked his heels and stood up.

No one knew what the expressions of the two men wearing purple hoods were at this time.

The head of state paused and turned around: "Actually, there is still a leader of Hydra who happens to be here right now. Zemo can go and talk to him about old times."

Zemo didn't want to see anyone else at all now, which meant that the head of state had other choices, but this was actually an order, not a suggestion.

"Who is it?"

The head of state walked to the elevator, turned around and replied: "It's Dr. Faustus. As the best spy master in Germany, you should listen to his achievements over the years. I believe your head of state, you will be surprised."

The elevator door closed with a slight friction sound, and Zemo stood there under the light, silent for a long time.

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